العدسات 8 × 10 التي أوصي بها أكثر The 8×10 Lenses I Recommend the Most

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  • #16
    Best 240-270mm lenses
    Docter Germinar-W 240mm f/9
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 336mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 1
    Filter Thread Size 49mm filters
    Weight 229 g (0.50 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1000-2000
    Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Circle of illumination upon stopping down is about 400mm. Various similarly-named lenses won’t cover 8×10 – make sure you get the right one. Symmetrical design but still excellent at infinity.
    Rodenstock APO Sironar-S 240mm f/5.6
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 372mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 3
    Filter Thread Size 86mm
    Weight 980 g (2.16 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $1700-2300 on eBay
    Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-SE 240mm f/5.6.
    Fujinon A 240mm f/9
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 336mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 0
    Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
    Weight 225 g (0.50 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $500-800 on eBay
    Additional Notes Optically excellent. Get the version with lettering on the outside of the barrel for multicoating. Symmetrical design but still excellent at infinity. One of the only Copal 0 lenses that covers 8×10.
    Schneider APO-Symmar 240mm f/5.6
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 352mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 3
    Filter Thread Size 77mm filters
    Weight 820 g (1.81 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $500-600 on eBay
    Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S.
    Rodenstock APO Sironar-N 240mm f/5.6
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 350mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 3
    Filter Thread Size 77mm filters
    Weight 780 g (1.72 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $300-500 on eBay
    Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. A less expensive version of the APO Sironar-S with a hair more chromatic aberration and slightly lower peripheral sharpness. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-S 240mm f/5.6. The older, non-APO-labeled version will sell for less (sometimes labeled Caltar II-N) and is similar optically. Oldest, single-coated version sells for much less.
    Schneider G-Claron 240mm f/9
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 298mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 1
    Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
    Weight 330 g (0.73 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $300-400 on eBay
    Additional Notes Optically good. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is about 400mm. Single coated. Older versions of this lens may be Dagor-type with even more coverage. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus.
    Fujinon W 250mm f/6.7
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 398mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 1
    Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
    Weight 500 g (1.10 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $250-350 on eBay
    Additional Notes Optically good. Single coated. Not to be confused with the f/6.3 version that barely covers 8×10. Also sold in Seiko shutter (which I don’t like as much as Copal shutters) with “WS” in name for a little less.
    Schneider G-Claron 270mm f/9
    Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 335mm circle
    Shutter Type Copal 1
    Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
    Weight 375 g (0.83 lbs)
    Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $400-700 on eBay
    Additional Notes Optically good. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is about 450mm. Single coated. Older versions of this lens may be Dagor-type with even more coverage. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus.


    • #17

      هناك الكثير من الخيارات الرائعة من 240 مم إلى 270 مم. يمكنك أن تصبح خفيفًا جدًا مع العديد من هذه العدسات، أو الحصول على فتحة قصوى ساطعة مع بعض خيارات f/5.6. ما يلفت انتباهي حقًا هو Fujinon W 250mm f/6.7 - فهي خفيفة نسبيًا ولها فتحة قصوى رائعة تبلغ f/6.7، بينما توفر مساحة واسعة للحركات. إنها عدسة قديمة بعض الشيء وهي ذات طبقة واحدة وليست متعددة الطبقات، ولكن هذه مقايضة جيدة، خاصة بالنظر إلى السعر.

      إن أبرز الميزات البصرية - الحديثة، والمتعددة الطبقات، وذات دائرة صورة كبيرة - هي Docter Germinar-W 240mm f/9 (على الرغم من صعوبة العثور عليها) وRodenstock APO Sironar-S (على الرغم من أنها كبيرة وثقيلة جدًا). تستحق عدسة Fujinon 240mm f/9 أيضًا الإشارة إلى سهولة حملها وبصرياتها، لكن ضع في اعتبارك أنها لا تقدم الكثير من الحركات.

      بالمناسبة، عندما أذكر في الجدول أن العدسة مُحسّنة للتركيز البؤري القريب، فهذه سمة متأصلة في التصميمات المتماثلة أو شبه المتماثلة. وهذا لا يعني أن العدسة سيئة عند التصوير اللانهائي، وخاصة عند التوقف، يمكن أن تكون ممتازة عند التركيز على مسافة. ومع ذلك، مع هذه العدسات ذات التكبير 1:1، سيتم التخلص تمامًا من العديد من انحرافات العدسة

      There are lots of great choices at 240mm through 270mm. You can go ultralight with many of these lenses, or get a bright maximum aperture with some f/5.6 options. One that really catches my eye is the Fujinon W 250mm f/6.7 – it’s relatively light and has a nice maximum aperture of f/6.7, while offering extensive room for movements. It’s a bit of an older lens and is single-coated rather than multi-coated, but that’s a good tradeoff, especially considering the price.

      The optical standouts – modern, multicoated, and with a large image circle – are the Docter Germinar-W 240mm f/9 (though it’s very hard to find) and the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S (though it’s pretty big and heavy). The Fujinon 240mm f/9 also deserves a mention for its portability and optics, but keep in mind that it doesn’t offer much in the way of movements.

      By the way, when I mention in the table that a lens is optimized for close focus, that’s an inherent characteristic of symmetrical or near-symmetrical designs. It doesn’t mean the lens is bad at infinity, and especially upon stopping down, it can be excellent when focused at a distance. However, with such lenses at 1:1 magnification, many lens aberrations will be completely eliminated


      • #18
        حوالي 300 مم، يمكنك العثور على عدد كبير من العدسات مقاس 8 × 10 التي من شأنها أن تلبي أي احتياجاتك. تعتبر عدسات سلسلة Rodenstock Sironar-S وSchneider APO-Symmar على نطاق واسع من أكثر العدسات كبيرة الحجم وضوحًا على الإطلاق، كما أن Nikkor W هو منافس قريب جدًا يتم بيعه مقابل جزء صغير من السعر. وفي الوقت نفسه، إذا كنت بحاجة إلى شيء أصغر، فإن Fujinon A 300mm f/9 أو Fujinon C 300mm f/8.5 هي خيارات رائعة. وفقًا للميزانية، سأحصل على Nikkor W إذا كنت لا تمانع في الوزن، أو Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 إذا كنت تفعل ذلك (ليست عدسة متعددة الطبقات، ولكنها حادة جدًا وبها مساحة كبيرة للحركات).

        أحب استخدام عدسة G-Claron 305mm f/9 لالتقاط صور قريبة، وفي هذه المرحلة تعد واحدة من أفضل العدسات المصححة عند هذا البعد البؤري. تم تحسين معظم الكاميرات الأخرى (باستثناء Fujinon A 300mm f/9) للأهداف البعيدة، بشكل عام في أي مكان بدءًا من التكبير حوالي 1:10 إلى التركيز اللانهائي.

        Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 مع فيلم 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50

        Around 300mm, you can find a ton of lenses for 8×10 that should meet any needs you have. The Rodenstock Sironar-S and Schneider APO-Symmar series lenses are widely considered some of the sharpest large format lenses ever made, and the Nikkor W is a very close competitor that sells for a fraction of the price. Meanwhile, if you need something smaller, the Fujinon A 300mm f/9 or Fujinon C 300mm f/8.5 are great choices. On a budget, I would get the Nikkor W if you don’t mind the weight, or the Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 if you do (not a multicoated lens, but pretty sharp and with tons of room for movements).

        I like using my G-Claron 305mm f/9 for close-up photos, at which point it’s one of the best-corrected lenses at this focal length. Most of the others (apart from the Fujinon A 300mm f/9) are optimized for distant subjects, generally anywhere from about 1:10 magnification to infinity focus.
        Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 with 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50 Film


        • #19
          Best 355-360mm lenses
          Schneider G-Claron 355mm f/9
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 444mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 3
          Filter Thread Size 77mm filters
          Weight 855 g (1.88 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1000 on eBay
          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is massive, approximately 600mm. Older versions differ – some are Dagor types and Plasmat types with varying coverage. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus. Single coated.
          Fujinon A 360mm f/10
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 500mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 1
          Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
          Weight 465 g (1.03 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices range greatly from $2500-5000
          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Get the version with lettering on the outside of the barrel for multicoating. Symmetrical design but still excellent at infinity.
          Schneider Tele-Xenar 350mm f/11
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 350mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 1
          Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
          Weight 400 g (0.88 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1800-2000
          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. One of the newest large format lenses made (released in 2009).
          Rodenstock APO Sironar-S 360mm f/6.8
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 468mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 3
          Filter Thread Size 112mm filters
          Weight 1560 g (3.44 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $3000-4000
          Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-SE 360mm f/6.8.
          Schneider APO-Symmar 360mm f/6.8
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 491mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 3
          Filter Thread Size 112mm filters
          Weight 1410 g (3.11 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1200 on eBay
          Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S above.
          Nikkor W 360mm f/6.5
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 494mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 3
          Filter Thread Size 95mm filters
          Weight 1420 g (3.13 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $900-1200 on eBay
          Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the two lenses above.
          Rodenstock APO Sironar-N 360mm f/6.8
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 435mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 3
          Filter Thread Size 105mm filters
          Weight 1560 g (3.44 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1500-2000
          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. A less expensive version of the APO Sironar-S with a hair more chromatic aberration (and slightly lower peripheral sharpness, but the image circle is large enough to likely make that irrelevant). Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-S 360mm f/6.8. The older, non-APO-labeled version will sell for less (sometimes labeled Caltar II-N) and is similar optically. Oldest, single-coated version sells for much less.
          Fujinon CM-W 360mm f/6.5
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 485mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 3
          Filter Thread Size 86mm filters
          Weight 1175 g (2.59 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $1000-1500 on eBay
          Additional Notes Optically excellent. Also consider the comparable Fujinon W 360mm f/6.5 if it’s one of the later models (multicoated) with lettering on the outside of the barrel; it sells for much less.
          Graphic Kowa 360mm f/9
          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 523mm circle
          Shutter Type Copal 3S
          Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
          Weight 665 g (1.47 lbs)
          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1500 on eBay
          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus. Single coated.


          • #20

            لديك العديد من العدسات للاختيار من بينها في نطاق الطول البؤري 355-360 مم لـ 8 × 10، لكنها جميعها غير ملائمة بعض الشيء. الخياران الوحيدان خفيفا الوزن هما Fujinon A 360mm f/10 وSchneider Tele-Xenar 350mm f/10 - كلتا العدستين الباهظتين، خاصة Fuji، ولا تتمتع عدسة Schneider حقًا بقدر الحركات التي أفضلها 8 × 10.

            كما هو الحال مع 300 مم، تعتبر عدسات سلسلة Rodenstock APO Sironar-S وScheinder APO-Symmar هنا من أفضل العدسات ذات الأداء البصري على الإطلاق، وأسعار Schneider منخفضة جدًا هذه الأيام. لكن السؤال هو إذا كنت تريد حمل شيء ثقيل إلى هذا الحد.

            إذا كنت تريد حلاً وسطًا جيدًا، فقد تكون عدسة Graphic Kowa 360mm f/9 هي أفضل رهان لك. إنها عدسة متناظرة ذات طبقة واحدة تزن أقل من معظم الخيارات الأخرى هنا. إنه ذو حجم خيط مرشح معقول وهو لطيف وحاد عند التوقف، على الرغم من أنه أقل قليلاً على النقيض من بعض الخيارات الأخرى.

            ويجب أن أذكر أيضًا أن هناك العديد من العدسات الأقدم مقاس 355 مم (غالبًا ما يطلق عليها عدسات مقاس 14 بوصة) والتي قد تتمكن من العثور عليها في الغالق. يمكن أن تكون هذه خيارات رائعة، لكن معظمها يعاني من نفس المشكلات المتعلقة بالوزن المرتفع والسعر. هناك خياران بارزان هما Goerz Red Dot Artar مقاس 14 بوصة وKodak Commercial Ektar مقاس 14 بوصة، وكلاهما مشهوران بالتصوير الفوتوغرافي للصور الشخصية، على الرغم من أن Goerz لا يحتوي على مساحة كبيرة للحركات عند التركيز البؤري اللامتناهي.

            لست متأكدًا من سبب احتواء النطاق 355-360 مم على مثل هذه الخيارات غير الملائمة للعدسات مقاس 8 × 10 مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أنها قريبة جدًا من البعد البؤري "العادي". ولكن في بعض الأحيان هذا هو ما يحدث في التصوير الفوتوغرافي ذو التنسيق الكبير. ربما يكون من الأفضل استخدام عدسة مقاس 300 مم و450 مم بدلاً من ذلك، إلا إذا كانت لديك ميزانية لشراء Fujinon A 360 مم f/10 أو لا تمانع في حمل شيء ثقيل جدًا.

            Fujinon A 360 مم f/10 مع 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50

            You have several lenses to choose from in the 355-360mm focal length range for 8×10, but they’re all a little awkward. The only two lightweight choices are the Fujinon A 360mm f/10 and the Schneider Tele-Xenar 350mm f/10 – both expensive lenses, especially the Fuji, and the Schneider doesn’t really have the amount of movements that I’d prefer on 8×10.

            As with 300mm, the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S and Scheinder APO-Symmar series lenses here are considered some of the best optical performers ever made, and the prices of the Schneider are criminally low these days. But the question is if you want to carry something that heavy.

            If you want a good compromise, the Graphic Kowa 360mm f/9 may be your best bet. It’s a single-coated, symmetrical lens that weighs less than most of the other choices here. It has a reasonable filter thread size and is nice and sharp when you stop down, though a little lower in contrast than some of the other options.

            Also, I should mention that there are many older 355mm lenses (often termed 14” lenses) that you may be able to find in a shutter. These can be great choices, but most of them suffer from the same issues of high weight and price. Two notable options are the 14” Goerz Red Dot Artar and 14” Kodak Commercial Ektar, both of which are popular for portrait photography, although the Goerz doesn’t have much room for movements at infinity focus.

            I’m not sure why the 355-360mm range has such awkward options for 8×10 lenses considering that it’s so close to the “normal” focal length. But sometimes that’s how large format photography goes. It’s probably best to stick with a 300mm and a 450mm lens instead, unless you have the budget for the Fujinon A 360mm f/10 or don’t mind carrying something quite heavy.
            Fujinon A 360mm f/10 with 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50


            • #21
              Best 420-480mm lenses
              Fujinon L 420mm f/8
              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 480mm circle
              Shutter Type Copal 3
              Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
              Weight 975 g (2.15 lbs)
              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $850-1200 on eBay
              Additional Notes Optically good. A popular budget portrait lens. Single coated.
              Fujinon C 450mm f/12.5
              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 486mm circle
              Shutter Type Copal 1
              Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
              Weight 270 g (0.60 lbs)
              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $1700-2500 on eBay
              Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. In practice, brighter on the ground glass than you might expect.
              Nikkor M 450mm f/9
              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 440mm circle
              Shutter Type Copal 3
              Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
              Weight 640 g (1.41 lbs)
              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1200 on eBay
              Additional Notes Optically excellent. Has a secretly huge circle of illumination of about 900mm; popular even on 20×24 cameras!
              Nikkor Q 450mm f/9
              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 440mm circle
              Shutter Type Copal 3
              Filter Thread Size 62mm filters
              Weight 605 g (1.33 lbs)
              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $700-800 on eBay
              Additional Notes Optically good. Same optical design as the lens above, but with single coating and a smaller filter thread size. However, the huge coverage means it’s somewhat susceptible to a loss of contrast from flare and internal reflections.
              Fujinon CM-W 450mm f/8
              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 520mm circle
              Shutter Type Copal 3
              Filter Thread Size 86mm filters
              Weight 1140 g (2.51 lbs)
              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $3000-3500 on eBay
              Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Too heavy to make much sense, especially given the Fujinon C and Nikkor M lenses above.
              Schneider APO-Symmar 480mm f/8.4
              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 500mm circle
              Shutter Type Copal 3
              Filter Thread Size 105mm filters
              Weight 1680 g (3.70 lbs)
              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $3000-3500 on eBay
              Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Too heavy to make much sense, especially given the Fujinon C and Nikkor M lenses above. (Same for the newer APO-Symmar L version.)
              Rodenstock APO Sironar-N 480mm f/8.4
              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 500mm circle
              Shutter Type Copal 3
              Filter Thread Size 112mm filters
              Weight 2299 g (5.07 lbs)
              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $2000-3000
              Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Too heavy to make much sense, especially given the Fujinon C and Nikkor M lenses above.

              على الرغم من أن الخيارات تتضاءل في هذه المرحلة، إلا أن النطاق 420-480 ملم لا يزال لديه بعض الخيارات الجيدة لـ 8 × 10. إن Fujinon C 450mm f/12.5 وNikkor M 450mm f/9 هما جوهرتان مطلقتان. حتى أنني أشهد على استخدام Nikkor Q من خلال تجربتي الخاصة - فهي عرضة للتوهج قليلاً، وقد قمت مؤخرًا بالتبديل إلى M، لكن العدسة مقاس 450 مم Q لا تزال واحدة من أكثر العدسات حدة التي استخدمتها على الإطلاق.

              أما بالنسبة للخيارات الأخرى، فلن أشتري العدسات الأثقل في هذه القائمة بغض النظر عن السعر. إن Fujinon 450mm f/12.5 وNikkor M 450mm f/9 جيدان جدًا بحيث لا يمكن الحصول على أي شيء آخر. وفي الوقت نفسه، تحظى بعض العدسات الأقدم مقاس 420 مم (أو العدسات مقاس 19 بوصة) بشعبية كبيرة في تصوير الأشخاص، بما في ذلك عدسة Fujinon L المذكورة أعلاه.

              Although the options are slimming at this point, the 420-480mm range still has some good choices for 8×10. The Fujinon C 450mm f/12.5 and Nikkor M 450mm f/9 are two absolute gems. I’d even vouch for the Nikkor Q from my own experience – it’s a little prone to flare, and I did recently switch to the M, but the 450mm Q is still one of the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used.

              As for other options, I wouldn’t buy the heavier lenses in this list regardless of price. The Fujinon 450mm f/12.5 and Nikkor M 450mm f/9 are just too good to get anything else. Meanwhile, some older 420mm lenses (or 19″ lenses) are popular for portraiture, including the Fujinon L lens listed above.
              Nikkor Q 450mm f/9 with 8×10 Ilford HP5+ 400 Film


              • #22

                Best 600mm lenses
                Fujinon C 600mm f/11.5
                Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 620mm circle
                Shutter Type Copal 3
                Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
                Weight 575 g
                Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $3500-4500 on eBay
                Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Has unusually large coverage, with a circle of illumination of about 850mm – even used by some 20×24 photographers.
                Schneider APO Tele-Xenar 600mm f/9
                Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 400mm circle
                Shutter Type Copal 3
                Filter Thread Size 105mm filters
                Weight 600mm rear element: 465 g (1.03 lbs)

                Full 600mm lens: 1940 g (4.28 lbs)
                Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $5000-8000
                Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. A convertible lens that can be used with a 600mm or 800mm rear element. With its telephoto design, it only requires about 461mm of bellows extension for infinity focus, potentially allowing sharper photos than a non-telephoto design (especially in windy conditions).
                Nikkor T 600mm f/9
                Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 310mm circle
                Shutter Type Copal 3
                Filter Thread Size 95mm filters
                Weight 600mm rear element: 420 g (0.93 lbs)

                Full 600mm lens: 1650 g (3.64 lbs)
                Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1200 on eBay (rear element alone is about $700)
                Additional Notes Optically good. A convertible lens that can be used with a 600mm, 800mm, or 1200mm rear element. With its telephoto design, it only requires about 409mm of bellows extension for infinity focus, potentially allowing sharper photos than a non-telephoto design (especially in windy conditions). The optical flaw is that it leaves no room for movements on 8×10.
                Goerz Red Dot Artar 24″ f/11
                Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 518mm circle
                Shutter Type No shutter; can be machined into Copal #3 or Ilex #5
                Filter Thread Size No filters; custom adapter needed
                Weight About 1150 g (2.54 lbs) in brass barrel
                Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $1000-1500 on eBay (in shutter)
                Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. True circle of illumination is enough for 16×20 film at narrow apertures (at least 650mm). A barrel lens that can be machined into a Copal #3 or Ilex #5 shutter. I prefer the Copal #3 shutter because it can stop down further. Exact weight depends on whether it’s in an aluminum or brass barrel (and what type of shutter, if any). Symmetrical design but quite sharp at infinity when stopped down to typical shooting apertures. Single coated.
                على الرغم من وجود بعض الخيارات الجيدة عند 600 ملم، إلا أن كل خيار لا يزال به تنازلات كبيرة. الخيار الأكثر طبيعية هنا هو Fujinon C 600mm f/11.5، لكنني لست الوحيد الذي يعتقد ذلك - فقد أدت شعبية هذه العدسة إلى بعض الأسعار غير المعقولة، خاصة في السنوات الأخيرة.

                تعد عدسات Nikkor T مقاس 600 مم f/9 وSchneider APO Tele-Xenar مقاس 600 مم f/9 من العدسات المقربة التي لا تتطلب قدرًا كبيرًا من تمديد المنفاخ - وهي ميزة رائعة حقًا - ولكنهما عدستان ثقيلتان للغاية، ولا يحتوي Nikkor على مجال للحركات على 8×10. وفي الوقت نفسه، فإن وزن وسعر وندرة عدسة Schneider APO Tele-Xenar 600mm f/9 تجعل عملية بيعها صعبة للغاية.

                وهذا يترك عدسة Goerz Red Dot Artar 24″ f/11، وهي عدسة أسطوانية ذات طبقة واحدة، وإن كانت جيدة جدًا. (لدي الإصدار الأطول مقاس 30 بوصة للتنسيق الكبير جدًا وأجده حادًا جدًا.) أوصي بالبحث عن نسخة من العدسة التي تم تشكيلها آليًا في مصراع Copal #3 وتحتوي على محول خيط المرشح. يمكنك أن تدفع لميكانيكي مثل SK Grimes لتصنيعها بهذه الطريقة نيابةً عنك، لكن السعر لن يكون منخفضًا، خاصة وأنك ستحتاج إلى شراء Copal #3 منفصل.

                إذا كنت تريد شيئًا أسهل على محفظتك، فأنا أفكر بالفعل في الانتقال إلى عدسة Nikkor T مقاس 720 مم وبفتحة f/16 في القسم التالي.

                Even though there are some good options at 600mm, each one still has major compromises. The most natural choice here is the Fujinon C 600mm f/11.5, but I’m not the only one who thinks that – the popularity of this lens has led to some unreasonable prices, especially in recent years.

                The Nikkor T 600mm f/9 and Schneider APO Tele-Xenar 600mm f/9 are telephoto lenses which don’t require quite as much bellows extension – a really nice benefit – but they’re both very heavy lenses, and the Nikkor has no room for movements on 8×10. Meanwhile, the weight, price, and rarity of the Schneider APO Tele-Xenar 600mm f/9 make it a really tough sell.

                That leaves the Goerz Red Dot Artar 24″ f/11, a single-coated barrel lens, albeit a very good one. (I have the longer 30″ version for ultra-large format and find it to be quite sharp.) I recommend searching for a version of the lens that has been machined into a Copal #3 shutter and has a filter thread adapter. You could pay a mechanic like SK Grimes to machine it this way for you, but the price won’t be low, especially since you’d need to buy a separate Copal #3.

                If you want something easier on your wallet, I’d actually consider jumping to the Nikkor T 720mm f/16 lens in the next section.
                Fujinon C 600mm f/11.5 with 8×10 Ilford HP5+ Film


                • #23
                  Best 240-270mm lenses
                  Docter Germinar-W 240mm f/9
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 336mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 1
                  Filter Thread Size 49mm filters
                  Weight 229 g (0.50 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1000-2000
                  Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Circle of illumination upon stopping down is about 400mm. Various similarly-named lenses won’t cover 8×10 – make sure you get the right one. Symmetrical design but still excellent at infinity.
                  Rodenstock APO Sironar-S 240mm f/5.6
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 372mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 3
                  Filter Thread Size 86mm
                  Weight 980 g (2.16 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $1700-2300 on eBay
                  Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-SE 240mm f/5.6.
                  Fujinon A 240mm f/9
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 336mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 0
                  Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
                  Weight 225 g (0.50 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $500-800 on eBay
                  Additional Notes Optically excellent. Get the version with lettering on the outside of the barrel for multicoating. Symmetrical design but still excellent at infinity. One of the only Copal 0 lenses that covers 8×10.
                  Schneider APO-Symmar 240mm f/5.6
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 352mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 3
                  Filter Thread Size 77mm filters
                  Weight 820 g (1.81 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $500-600 on eBay
                  Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S.
                  Rodenstock APO Sironar-N 240mm f/5.6
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 350mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 3
                  Filter Thread Size 77mm filters
                  Weight 780 g (1.72 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $300-500 on eBay
                  Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. A less expensive version of the APO Sironar-S with a hair more chromatic aberration and slightly lower peripheral sharpness. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-S 240mm f/5.6. The older, non-APO-labeled version will sell for less (sometimes labeled Caltar II-N) and is similar optically. Oldest, single-coated version sells for much less.
                  Schneider G-Claron 240mm f/9
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 298mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 1
                  Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
                  Weight 330 g (0.73 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $300-400 on eBay
                  Additional Notes Optically good. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is about 400mm. Single coated. Older versions of this lens may be Dagor-type with even more coverage. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus.
                  Fujinon W 250mm f/6.7
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 398mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 1
                  Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
                  Weight 500 g (1.10 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $250-350 on eBay
                  Additional Notes Optically good. Single coated. Not to be confused with the f/6.3 version that barely covers 8×10. Also sold in Seiko shutter (which I don’t like as much as Copal shutters) with “WS” in name for a little less.
                  Schneider G-Claron 270mm f/9
                  Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 335mm circle
                  Shutter Type Copal 1
                  Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
                  Weight 375 g (0.83 lbs)
                  Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $400-700 on eBay
                  Additional Notes Optically good. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is about 450mm. Single coated. Older versions of this lens may be Dagor-type with even more coverage. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus.


                  • #24

                    هناك الكثير من الخيارات الرائعة من 240 مم إلى 270 مم. يمكنك أن تصبح خفيفًا جدًا مع العديد من هذه العدسات، أو الحصول على فتحة قصوى ساطعة مع بعض خيارات f/5.6. ما يلفت انتباهي حقًا هو Fujinon W 250mm f/6.7 - فهي خفيفة نسبيًا ولها فتحة قصوى رائعة تبلغ f/6.7، بينما توفر مساحة واسعة للحركات. إنها عدسة قديمة بعض الشيء وهي ذات طبقة واحدة وليست متعددة الطبقات، ولكن هذه مقايضة جيدة، خاصة بالنظر إلى السعر.

                    إن أبرز الميزات البصرية - الحديثة، والمتعددة الطبقات، وذات دائرة صورة كبيرة - هي Docter Germinar-W 240mm f/9 (على الرغم من صعوبة العثور عليها) وRodenstock APO Sironar-S (على الرغم من أنها كبيرة وثقيلة جدًا). تستحق عدسة Fujinon 240mm f/9 أيضًا الإشارة إلى سهولة حملها وبصرياتها، لكن ضع في اعتبارك أنها لا تقدم الكثير من الحركات.

                    بالمناسبة، عندما أذكر في الجدول أن العدسة مُحسّنة للتركيز البؤري القريب، فهذه سمة متأصلة في التصميمات المتماثلة أو شبه المتماثلة. وهذا لا يعني أن العدسة سيئة عند التصوير اللانهائي، وخاصة عند التوقف، يمكن أن تكون ممتازة عند التركيز على مسافة. ومع ذلك، مع هذه العدسات ذات التكبير 1:1، سيتم التخلص تمامًا من العديد من انحرافات العدسة.

                    There are lots of great choices at 240mm through 270mm. You can go ultralight with many of these lenses, or get a bright maximum aperture with some f/5.6 options. One that really catches my eye is the Fujinon W 250mm f/6.7 – it’s relatively light and has a nice maximum aperture of f/6.7, while offering extensive room for movements. It’s a bit of an older lens and is single-coated rather than multi-coated, but that’s a good tradeoff, especially considering the price.

                    The optical standouts – modern, multicoated, and with a large image circle – are the Docter Germinar-W 240mm f/9 (though it’s very hard to find) and the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S (though it’s pretty big and heavy). The Fujinon 240mm f/9 also deserves a mention for its portability and optics, but keep in mind that it doesn’t offer much in the way of movements.

                    By the way, when I mention in the table that a lens is optimized for close focus, that’s an inherent characteristic of symmetrical or near-symmetrical designs. It doesn’t mean the lens is bad at infinity, and especially upon stopping down, it can be excellent when focused at a distance. However, with such lenses at 1:1 magnification, many lens aberrations will be completely eliminated.


                    • #25
                      inherent characteristic of symmetrical or near-symmetrical designs. It doesn’t mean the lens is bad at infinity, and especially upon stopping down, it can be excellent when focused at a distance. However, with such lenses at 1:1 magnification, many lens aberrations will be completely eliminated.
                      Best 300-305mm lenses
                      Rodenstock APO Sironar-W 300mm f/5.6
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 490mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 3
                      Filter Thread Size 127mm filters
                      Weight 1610 g (3.55 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $6000-8,000
                      Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-WS 300mm f/5.6. Covers up to 14×17 ultra-large format, hence why it’s heavy, expensive, and hard to find. Overkill for 8×10 given the 300mm f/5.6 APO Sironar-S.
                      Rodenstock APO Sironar-S 300mm f/5.6
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 448mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 3
                      Filter Thread Size 100mm filters
                      Weight 1210 (2.67 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $2000-3000
                      Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-SE 300mm f/5.6.
                      Schneider APO-Symmar 300mm f/5.6
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 425mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 3
                      Filter Thread Size 105mm filters
                      Weight 1155 (2.55 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $700-1100 on eBay
                      Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is about 450mm. The newer APO-Symmar L version does not have a substantially different optical construction or coverage angle.
                      Nikkor W 300mm f/5.6
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 420mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 3
                      Filter Thread Size 95mm filters
                      Weight 1250 (2.76 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $400-700 on eBay
                      Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the two lenses above. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is about 450mm.
                      Rodenstock APO Sironar-N 300mm f/5.6
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 425mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 3
                      Filter Thread Size 86mm filters
                      Weight 1040 (2.29 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1000-1500
                      Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. A less expensive version of the APO Sironar-S with a hair more chromatic aberration (and slightly lower peripheral sharpness, but the image circle is large enough to likely make that irrelevant). Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-S 300mm f/5.6. The older, non-APO-labeled version will sell for less (sometimes labeled Caltar II-N) and is similar optically. Oldest, single-coated version sells for much less.
                      Fujinon CM-W 300mm f/5.6
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 412mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 3
                      Filter Thread Size 77mm filters
                      Weight 965 g (2.13 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $700-900 on eBay
                      Additional Notes Optically excellent. Also consider the comparable Fujinon W 300mm f/5.6 if it’s one of the later models with lettering on the outside of the barrel (meaning that it’s multicoated).
                      Fujinon A 300mm f/9
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 420mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 1
                      Filter Thread Size 55mm filters
                      Weight 410 g (0.90 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1500-1600
                      Additional Notes Optically excellent. Get the version with lettering on the outside of the barrel for multicoating. Symmetrical design but still excellent at infinity.
                      Fujinon C 300mm f/8.5
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 380mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 1
                      Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
                      Weight 250 g (0.55 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1000 on eBay
                      Additional Notes Optically excellent. Similar to the lens above but not a symmetrical design; optimized for further focusing distances, but with less image circle.
                      Nikkor M 300mm f/9
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 325mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 1
                      Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
                      Weight 290 g (0.64 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $500-600 on eBay
                      Additional Notes Optically good. Illuminates about 450mm but falls off in acuity outside the rated image circle, making it less attractive for 8×10. Excellent on smaller formats and one of my favorite lenses on 4×5.
                      Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9
                      Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 381mm circle
                      Shutter Type Copal 1
                      Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
                      Weight 460 g (1.01 lbs)
                      Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $400-800 on eBay
                      Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is about 500mm. Single coated. Older versions of this lens may be Dagor-type with even more coverage. Not to be confused with Repro-Claron. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus.


                      • #26
                        حوالي 300 مم، يمكنك العثور على عدد كبير من العدسات مقاس 8 × 10 التي من شأنها أن تلبي أي احتياجاتك. تعتبر عدسات سلسلة Rodenstock Sironar-S وSchneider APO-Symmar على نطاق واسع من أكثر العدسات كبيرة الحجم وضوحًا على الإطلاق، كما أن Nikkor W هو منافس قريب جدًا يتم بيعه مقابل جزء صغير من السعر. وفي الوقت نفسه، إذا كنت بحاجة إلى شيء أصغر، فإن Fujinon A 300mm f/9 أو Fujinon C 300mm f/8.5 هي خيارات رائعة. وفقًا للميزانية، سأحصل على Nikkor W إذا كنت لا تمانع في الوزن، أو Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 إذا كنت تفعل ذلك (ليست عدسة متعددة الطبقات، ولكنها حادة جدًا وبها مساحة كبيرة للحركات).

                        أحب استخدام عدسة G-Claron 305mm f/9 لالتقاط صور قريبة، وفي هذه المرحلة تعد واحدة من أفضل العدسات المصححة عند هذا البعد البؤري. تم تحسين معظم الكاميرات الأخرى (باستثناء Fujinon A 300mm f/9) للأهداف البعيدة، بشكل عام في أي مكان بدءًا من التكبير حوالي 1:10 إلى التركيز اللانهائي.

                        Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 مع فيلم 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50

                        Around 300mm, you can find a ton of lenses for 8×10 that should meet any needs you have. The Rodenstock Sironar-S and Schneider APO-Symmar series lenses are widely considered some of the sharpest large format lenses ever made, and the Nikkor W is a very close competitor that sells for a fraction of the price. Meanwhile, if you need something smaller, the Fujinon A 300mm f/9 or Fujinon C 300mm f/8.5 are great choices. On a budget, I would get the Nikkor W if you don’t mind the weight, or the Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 if you do (not a multicoated lens, but pretty sharp and with tons of room for movements).

                        I like using my G-Claron 305mm f/9 for close-up photos, at which point it’s one of the best-corrected lenses at this focal length. Most of the others (apart from the Fujinon A 300mm f/9) are optimized for distant subjects, generally anywhere from about 1:10 magnification to infinity focus.
                        Schneider G-Claron 305mm f/9 with 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50 Film


                        • #27
                          Best 355-360mm lenses
                          Schneider G-Claron 355mm f/9
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 444mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 3
                          Filter Thread Size 77mm filters
                          Weight 855 g (1.88 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1000 on eBay
                          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. True circle of illumination at narrow apertures is massive, approximately 600mm. Older versions differ – some are Dagor types and Plasmat types with varying coverage. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus. Single coated.
                          Fujinon A 360mm f/10
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 500mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 1
                          Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
                          Weight 465 g (1.03 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices range greatly from $2500-5000
                          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Get the version with lettering on the outside of the barrel for multicoating. Symmetrical design but still excellent at infinity.
                          Schneider Tele-Xenar 350mm f/11
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 350mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 1
                          Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
                          Weight 400 g (0.88 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1800-2000
                          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. One of the newest large format lenses made (released in 2009).
                          Rodenstock APO Sironar-S 360mm f/6.8
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 468mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 3
                          Filter Thread Size 112mm filters
                          Weight 1560 g (3.44 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $3000-4000
                          Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-SE 360mm f/6.8.
                          Schneider APO-Symmar 360mm f/6.8
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 491mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 3
                          Filter Thread Size 112mm filters
                          Weight 1410 g (3.11 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1200 on eBay
                          Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S above.
                          Nikkor W 360mm f/6.5
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 494mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 3
                          Filter Thread Size 95mm filters
                          Weight 1420 g (3.13 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $900-1200 on eBay
                          Additional Notes Optically excellent. Sold as a competitor to the two lenses above.
                          Rodenstock APO Sironar-N 360mm f/6.8
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 435mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 3
                          Filter Thread Size 105mm filters
                          Weight 1560 g (3.44 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $1500-2000
                          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. A less expensive version of the APO Sironar-S with a hair more chromatic aberration (and slightly lower peripheral sharpness, but the image circle is large enough to likely make that irrelevant). Also goes by the name Sinar Sinaron-S 360mm f/6.8. The older, non-APO-labeled version will sell for less (sometimes labeled Caltar II-N) and is similar optically. Oldest, single-coated version sells for much less.
                          Fujinon CM-W 360mm f/6.5
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 485mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 3
                          Filter Thread Size 86mm filters
                          Weight 1175 g (2.59 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $1000-1500 on eBay
                          Additional Notes Optically excellent. Also consider the comparable Fujinon W 360mm f/6.5 if it’s one of the later models (multicoated) with lettering on the outside of the barrel; it sells for much less.
                          Graphic Kowa 360mm f/9
                          Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 523mm circle
                          Shutter Type Copal 3S
                          Filter Thread Size 58mm filters
                          Weight 665 g (1.47 lbs)
                          Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1500 on eBay
                          Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically good. Symmetrical optical design optimized for close focus. Single coated.


                          • #28
                            لديك العديد من العدسات للاختيار من بينها في نطاق الطول البؤري 355-360 مم لـ 8 × 10، لكنها جميعها غير ملائمة بعض الشيء. الخياران الوحيدان خفيفا الوزن هما Fujinon A 360mm f/10 وSchneider Tele-Xenar 350mm f/10 - كلتا العدستين الباهظتين، خاصة Fuji، ولا تتمتع عدسة Schneider حقًا بقدر الحركات التي أفضلها 8 × 10.

                            كما هو الحال مع 300 مم، تعتبر عدسات سلسلة Rodenstock APO Sironar-S وScheinder APO-Symmar هنا من أفضل العدسات ذات الأداء البصري على الإطلاق، وأسعار Schneider منخفضة جدًا هذه الأيام. لكن السؤال هو إذا كنت تريد حمل شيء ثقيل إلى هذا الحد.

                            إذا كنت تريد حلاً وسطًا جيدًا، فقد تكون عدسة Graphic Kowa 360mm f/9 هي أفضل رهان لك. إنها عدسة متناظرة ذات طبقة واحدة تزن أقل من معظم الخيارات الأخرى هنا. إنه ذو حجم خيط مرشح معقول وهو لطيف وحاد عند التوقف، على الرغم من أنه أقل قليلاً على النقيض من بعض الخيارات الأخرى.

                            ويجب أن أذكر أيضًا أن هناك العديد من العدسات الأقدم مقاس 355 مم (غالبًا ما يطلق عليها عدسات مقاس 14 بوصة) والتي قد تتمكن من العثور عليها في الغالق. يمكن أن تكون هذه خيارات رائعة، لكن معظمها يعاني من نفس المشكلات المتعلقة بالوزن المرتفع والسعر. هناك خياران بارزان هما Goerz Red Dot Artar مقاس 14 بوصة وKodak Commercial Ektar مقاس 14 بوصة، وكلاهما مشهوران بالتصوير الفوتوغرافي للصور الشخصية، على الرغم من أن Goerz لا يحتوي على مساحة كبيرة للحركات عند التركيز البؤري اللامتناهي.

                            لست متأكدًا من سبب احتواء النطاق 355-360 مم على مثل هذه الخيارات غير الملائمة للعدسات مقاس 8 × 10 مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أنها قريبة جدًا من البعد البؤري "العادي". ولكن في بعض الأحيان هذا هو ما يحدث في التصوير الفوتوغرافي ذو التنسيق الكبير. ربما يكون من الأفضل استخدام عدسة مقاس 300 مم و450 مم بدلاً من ذلك، إلا إذا كانت لديك ميزانية لشراء Fujinon A 360 مم f/10 أو لا تمانع في حمل شيء ثقيل جدًا.

                            Fujinon A 360 مم f/10 مع 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50

                            You have several lenses to choose from in the 355-360mm focal length range for 8×10, but they’re all a little awkward. The only two lightweight choices are the Fujinon A 360mm f/10 and the Schneider Tele-Xenar 350mm f/10 – both expensive lenses, especially the Fuji, and the Schneider doesn’t really have the amount of movements that I’d prefer on 8×10.

                            As with 300mm, the Rodenstock APO Sironar-S and Scheinder APO-Symmar series lenses here are considered some of the best optical performers ever made, and the prices of the Schneider are criminally low these days. But the question is if you want to carry something that heavy.

                            If you want a good compromise, the Graphic Kowa 360mm f/9 may be your best bet. It’s a single-coated, symmetrical lens that weighs less than most of the other choices here. It has a reasonable filter thread size and is nice and sharp when you stop down, though a little lower in contrast than some of the other options.

                            Also, I should mention that there are many older 355mm lenses (often termed 14” lenses) that you may be able to find in a shutter. These can be great choices, but most of them suffer from the same issues of high weight and price. Two notable options are the 14” Goerz Red Dot Artar and 14” Kodak Commercial Ektar, both of which are popular for portrait photography, although the Goerz doesn’t have much room for movements at infinity focus.

                            I’m not sure why the 355-360mm range has such awkward options for 8×10 lenses considering that it’s so close to the “normal” focal length. But sometimes that’s how large format photography goes. It’s probably best to stick with a 300mm and a 450mm lens instead, unless you have the budget for the Fujinon A 360mm f/10 or don’t mind carrying something quite heavy.
                            Fujinon A 360mm f/10 with 8×10 Fuji Velvia 50


                            • #29
                              Best 420-480mm lenses
                              Fujinon L 420mm f/8
                              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 480mm circle
                              Shutter Type Copal 3
                              Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
                              Weight 975 g (2.15 lbs)
                              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $850-1200 on eBay
                              Additional Notes Optically good. A popular budget portrait lens. Single coated.
                              Fujinon C 450mm f/12.5
                              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 486mm circle
                              Shutter Type Copal 1
                              Filter Thread Size 52mm filters
                              Weight 270 g (0.60 lbs)
                              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $1700-2500 on eBay
                              Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. In practice, brighter on the ground glass than you might expect.
                              Nikkor M 450mm f/9
                              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 440mm circle
                              Shutter Type Copal 3
                              Filter Thread Size 67mm filters
                              Weight 640 g (1.41 lbs)
                              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $800-1200 on eBay
                              Additional Notes Optically excellent. Has a secretly huge circle of illumination of about 900mm; popular even on 20×24 cameras!
                              Nikkor Q 450mm f/9
                              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 440mm circle
                              Shutter Type Copal 3
                              Filter Thread Size 62mm filters
                              Weight 605 g (1.33 lbs)
                              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $700-800 on eBay
                              Additional Notes Optically good. Same optical design as the lens above, but with single coating and a smaller filter thread size. However, the huge coverage means it’s somewhat susceptible to a loss of contrast from flare and internal reflections.
                              Fujinon CM-W 450mm f/8
                              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 520mm circle
                              Shutter Type Copal 3
                              Filter Thread Size 86mm filters
                              Weight 1140 g (2.51 lbs)
                              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $3000-3500 on eBay
                              Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Too heavy to make much sense, especially given the Fujinon C and Nikkor M lenses above.
                              Schneider APO-Symmar 480mm f/8.4
                              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 500mm circle
                              Shutter Type Copal 3
                              Filter Thread Size 105mm filters
                              Weight 1680 g (3.70 lbs)
                              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) $3000-3500 on eBay
                              Additional Notes Modestly rare. Optically excellent. Too heavy to make much sense, especially given the Fujinon C and Nikkor M lenses above. (Same for the newer APO-Symmar L version.)
                              Rodenstock APO Sironar-N 480mm f/8.4
                              Image Circle Stated by Manufacturer 500mm circle
                              Shutter Type Copal 3
                              Filter Thread Size 112mm filters
                              Weight 2299 g (5.07 lbs)
                              Recent Selling Prices (eBay affiliate) None recently sold. Prices are about $2000-3000
                              Additional Notes Rare. Optically excellent. Too heavy to make much sense, especially given the Fujinon C and Nikkor M lenses above.


                              • #30
                                على الرغم من أن الخيارات تتضاءل في هذه المرحلة، إلا أن النطاق 420-480 ملم لا يزال لديه بعض الخيارات الجيدة لـ 8 × 10. إن Fujinon C 450mm f/12.5 وNikkor M 450mm f/9 هما جوهرتان مطلقتان. حتى أنني أشهد على استخدام Nikkor Q من خلال تجربتي الخاصة - فهي عرضة للتوهج قليلاً، وقد قمت مؤخرًا بالتبديل إلى M، لكن العدسة مقاس 450 مم Q لا تزال واحدة من أكثر العدسات حدة التي استخدمتها على الإطلاق.

                                أما بالنسبة للخيارات الأخرى، فلن أشتري العدسات الأثقل في هذه القائمة بغض النظر عن السعر. إن Fujinon 450mm f/12.5 وNikkor M 450mm f/9 جيدان جدًا بحيث لا يمكن الحصول على أي شيء آخر. وفي الوقت نفسه، تحظى بعض العدسات الأقدم مقاس 420 مم (أو العدسات مقاس 19 بوصة) بشعبية كبيرة في تصوير الأشخاص، بما في ذلك عدسة Fujinon L المذكورة أعلاه.

                                Nikkor Q 450mm f/9 مع فيلم 8×10 Ilford HP5+ 400

                                Although the options are slimming at this point, the 420-480mm range still has some good choices for 8×10. The Fujinon C 450mm f/12.5 and Nikkor M 450mm f/9 are two absolute gems. I’d even vouch for the Nikkor Q from my own experience – it’s a little prone to flare, and I did recently switch to the M, but the 450mm Q is still one of the sharpest lenses I’ve ever used.

                                As for other options, I wouldn’t buy the heavier lenses in this list regardless of price. The Fujinon 450mm f/12.5 and Nikkor M 450mm f/9 are just too good to get anything else. Meanwhile, some older 420mm lenses (or 19″ lenses) are popular for portraiture, including the Fujinon L lens listed above.
                                Nikkor Q 450mm f/9 with 8×10 Ilford HP5+ 400 Film

