تسميد المشتل:
Fertilizing the nursery:
A_ The amount of organic fertilizer, which must be added to the nursery land, ranges between (20-30) tons per hectare, noting that the addition of flushing toilets to the nursery land leads to rapid growth in poplar seedlings.
The organic fertilizers, in addition to the mineral phosphate and potassium fertilizers, provide remarkable and rapid woody growth, noting that excessive nitrogen fertilization gives the objects a predisposition to fungal diseases.
B_ The quantities of mineral fertilizer that are usually recommended to be added per hectare in poplar nurseries are the following:
superphosphate. 600_1000. Kg
ammonium sulfate. 200_400 kg
Potash chloride. 200_500 kg
For rich and medium lands, it is preferable to take the lower limit, and it is preferable to use the upper limit for poor lands.
- _ان كمية السماد العضوي ،التي يجب اضافتها لارض المشتل ،تتراوح بين (٢٠_٣٠) طن للهكتار الواحد، هذا مع الإشارة الى ان إضافة كسح المراحيض لارض المشتل يؤدي الى نمو سريع في غراس الحور.
- ان الأسمدة العضوية ،بالاضافة الى الأسمدة الفوسفاتية والبوتاسية المعدنية،تؤمن نموا خشبيا ملحوظا وسريعا، هذا مع الإشارة الى ان الافراط بالتسميد الآزوتي يعطي للغراض استعداداً للإصابة بالأمراض الفطرية.
- ب_ ان كميات السماد المعدني التي ينصح بإضافتها عادة للهكتار الواحد في مشاتل الحور هي التالية:
- سوبر فوسفات. ٦٠٠_١٠٠٠. كيلو غرام
- سلفات الامونيوم. ٢٠٠_٤٠٠ كيلو غرام
- كلورور البوتاس. ٢٠٠_٥٠٠ كيلو غرام.
A_ The amount of organic fertilizer, which must be added to the nursery land, ranges between (20-30) tons per hectare, noting that the addition of flushing toilets to the nursery land leads to rapid growth in poplar seedlings.
The organic fertilizers, in addition to the mineral phosphate and potassium fertilizers, provide remarkable and rapid woody growth, noting that excessive nitrogen fertilization gives the objects a predisposition to fungal diseases.
B_ The quantities of mineral fertilizer that are usually recommended to be added per hectare in poplar nurseries are the following:
superphosphate. 600_1000. Kg
ammonium sulfate. 200_400 kg
Potash chloride. 200_500 kg
For rich and medium lands, it is preferable to take the lower limit, and it is preferable to use the upper limit for poor lands.