Gray-headed Chachalaca, Arenal El Castillo, Alajuela, Costa Rica Almost turkey sized birds, they were quite nimble at the feeders and in trees. #birdsofcostarica #costaricabirds #birdsofalajuelacr #chachalacas #grayheadedchachalaca @venturesbirding @birding_experiences
طائر شاشالاكا رمادي الرأس بحجم الرومي. في الا جويلا في كوستاريكا
طائر شاشالاكا رمادي الرأس بحجم الرومي. في الا جويلا في كوستاريكا
Gray-headed Chachalaca, Arenal El Castillo, Alajuela, Costa Rica Almost turkey sized birds, they were quite nimble at the feeders and in trees. #birdsofcostarica #costaricabirds #birdsofalajuelacr #chachalacas #grayheadedchachalaca @venturesbirding @birding_experiences
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