Effects with film Mis - matched film and process Most color slide films are designed to produce objective reproduction of color , given the recommended form of subject lighting and correct processing But rules are made to be broken - mis - matching either of these factors creates false colors which may portray the mood of a subject more successfully than the " correct " result . The simplest way to shift colors toward the yellow / red end of the spectrum is use daylight - balanced slide film in tungsten lighting . Results have a warm cast that resembles candlelight . Or , for bluish cast , expose tungsten film cold . daylight Negative colors present familiar objects in a startling way photographers such as Erik Steen use them to great effect ( see p . 6 ) . The best way to produce negative colors with neutral blacks and whites is to process color slide film in the chemicals used for color negative stock . Because such slides will be contrasty , you should use soft , frontal lighting For a different effect , expose tungsten film in daylight , then give it negative ocessing and it will show yellow cast . For still more surreal results process infra - red color slide film in color negative chemicals , see facing page . You should bracket exposures whenever you take a photograph with mis - matched processing in mind , because this often alters the effective film speed . Another method is to shoot and process slides normally , then make copies and mis process these . Daylight film in tungsten lighting For this night time self portrait , the photographer loaded his camera with daylight fim and placed it on the bood of his automobile Then he switched the headlamps on set the self time , and took up his position in the beams of light The orange cast this mis match produces has a warm , intimate feeling Tungsten film in daylight For this shot the pho grapher used tung balanced film at d shutter speed of a allowed the moving can plur . The blue c ens the urrea atmosphe of this photograph Processing for tale o For a roout like these t shoot on Ektachrome si him then process Ca color negative chemical
Mis - matched infra - red film results Andrew de Lory photo graphed a bowl of fruit on Ektachrome infra - red color slide film , and then processed it in the chemi cals usually used for color negative stock . Green foliage - which IR film normally reproduces in magenta - records as natural - looking green . But other subject colors appear as either negative or incorrect tones .
نتائج فيلم الأشعة تحت الحمراء المتطابقة بشكل خاطئ رسم أندرو دي لوري رسمًا بيانيًا لوعاء من الفاكهة على فيلم شريحة Ektachrome infra - أحمر اللون ، ثم معالجته في المواد الكيميائية المستخدمة عادةً للمخزون السلبي اللون. أوراق الشجر الخضراء - التي يستنسخها فيلم الأشعة تحت الحمراء عادةً باللون الأرجواني - تسجل على أنها طبيعية - خضراء المظهر. لكن ألوان الهدف الأخرى تظهر إما كنغمات سلبية أو غير صحيحة.