Lighting Time of day Throughout a 24 - hour period , the intensity and the quality of light are ever - changing From dawn to dusk , the direction and strength of the light continually change , and so does its color temperature . When the sun rises , and when it sinks , its low - angled light passes through a thicker layer of atmosphere , which absorbs hlue light . Sun that has had some of its blue light absorbed is said to have a lower color tempera ture . Because color film is balanced for mid - day light , which has a higher color temperature , landscape pictures taken early or late in the day have a reddish hue . In contrast , totally overcast skies tend to absorb red light , and consequently pictures taken in such conditions have a bluish cast , which is most obvious when there is a blanket of snow or ice . A couple of hours after sunrise and before sunset , low - angled sunlight models landscapes effectively without a strong color cast In temperate regions , the proportion of day light to darkness changes markedly with the seasons , whereas in the tropics , the length of the day is much less variable throughout the year in mid - summer at high latitudes - in Iceland and Alaska , for example- it is possible to photograph by available light throughout the 24 hours , but in winter , the sun may be above the horizon for less than an hour . The quality of changing light has long been appreciated by all photographers working out doors . But , for the nature photographer , the time of day is also important in relation to the activities of certain plants and animals . For example , if you do not want to waste time , it is essential to know , before you set out to photograph them , that crepuscular animals such as deer are most active at dawn and dusk in a number of flowers , light , or sun , or even darkness , is the stimulus that triggers their opening . Many daisy - like flowers open their petals only when the sun shining , whereas noctural flowers , such as the night - flowering cactus , open and produce their attractive scent only at night to attract moths , by the morning the flowers have withered . A misty dawn D As I was moving in mee Swamp in Som Georgin on a cold Agn loomed put at me from the mist Somewhere there had to the seamp cyse be a picture By wading through a reed bed . I came in Night of this view . Instinctively . Lout the 35mm ens on the camera and set up the ipod with its legs authed down into the c free Only at the expdsures were made didi Fabout the atident snases and aligatom
شروق الشمس كنت في وضعي قبل شروق الشمس لالتقاط هذه الصورة لطيور النحام المظللة عند الفجر في منطقة كامارغ بفرنسا. باستخدام عدسة 200 مم ، تمكنت من التقاط كل من الشمس وانعكاسها في الماء. منع ضباب خفيف توهج العدسة. عجول
ظلال ما بعد الظهيرة (أ) يتكرر لون السماء المعزز بمرشح الاستقطاب في الظلال الطويلة المتأخرة بعد الظهر في وادي كاش ، وايومنغ. يخفف الثلج الأبيض ، المضاء بواسطة عمود من ضوء الشمس ، هذا المشهد الأزرق ويسلط الضوء عليه. طقوس الغسق ميدان ترافالغار في لندن هو نقطة تجمع للزرزور قبل أن يطيروا إلى مكانهم الليلي. مع اقتراب غروب الشمس ، تلتقي الطيور على الأشجار والمباني. تأتي إشارة تصوير انطلاقها الجماعي عندما تتوقف الطيور عن الثرثرة.