هانیبال .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني

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  • هانیبال .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني


    [ ٢٤٧ - ١٨٣ ق.م ]

    يرتبط اسم هانيبال باسم مدينته قرطاج والتي تعني ( المدينة الجديدة ) وتدين بوجودها لنزوح أهلها الفينيقيين من الساحل السوري إلى مناطق شمال أفريقيا بغرض التجارة ، وقد تم تأسيس قرطاج عام ۸۱۳ ق.م ) مع أن اسست مدن فينيقية أخرى في المغرب في الالف الأول قبل الميلاد مثل ( يبقيس ) و ( حادرموت ) و ( تالبوس ) نمت قرطاج في شمال أفريقيا وتوسعت مناطق تجارتها ونفوذها بكافة الإتجاهات وكان من الطبيعي أن يصطدم توسعها جوارها الأقوياء وهم الاغريق أولاً ثم الرومان ثانياً ، وكانت جزيرة صقلية أهم مناطق الاحتكاك ، أولاً مع الأغريق ، وثانياً مع روما ، وكان هذا الاحتكاك صراعاً على السيادة في البحر الأبيض المتوسط اقتصاديا وسياسيا ، وأهم ما فيه الصراع مع الرومان الذي عرف باسم الحروب البونية تبدأ قصة هانيبال يملكار ، ) أي من يتمتع بحماية ملكارت ) وهو الذي اشتهر باسم هملكار برقة ، أي الصاعقة لاشتهاره بسرعة ضربه لعدوه مفاجأ له حيثما وجده فقد عينته قرطاج لقيادة جيوشها عام ( ٢٤٧ ق . م ) فسار إلى ايطاليا يجيش واسطول صغير ، وأخذ يغير على السواحل وحامياتها والمدن الموجودة قرب الإلا أن مواطنيه لم يحدوه بالمال ، وبقي الحال هكذا مدة تسع سنين لم تقم روما أو قرطاج بتحريك ساكن ثم وفي غفلة منه هاجمه الأسطول الروماني الضخم المؤلف من مائتي

    سفينة حربية ، ودمر اسطوله واضطرت قرطاج لترك مستعمراتها الرومانية ودفع غرامة حربية قدرها ٤٤٠ تالنتاً لمدة عشر أعوام ، وتلك الحروب هي التي يطلق عليها اسم الحرب البونية الأولى إلا أن الأمر زاد خطورة على قرطاج بثورة المرتزقة والمستعمرات التي أخذت جيوشهما تحاصر قرطاج، مما اضطرها للاستنجاد بهملكار الذي قمع الثورة بحزم وصرامة وقوة بعد أن استغرق منه ذلك نحو أربعين شهراً ، وفقدت اثنائها قرطاج مستعمراتها الأوربية مما جعلها ترسل هملكار إلى إسبانيا بقوة صغيرة لاسترداد أسواقها التجارية المفقودة ، وقد استاء همكار من معاملة الرومان القرطاج فجاء بابنه هانيبال وهو ابن تسع سنوات إلى مذبح ) بعل ، واستحلفه على الثأر من روما استرجع مهملكار بعض المدن التي كانت تدين بالولاء لقرطاج فيما مضى ، وقتل أثناء إحدى المعارك بعد أن ترك في ساحة القتال زوج . - ٣٨٦ -

    ابنته هر دروبال وأولاده هانيبال وهز دروبال وماجون انتخب هز دروبال خافها لعمه همكار ، وقد استمر في قيادته ثماني سنوات بنى اثنائها مدينة قرطاج الجديدة (قرطاجنة) التي لا تزال قائمة حتى الآن

    في اسبانيه وقد اغتيل عام ( ٢٢١ ) فاختار الجيش هانيبال لقيادته. وهو أكبر أبناء هملكار وكان عمره آنذاك ست وعشرون سنة. لم يحرك الرومان ساكنا ازاء احتلال قرطاج لاسبانيا وذلك نتيجةسواحل ، واحرز بعض الانتصارات مائة أوائل
    انشغالهم بفتنتهم الداخلية ، ونتيجة أعمالهم في سبيل تحرير شبه الجزيرة الايطالية وتوحيدها ، وزادت الأمور تعقيداً أثناء اضطرارهم لدرء خطر الغاليين الذين هاجموا الشمال الايطالي وهنا اضطرت روما لعقد معاهدة مع هز دروبال شريطة بقاء القرطاجيون جنوب نهر الابرة ، وحلفاً مع مدينتي سجنتم و امبورياس الاسبانيتين

    بعد انتهاء حرب روما مع الغاليين ، بدأت من جديد نار الصراع الحتمي بين روما وقرطاج وكان فتيل الانفجار الانقلاب الذي جرى عام ٢١٩ ق . م في مدينة ) سجنتم ( من تدبير روما إذ أقامت حكومة وطنية معادية لقرطاج وأخذت هذه الحكومة تسيء إلى حلفاء هانيبال من القبائل الاسبانية - ولما لم تنفع الطرق الدبلوماسية والانذارات مع ( سجنتم ) قام هانيبال بحصارها الأمر الذي اعتبرته روما اخلالا بمعاهدتها مع قرطاج، بينما رأى هانيبال أن روما تحاول استغلال الحادث ليكون لها ذريعة لبدء القتال مع قرطاج في حرب طويلة أطلق عليها فيما بعد اسم الحرب البونية الثانية استغرق حصار ) سجنتم ( ثمانية أشهر قام بعدها بعبور نهر الابرة

    عام ۲۱٨ ق . م على رأس جيش قوامه خمسين ألفاً من المشاة وتسعة آلاف من الخيالة وهم باكثريتهم الساحقة اسبان ولوبيين تقدم هانيبال باتجاه جبال الألب لعبورها إلا أن بعض الاسبان وقدرهم ثلاثة آلاف جندي انسحبوا من القتال خوفاً من عبور جبال الألب كما أنه جندي لاحتجاجهم على عبور الالب ، إذ بدت تلك المحاولة من المستحيل تحقيقها في حينها خصوصاً أن هانيبال من الفيلة لتكون سلاحاً مخيفاً مفاجئاً للرومان صرح سبعة آلاف كان عدداً . معه يصحب
    بعد قضائه على مقاومة بعض القبائل الغاليين العمل الذي استغرق ثمانية أشهر ، اخترق بعدها جبال البرانس . ثم وصل إلى نهر الرون وخاض هناك معركة عنيفة حتى استطاع اختراقه ، ثم اتجه شرقا نحو جبال الألب وتحاشياً من مفاجئة القبائل الألبية ، ترك هانيبال المعابر الأساسية لجبال الألب ، واضطر لاتباع الممرات الضيقة والشديدة الانحدار فقام بتسلق جبال الألب خلال تسعة أيام واستراح في القمة يومين ثم شرع بالنزول من خلال المسالك الضيقة الوعرة وبعد ست أيام وصل هانيبال إلى السهول بعد أن فقد أكثر من نصف جيشه وعتاده وفرسانه وفيلته

    وبعد هذا خاض هانيبال عدة معارك مع الرومان استطاع خلالها احتلال شمال ايطاليا بكامله ، والالتفات إلى إعادة تجهيز قواته وزيادة عددها عن طريق ضم السكان المحليين ممن استعمرهم الرومان حديثاً ، وفي هذه الفترة فقد هانيبال احدى عينيه نتيجة رمد أصيب به ، وقد حاولت روما اغتياله مرات عديدة ، حتى اضطر أن يغير من شكله وتنكره في كل يوم ، وأخذ يطلب من قرطاج الإمدادات والعتاد ، ولكن دون جدوى ، عندها طلب من أخيه هز دور بال أن يلحق به مع جيش يتم تجنيده في اسبانيا عبر جبال الالب إلا أن احتلال الرومان لأسبانيا ، منع هز دو ربال من الوصول لنجدة أخيه وقد حدثت عده معارك شبه الجزيرة الايطالية ، كان الفوز فيها من نصيب هانيبال الذي عرف واتقن فنون الحرب والقتال ، وبراعة

    استخدام الفرسان في القتال مع عدم المبالاة بالفرق المددي الهائل بين جيشه والجيش الروماني الجرار ، مستعيضاً عن العدد بالخطة المحكمة والمفاجأة والتمرس بالقتال

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٧-٢٠٢٣ ٢٣.٥٥_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	13 
الحجم:	62.5 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	75080 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٧-٢٠٢٣ ٢٣.٥٦_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	9 
الحجم:	72.2 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	75081 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٧-٢٠٢٣ ٢٣.٥٦ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	9 
الحجم:	73.9 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	75082 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٧-٢٠٢٣ ٢٣.٥٧_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	5 
الحجم:	73.4 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	75083 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٧-٢٠٢٣ ٢٣.٥٧ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	9 
الحجم:	71.5 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	75084

  • #2
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٧-٢٠٢٣ ٢٣.٥٨_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	8 
الحجم:	74.7 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	75091 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٧-٢٠٢٣ ٢٣.٥٨ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	8 
الحجم:	47.7 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	75092

    Hannibal [247 - 183 BC]

    A18) It was previously associated with the name of Hannibal with the name of his city, Carthage, which means (the new city) and owes its existence to the exodus of its Phoenician people from the Syrian coast to the regions of North Africa for the purpose of trade, and Carthage was established in 813 BC. In the first millennium BC, such as (Yabqis), (Hadramout) and (Talbus), Carthage grew in North Africa, and its trade and influence areas expanded in all directions. First with the Greeks, and secondly with Rome, and this friction was a struggle for supremacy in the Mediterranean economically and politically, and the most important thing in it was the struggle with the Romans that was known as the Punic Wars. That is, the thunderbolt, because he was famous for quickly striking his enemy, surprising him wherever he found him. Carthage appointed him to lead its armies in the year (247 BC), so he marched to Italy with an army and a small fleet, and began raiding the coasts and their garrisons and cities near the coasts, and he scored some victories. early hundred
    However, his citizens did not limit him with money, and the situation remained like this for a period of nine years. Rome or Carthage did not move a resident, then in his heedlessness, the huge Roman fleet of two hundred attacked him.

    A warship, his fleet was destroyed, and Carthage was forced to leave its Roman colonies and pay a war fine of 440 talents for ten years, and those wars are called the First Punic War, but the matter became more dangerous for Carthage with the revolution of mercenaries and colonies that took their armies besieging Carthage, forcing it to seek help from Hamilkar Who suppressed the revolution firmly, rigorously, and forcefully after it took him about forty months, during which Carthage lost its European colonies, which made it send Hamilcar to Spain with a small force to recover its lost commercial markets. Baal, and his oath to take revenge on Rome, Mahilkar retrieved some cities that owed allegiance to Carthage in the past, and was killed during a battle after leaving a husband on the battlefield.

    His daughter, Har Drupal, and his children, Hannibal, Drupal, and Magon, was elected to shake Drupal, Khafha, to his uncle Hamkar, and he continued to lead him for eight years, during which he built the new city of Carthage (Cartagena), which still exists today.

    In Spain, he was assassinated in the year (221), so the army chose Hannibal to lead it. He is the eldest son of Hamilcar, and he was twenty-six years old at the time. The Romans did not move a finger about the occupation of Spain by Carthage, as a result
    Their preoccupation with their internal sedition, and as a result of their work for the sake of liberating the Italian peninsula and unifying it, and things became more complicated while they had to ward off the danger of the Gauls who attacked the Italian north, and here Rome was forced to conclude a treaty with Shaking Drupal on the condition that the Carthaginians remain south of the Abra River, and an alliance with the Spanish cities of Sjentem and Empurias

    After the end of Rome's war with the Gauls, the inevitable conflict between Rome and Carthage began again, and the fuse for the explosion was the coup that took place in 219 BC. M. in the city (Sajntam) of the arrangement of Rome, as it set up a national government hostile to Carthage, and this government took offense at Hannibal's allies from the Spanish tribes - and when diplomatic methods and warnings did not work with (Sajntam), Hannibal besieged it, which Rome considered a violation of its treaty with Carthage, while he saw Hannibal that Rome is trying to exploit the incident to have an excuse to start fighting with Carthage in a long war called later the name of the Second Punic War took the siege (Sjntum) eight months, after which he crossed the needle river

    In the year 218 BC. M. at the head of an army of fifty thousand infantry and nine thousand horsemen, who are overwhelmingly Spaniards and Lubyans, Hannibal advanced towards the Alps to cross, but some Spaniards, estimated at three thousand soldiers, withdrew from the fighting for fear of crossing the Alps. That attempt is impossible to achieve at the time, especially since Hannibal of the elephants to be a surprising, frightening weapon for the Romans stated seven thousand was a number. With him he accompanies
    After eliminating the resistance of some Gallic tribes, a work that took eight months, he then penetrated the Pyrenees. Then he reached the Rhone River and fought there a fierce battle until he was able to penetrate it, then he headed east towards the Alps and to avoid the surprise of the Alpine tribes, Hannibal left the main crossings of the Alps, and was forced to follow the narrow and steep paths so he climbed the Alps during nine days and rested at the summit for two days and then He proceeded down the narrow, rugged paths, and after six days Hannibal, having lost more than half his army, equipment, cavalry, and
    elephants, reached the plains.


    • #3

      After this, Hannibal fought several battles with the Romans, during which he was able to occupy northern Italy as a whole, and pay attention to re-equipping his forces and increasing their number by including the local population who were newly colonized by the Romans. During this period, Hannibal lost one of his eyes as a result of an eye infection, and Rome tried to assassinate him many times. Until he had to change his appearance and disguise himself every day, and he asked Carthage for supplies and equipment, but to no avail. Then he asked his brother, Haz Dur Bal, to join him with an army being recruited in Spain across the Alps, but the Roman occupation of Spain prevented Haz. Du Rabal was able to come to the aid of his brother, and several battles took place on the Italian peninsula, in which victory was won by Hannibal, who knew and mastered the arts of war and fighting, and ingenuity

      The use of cavalry in combat, with indifference to the huge range of forces between his army and the great Roman army, replacing the numbers with a well-thought-out plan, surprise, and combat experience.
      In and fight the battle without fear or hesitation. Those skirmishes remained without a decisive battle for nearly fifteen years, and Hannibal was afraid of Rome attacking him due to the small number of his soldiers and the inability to keep Rome, assuming its occupation, and his leadership was also criticized. Although he reached a distance of several miles from the walls of Rome, and he had hoped that Carthaginian supplies would join him, and forces from Zaragoza and Macedonians, his wait was in vain, especially after Rome occupied all of Spain, and after the killing of his brother, who came with his forces across the Alps to join him. After the death of Shakir, the role of Pal fell into the hands of Hannibal, and he began to withdraw from some sites, in an attempt to gather his forces, but the Romans attacked Carthage in Africa, and Carthage asked Hannibal to come to her rescue, forcing him to go to his country after the absence of many battles against the armies of Rome, and perhaps The most famous of the battles in which he won is Trabia (218) BC. M) and Trasimane (217 BC) and he was (216 BC). Hannibal was valiant in his war against the Roman forces and their allies, and he himself participated in the fighting until he was able to wound the commander of the forces (Sibiu the African) and defeated Hannibal for the first time in his life in) the Battle of Zama 202 BC. M) Abundance on the back of his horse for fear of captivity: After that, Carthage concluded reconciliation with the Romans, paid them tribute and abandoned its colonies outside Africa. Hannibal summoned Carthage again and took his country towards construction and reform, which offended the rich classes, which were sent secretly To thirty-six years after winning
      Rome to inform her that Hannibal is after preparations to attack Rome, forcing her to request the surrender of Hannibal (who fled his country and headed to Antioch joining Antiochus III, who appointed him in a leadership position, and after the defeat of Antiochus at the hands of the Romans, Rome's request was to hand over Hannibal as a prerequisite for reconciliation. (Hannibal) was forced to flee to Crete, then to Betopia, and when he despaired of escaping from the grip of the Romans, he preferred death to captivity, and said: (Let me ease the Romans for what has been preoccupying them for a long time, because they think that they cannot bear patience until an old man like me meets his death ), so he drank poison and died in 184 BC, when he was sixty-seven years old. Ending the Second Punic War.

      Our information about Hannibal has been extracted from enemy Roman historians. And our information from the Carthaginian sources is very little, and despite that, Hanniban was as much as he terrorized the Romans, he gained and extracted their admiration for his superior ability, his good military leadership, his ability to recruit from outside his homeland, and his know-how in guiding the rudder of victory on his whim. The Roman historian (Levi) described him as (he was the first to enter the battle and the last to leave it) and he had a prestige that possessed the enemies before and his star was loved by enemies and friends. He was not resting until he provided the soldiers and commanders with their rest, food and needs, and his only concern was securing supplies for his soldiers, so he was the first to attack the supply centers of his enemies, and he used to win his battles with his mind to spare the blood of his soldiers, and he was famous for his skill with friends.
      Treason, his knowledge and planning for the battle, his knowledge of the arts of war and fighting, his ability to recruit foreigners, his reliance on espionage, and surprise the enemies. There is nothing that is narrated about him that cannot be justified by the circumstances of his time and the international laws that prevailed in his days) Hannibal will remain a legend and role model, and he will remain an immortal hero, and a rare school for the Muskrani leaders in all circumstances and days and he will remain, until it was said that he is a personal enemy of Rome in retaliation for his homeland and his wars have been explained Against Rome, it is righteousness with his oath that his father wrested from him by destroying Rome. This is Hannibal, who took revenge on his enemies and avenged the honor of his homeland. So, no to the Arabs from a new Hanibal? . . . . a national leader.

