الألوان القوية .. التصوير الملون .. المرشد خطوة بخطوة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي
Strong colors
Strong , saturated colors demand attention . One or two bold colors can create a dra- matic effect , particularly when they fill a picture , but several strong colors of similar area and tone can easily overpower a sub- ject . If you limit the number of colors , and set them against neutral black or white tones , the overall effect is intensified and the content of the picture is not overwhelmed .
When taking a subject that has strong colors be careful to measure the exposure accurately . For example , take a reflected light reading ( see p.104 ) from the strong colors alone , if they are quite small in area . On slide film always avoid overexposure , and on negative film avoid underexposure . Indeed , on slide film it may even help to underexpose and then overdevelop the image to increase contrast and brilliance .
Strong color can be intensified by using the right equipment and by lighting . A polarizing filter is sometimes useful to deep- en the tone of blue skies and reduce surface reflections , which desaturate color . In land- scapes and distant shots try to choose a day with a clear atmosphere , such as when hard sunlight follows rain , so that distant colors are not diffused by haze .
Offsetting strong color
The bright pink car , above , is given added impact by the close - up view- point , which fills the frame with color , but retains a small neutral colored area of ground . This con- trast offsets and strengthens the main color . The photograph was taken in flat light after rain which gave the color greater intensity .
Contrasting colors
Two contrasting , equally saturated colors can often detract from each other . But they are effective in the picture , above , because of their great difference in area . The tonę variations within the green give just sufficient form to identify this as part of a car . But the intense colors , hard edge lines , and fram- ing deliberately create a more abstract composition .
Simplifying several strong colors
The subject above included a con- fusing variety of strong colors , all in similar sized areas . However , in the picture , three main devices have been used to simplify the image . First , the plain white back- ground separates the bright colors ; it also clarifies the shapes of the figures . Second , photographing at an angle , from a close view- point , has varied the scale of the figures ( and colors ) considerably across the frame . Third , the wide lens aperture ( i.e. shallow depth of field ) has limited detail in the picture to the center of interest .
Symmetry and strong color
The photograph on the right was taken on an exceptionally clear day , in hard , direct sunlight which produced brilliant contrasting colors in the flowers , grass , and sky . A polarizing filter helped to darken the tone of the sky and intensify its blue color . The areas of color in the picture are empha- sized and balanced by the sym- metrical composition . The edges of the flower beds are positioned at the same height on both sides of the frame , and the horizon is placed so that it divides the picture almost exactly in half . Using a wide angle lens created the steep convergence of lines that gives a feeling of depth in the picture .
Strong colors
Strong , saturated colors demand attention . One or two bold colors can create a dra- matic effect , particularly when they fill a picture , but several strong colors of similar area and tone can easily overpower a sub- ject . If you limit the number of colors , and set them against neutral black or white tones , the overall effect is intensified and the content of the picture is not overwhelmed .
When taking a subject that has strong colors be careful to measure the exposure accurately . For example , take a reflected light reading ( see p.104 ) from the strong colors alone , if they are quite small in area . On slide film always avoid overexposure , and on negative film avoid underexposure . Indeed , on slide film it may even help to underexpose and then overdevelop the image to increase contrast and brilliance .
Strong color can be intensified by using the right equipment and by lighting . A polarizing filter is sometimes useful to deep- en the tone of blue skies and reduce surface reflections , which desaturate color . In land- scapes and distant shots try to choose a day with a clear atmosphere , such as when hard sunlight follows rain , so that distant colors are not diffused by haze .
Offsetting strong color
The bright pink car , above , is given added impact by the close - up view- point , which fills the frame with color , but retains a small neutral colored area of ground . This con- trast offsets and strengthens the main color . The photograph was taken in flat light after rain which gave the color greater intensity .
Contrasting colors
Two contrasting , equally saturated colors can often detract from each other . But they are effective in the picture , above , because of their great difference in area . The tonę variations within the green give just sufficient form to identify this as part of a car . But the intense colors , hard edge lines , and fram- ing deliberately create a more abstract composition .
Simplifying several strong colors
The subject above included a con- fusing variety of strong colors , all in similar sized areas . However , in the picture , three main devices have been used to simplify the image . First , the plain white back- ground separates the bright colors ; it also clarifies the shapes of the figures . Second , photographing at an angle , from a close view- point , has varied the scale of the figures ( and colors ) considerably across the frame . Third , the wide lens aperture ( i.e. shallow depth of field ) has limited detail in the picture to the center of interest .
Symmetry and strong color
The photograph on the right was taken on an exceptionally clear day , in hard , direct sunlight which produced brilliant contrasting colors in the flowers , grass , and sky . A polarizing filter helped to darken the tone of the sky and intensify its blue color . The areas of color in the picture are empha- sized and balanced by the sym- metrical composition . The edges of the flower beds are positioned at the same height on both sides of the frame , and the horizon is placed so that it divides the picture almost exactly in half . Using a wide angle lens created the steep convergence of lines that gives a feeling of depth in the picture .