الألوان المكسورة .. العمل بالألوان
.. كيفية التقاط وتطوير الصور الملونة
Although strong colours have an immediate appeal , it can also be a short - lived one . Photographs that rely heavily on an intense area of colour often do not sustain a longer look . They depend on making a quick visual impact . The range of pure hues is limited , and this restricts the choice for exploring colour relationships .
In nature , most colours are impure , diluted with others and with blacks and greys to give a much more neutral range than the ones we have seen on the last few pages . Typical landscapes contain browns and other earthy colours , and greens tinged with yellows and blues . These ' broken ' colours , as they are sometimes called , are subdued , but in some ways offer more interesting oppor- tunities than strong primary hues . Because the palette is restricted , the eye becomes more sensitive to small differences between colours , and subtlety becomes the main appeal .
As with images in strong colours , the most important step here is to train the eye to see a limited range within an overall view . Being selective in this case means composing an image to exclude flashes of brighter colour that would be distracting . Because most people find it natural , when thinking about colour , to go for the obvious and definite , it takes a conscious effort to be restrained .
BELOW Resisting the temptation to go for strong , vibrant bursts of colour can sometimes bring great rewards ; the eye will appreciate the subtle changes in hue as it follows this crowd scene .
BELOW RIGHT ' Broken ' , limited colours can be more interesting than strong primary hues ; the palette of colours presented to the viewer here is small , and yet the subtle changes have a graphic appeal often destroyed by dense , bright swathes of colour .
ABOVE Stones can be nature's source of both brilliant and subdued colour . Here , pale blues , pinks and ambers have been juxtaposed to form an arresting image .
LEFT Urban centres can appear drab and colourless . For the photographer , however , this can be turned into an advantage ; even colours that would appear mundane in . the countryside , such as the mauve of this railway carriage , can be used to great effect in the city .
.. كيفية التقاط وتطوير الصور الملونة
Although strong colours have an immediate appeal , it can also be a short - lived one . Photographs that rely heavily on an intense area of colour often do not sustain a longer look . They depend on making a quick visual impact . The range of pure hues is limited , and this restricts the choice for exploring colour relationships .
In nature , most colours are impure , diluted with others and with blacks and greys to give a much more neutral range than the ones we have seen on the last few pages . Typical landscapes contain browns and other earthy colours , and greens tinged with yellows and blues . These ' broken ' colours , as they are sometimes called , are subdued , but in some ways offer more interesting oppor- tunities than strong primary hues . Because the palette is restricted , the eye becomes more sensitive to small differences between colours , and subtlety becomes the main appeal .
As with images in strong colours , the most important step here is to train the eye to see a limited range within an overall view . Being selective in this case means composing an image to exclude flashes of brighter colour that would be distracting . Because most people find it natural , when thinking about colour , to go for the obvious and definite , it takes a conscious effort to be restrained .
BELOW Resisting the temptation to go for strong , vibrant bursts of colour can sometimes bring great rewards ; the eye will appreciate the subtle changes in hue as it follows this crowd scene .
BELOW RIGHT ' Broken ' , limited colours can be more interesting than strong primary hues ; the palette of colours presented to the viewer here is small , and yet the subtle changes have a graphic appeal often destroyed by dense , bright swathes of colour .
ABOVE Stones can be nature's source of both brilliant and subdued colour . Here , pale blues , pinks and ambers have been juxtaposed to form an arresting image .
LEFT Urban centres can appear drab and colourless . For the photographer , however , this can be turned into an advantage ; even colours that would appear mundane in . the countryside , such as the mauve of this railway carriage , can be used to great effect in the city .