58 Mastering technique Extending the small flash My small on - camera battery flash is the one piece of equipment that I always carry in my bag . Though seldom used as the only source of light in a shot , it has often enabled me to take pictures in otherwise impossible situations . Any small flash gun is useful , irrespective of power and whether synchronized to the camera by " hot shoe " or synchronizing cord . If your flash gun has " converter lenses " which reduce or widen the basic light beam , together with a slot to accept filters to warm , cool or soften the light , you will have the basic equipment for many varied picture situations . An additional advantage comes when the flash gun is self - metering , or better still if the exposure is controlled through the camera meter , for with this sophistication there is no need to calculate exposure allowances when using filters . The basic on - camera use of the flash gun direct , aided by no other light source , is limited in nude photography to fairly shallow shots with interesting backgrounds within touching distance of the model . Even here , however , the rapid fall - off of light ( see Inverse square law , p . 165 ) will often produce muddy tones in parts of the shot farthest from the flash , unless the figure is very flatly drawn ( see Wide - angle lenses , p . 32 ) . Once there is a secondary source of light , the flash gun really comes into its own . Filling in the hard shadows thrown by bright sun in close - up pictures is an established technique . At dusk or dawn , out of doors or in side , the flash gun can gently light the model in the foreground while the exposure is adjusted Selective fill - in The beam pattern of a normal on - camera battery flash appears as narrow as a spotlight when using an ultra wide angle lens on the camera ( diagram below ) . By exploiting this quality , the fill - in flash in this shot did not destroy the mood of the sunset Attaching pale amber acetate to the flash , to match it to the sunset color , and falsifying the ASA rating on the flash to create underexposure in the fill - in , guaranteed the subtlety of the result . 16 mm . 1/125 sec . at f4 , Kodachrome 25 to give a richly colored background . In these moody light situations , because of the yellow ing of the light in the late afternoon , care must be exercised in choosing a color filter for the flash to match the existing light in the shot . If you use a powerful battery flash gun or have flash synchronization at speeds above 1 / 125th of a second ( found with between - the - lens shutters ) there is another whole world of single flash pictures to explore . Drama and mystery can be added to nude pictures while working in daylight by using reduced camera exposure to darken the sky and background . A hand held flash connected by a synchronizing cord to a camera on a tripod can become the main light in the shot , with daylight providing the backlight and some fill - in . Extra flashes with their own stands or with clamps to fix to doors and furniture can also extend the range of your shots .
صورة ظلية متعددة الفلاش تم إنشاء هذه الصورة الظلية ذات المظهر الغريب في الاستوديو باستخدام مسدسي فلاش للبطارية صغيرتين (الرسم التخطيطي أعلاه) ، أحدهما تم إطلاقه بواسطة صورة العين والآخر مغطى بالأسيتات الخضراء. قام أحد المصباح بإنشاء الصورة الظلية ، والتي ظلت حادة من خلال وضع النموذج بالقرب من الستارة ؛ أضاء المصباح الثاني الأوراق ، والتي لولا الأسيتات الخضراء كانت ستبدو عديمة اللون. عند استخدام الومضات لإعدادات مماثلة لهذا ، يجب توخي الحذر لإرباك الضوء لتجنب الانتشار غير المبرر من الرؤوس غير المظللة للمصابيح. 50 مم ، 1/125 ثانية. في f8 ، Ektachrome 200
Multi - flash silhouette This exotic - looking silhouette was created in the studio by using two small battery flash guns ( diagram above ) , one of which was fired by photo - eye and the other covered with green acetate . One lamp created the silhouette , which was kept sharp by the model's position close to the blind ; the second lamp lit the leaves , which without the green acetate would have appeared colorless . When using flashes for set - ups similar to this , care must be taken to baffle the light to avoid undue spread from the unshaded heads of the lamps . 50 mm , 1/125 sec . at f8 , Ektachrome 200
الفلاش السائد مع بعض حزم فلاش البطارية الأكثر قوة ، أو عند استخدام مصراع بين العدسة بسرعات مزامنة قصيرة ، من الممكن زيادة قوة الفلاش بحيث يسيطر ضوءه على الصورة. هذا له تأثير تعتيم السماء والمناطق المحيطة وإلقاء الموضوع في مكان بارز. هنا ، أدى وجود مسدس فلاش قوي واحد للبطارية مثبت فوق الكاميرا وخلفها إلى زيادة انتشار الضوء ، لكن هذا لم يكن لينجح بشكل جيد لو كان التعرض لضوء النهار أكبر. Bronica ETRC ، 50 مم ، 1/125 ثانية. في f8 ، Ektachrome 64 ، 81C على الفلاش.
Dominant flash With some of the more powerful battery flash packs , or when using a between - the - lens shutter with short synchronizing speeds , it is possible to increase the power of the flash so that its light dominates the picture . This has the effect of darkening skies and surroundings and throwing the subject into prominance . Here a single , powerful battery flash gun held above and behind the camera increased the spread of the light but this would not have worked so well had the daylight exposure been greater . Bronica ETRC , 50 mm , 1/125 sec . at f8 , Ektachrome 64 , 81C on flash .
إضاءة خلفية واحدة تم استخدام فلاش صغير واحد فقط ، يواجه بشكل غير مباشر تجاه الكاميرا والنموذج ولكنه مظلل من عدسة الكاميرا ، في لقطة الاستوديو هذه. تم إلقاء أشكال الخلفية بواسطة المرآة (الرسم التخطيطي على اليمين). 105 ملم ، 1/125 ثانية. في f4 ، Kodachrome 25 ، المستقطب.
Single backlight A Only one small flash , facing obliquely toward the camera and the model but shaded from the camera lens , was used for this studio shot . Background shapes were cast by the mirror ( diagram right ) . 105 mm , 1/125 sec . at f4 , Kodachrome 25 , polarizer .