تهيئة الارض لغرس الاشجار في الارض المستديمة :
ان الغراس التي تؤخذ من المشتل ، يجب ان يهيأ لها المهد الصالح لنموها ، لذلك وجب بذل عناية كافية لتهيئة الارض المستديمة والقيام بالخطوات التالية :
Cultivate the land well, deeply cultivate it, to dismantle it and ventilate it, and it is preferable that the cultivation be done since June
Sweeping and burning weeds, especially grasshoppers
Plan the land with the eraser (opener lines) and create lines that are 160-200 cm apart from each other, the distance between the back of the line and the other
Opening small holes with a depth of (50-60) cm on the shoulder of the line, at a distance of (160-200) cm from each other.
Add the soft, old compost at the rate of one-third of the soil of the hole, and mix well with the soil far from the roots.
The process of planting in the permanent land: After preparing the land according to the previous steps, and preparing the selected seedlings, the planting takes place by following the following steps:
Prune the bulk of the roots.
All branches germinating on the stem of the plant are removed, taking into account not to touch the growing top in order to find a balance between the root system and the vegetative
The plant is placed exactly in the middle of the hole, and the soil is well compacted on it, to ensure that it is not affected by the wind, and it is trampled well with the feet.
After the end of the planting, all the trees are irrigated, and the inclined ones are leveled appropriately.
comments :
In the event that the necessary water is not available, instead of constructing lines at a distance of (160-200) cm, the land can be planned at less distances of 75 cm between one line and the other. In this case, a line is left between every three lines without planting, in order to control the flow of water by lines cramped
It is possible to take advantage of the distances that some may think are wide, by planting them with one of the summer crops, corn, vegetables, on the condition that these crops give the necessary fertilizers for them, and on the condition that the poplar trees are watered weekly
It is necessary to surround the grove, whether the Roman or Hamwi poplars are planted in it, with three or more rows of Hamwi poplars planted at close distances in a triangular manner, in order to protect the indoor plants that may be vulnerable to being affected by the wind, especially in the first year.
It may be noted that the growth of seedlings slow during the first year, and this results from the departure of the trees to the formation of the root system
It is necessary to add chemical fertilizers at a rate of (500) grams per tree of compound fertilizer
ان الغراس التي تؤخذ من المشتل ، يجب ان يهيأ لها المهد الصالح لنموها ، لذلك وجب بذل عناية كافية لتهيئة الارض المستديمة والقيام بالخطوات التالية :
- فلاحة الارض جيدا ، فلاحة عميقـة ، لتفكيكها وتهويتهـا ويفضل ان تتم الفلاحة منذ حزيران
- تنقية الحشائش الضارة ، لا سيما النجيليات وحرقها
- تخطيط الارض بالمسحاية ( فتاحة الخطوط ) وانشاء خطوط تبعد عن بعضها ( 160 _200 ) سم ، البعد بين ظهر الخط والآخر
- فتح جور صغيرة عمق ( 50 ـ 60 ) سم على كتف الخـط تبعد عن بعضها ( 160 – 200 ) سم
- اضافة السماد البلدي القديم الناعم بمعدل ثلث تراب الحفرة ، ويمزج جيدا بالتراب البعيد عن الجذور .
- يقلم القسم الاعظم من الجذور .
- تزال جميع الفروع النابتة على ساق الغرسة ، مع مراعاة عدم مس القمة النامية وذلك لايجاد توازن بين المجموع الجذري والخضري
- توضع الغرسة في وسط الحفرة تماما ، ويرص عليها التراب بشكل جيد ، ليضمن عدم تأثرها من الرياح ، وتداس جيدا بالارجل
- بعد انتهاء الغرس ، تروى جميع الاشجار ، ويسوى وضع المائل منها بشكل مناسب.
- في حالة عدم توفر المياه اللازمة ، عوضا عن انشاء الخطوط على مسافة ( 160 – 200 ) سم يمكن تخطيط الارض على مسافات اقل على 75 سم بين الخط والآخر وفي هذه الحالة ، يترك خط بين كل ثلاثة خطوط بدون غرس ، وذلك للتحكم في سير المياه بخطوط ضيقة
- يمكن الاستفادة من المسافات التي قد يظنها البعض واسعة ، بزرعها باحد المحاصيل الصيفية ، ذرة ، خضار ، على شرط ان تعطي هذه المحاصيل الاسمدة اللازمة لها ، وعلى شرط ان تروى اشجار الحور اسبوعيـا
- من الضروري احاطة الغيضة ، سواء زرع فيها الحور الرومي او الحموي ، بثلاثة صفوف او اكثر من الحور الحموي المزروع على مسافات متقاربة بشكل ثلاثي ، وذلك لحماية الغراس الداخلية التي قد تكون عرضة للتأثر بالرياح ، لا سيما في السنة الاولى
- قد يلاحظ بطء نمو الغراس خلال السنة الاولى ، وهذا ناشيء عن انصراف الاشجار الى تكوين المجموع الجذري
- من الضروري اضافة الاسمدة الكيماوية بمعدل ( 500 ) غرام للشجرة الواحدة من السماد المركب
Cultivate the land well, deeply cultivate it, to dismantle it and ventilate it, and it is preferable that the cultivation be done since June
Sweeping and burning weeds, especially grasshoppers
Plan the land with the eraser (opener lines) and create lines that are 160-200 cm apart from each other, the distance between the back of the line and the other
Opening small holes with a depth of (50-60) cm on the shoulder of the line, at a distance of (160-200) cm from each other.
Add the soft, old compost at the rate of one-third of the soil of the hole, and mix well with the soil far from the roots.
The process of planting in the permanent land: After preparing the land according to the previous steps, and preparing the selected seedlings, the planting takes place by following the following steps:
Prune the bulk of the roots.
All branches germinating on the stem of the plant are removed, taking into account not to touch the growing top in order to find a balance between the root system and the vegetative
The plant is placed exactly in the middle of the hole, and the soil is well compacted on it, to ensure that it is not affected by the wind, and it is trampled well with the feet.
After the end of the planting, all the trees are irrigated, and the inclined ones are leveled appropriately.
comments :
In the event that the necessary water is not available, instead of constructing lines at a distance of (160-200) cm, the land can be planned at less distances of 75 cm between one line and the other. In this case, a line is left between every three lines without planting, in order to control the flow of water by lines cramped
It is possible to take advantage of the distances that some may think are wide, by planting them with one of the summer crops, corn, vegetables, on the condition that these crops give the necessary fertilizers for them, and on the condition that the poplar trees are watered weekly
It is necessary to surround the grove, whether the Roman or Hamwi poplars are planted in it, with three or more rows of Hamwi poplars planted at close distances in a triangular manner, in order to protect the indoor plants that may be vulnerable to being affected by the wind, especially in the first year.
It may be noted that the growth of seedlings slow during the first year, and this results from the departure of the trees to the formation of the root system
It is necessary to add chemical fertilizers at a rate of (500) grams per tree of compound fertilizer