Mastering technique Mixing light sources Successfully recording the mixture of daylight and artificial light in color photography is not easy but is highly rewarding when mastered The problems arise when you want to photo graph , especially indoors , during daylight hours and use an electric light to fill in shadows and add atmosphere to the shot . Most color film is manufactured for use in either artificial ( tungsten ) light or natural daylight , not both . For neutral results , choose your film on the basis of the dominant light source for the shot , but control color film reactions by the use of blue or yellow - brown filters . The most simple and easily controlled lights are photoflood bulbs . These over - run tungsten filament bulbs , which can be used in either ordinary lamps or simple aluminum reflectors , produce a brilliant light . They come in two sizes 275 watt and 500 watt . Because they are over - run they have only a few hours life and get extremely hot so they must not be left on for more than a few minutes at a time without special ventilation . Though their in tense light is slightly more blue than standard tungsten , it is still yellow compared to daylight . If used alone , try bouncing such light from a white reflector and shooting on fast tungsten film with a 81A filter to warm up the slightly blue photoflood . Though the reflected light is not strong enough to allow short exposures , it avoids hard shadows and highlights caused by direct illumination . To add depth and realism to your picture , introduce a touch of controlled daylight from behind the model to create cold , bluish highlights , while the main part of the picture is being softly lit by warm , reflected photofloods . You will then see the effect of mixed light on your tungsten film and its potential for creating mood and atmosphere . In a more spacious interior location , where your reflected photofloods cannot compete Mixing light at dusk A with the the power of the available daylight , you may be tempted to use flash ( see p . 62 ) . But if you prefer the predictability of photoflood light , wait until dusk . Then your photofloods are relatively stronger . Start shooting on daylight door light has faded . At this stage use a blue filter ( 82B or C ) to reduce the yellow . When the artificial light starts to dominate the shot , switch to tungsten film before the film with an 818 or C filter to stop the daylight content cooling down the shot too much . Whitewashed walls in the courtyard of an old Greek house provided the perfect setting for this simple , mixed light shot By photographing in the few minutes in table lamps ating balance between the strength of the the light of was perfect , I was create an atmosphere which then the need to echo the direction of the existing domestic the addition of one photoflood lamp , fitted with a shoot ( right ) The position of the photoflood was dictated by lighting in the courtyard . I originally attempted the shoot on daylight film , using an 82B filter to counteract fellow of the tungsten content and increase the blue of the daylight , but at dusk I switched to tungsten film and an 81 EF filter . Bronica ETRC , 50mm , 1/8 sec at 14 . Ektachrome 160 , 81EF
محاكاة ضوء الغرفة D ضوءان ضوئيان في عاكسات ، أحدهما يضيء الغرفة والآخر يشير نحو الكاميرا لإضاءة النموذج والنحت الورقي ولكن تم وضعه بعناية بحيث لا يسقط أي ضوء مباشر على الكاميرا. محاكاة ضوء الغرفة العادي سمح هذا الترتيب بتعريض أقصر للصورة الداخلية الليلية ، المأخوذة من خارج نافذة الطابق العلوي 105 مم 1/125 ثانية عند f5.6 Kodachrome 25 ، 820 استخدام التركيبات المنزلية V زوج من مصابيح طاولة بجانب السرير ، خلف الستائر. ربما يكون قد أنتج ضوءًا كافيًا لهذه اللقطة. لكني استبدلت المصابيح. مع تدفق ضوئي صغير وإزالة الظلال مؤقتًا للحصول على إضاءة كافية لتجنب الاضطرار إلى العمل على أسرع فيلم ملون. تعني الجودة الشاملة في المناطق المحيطة أن استخدام مرشح الاحترار لمواجهة الجودة الباردة قليلاً للفيضانات الضوئية لم يكن ضروريًا. 28 مم 1/15 ثانية. في f4. Ektachrome 160 FM: Ⓒ المزاج المحفز t مزيج من ثلاثة ضوء. ساهمت المصادر في الإضاءة في هذه اللقطة الداخلية بضوء النهار الشتوي الضعيف من النافذة: ضوء ضوئي في عاكس. خلق ضوء القصاصة. حول رأس النموذج وإخراج البرودة من ضوء النهار ، وأخيراً مصباح الزيت ، الذي قمت بتضمينه أكثر للمزاج من الإضاءة (أدناه). 106 مم 1/8 ثانية عند 18. كوداكروم 25
Simulating room light D Two photofloods in reflectors one lighting the room the other pointing toward the camera to backlight the model and the paper sculpture but carefully positioned so that no direct light fell on the camera . simulated normal room light This arrangement allowed a shorter exposure for the night interior shot , taken from outside an upstairs window 105 mm 1/125 sec at f5.6 Kodachrome 25 , 820 Using domestic fittings V A pair of bedside table lamps , behind the curtains . might have produced anough light for this shot . but I replaced the bulbs . with small photofloods and temporarily removed the shades to gain enough light to avoid having to work on the fastest color film . The overall vellow quality in the surroundings meant that the use of a warming - up filter to counteract the slightly cold quality of the photofloods was unnecessary . 28 mm 1/15 sec . at f4 . Ektachrome 160 FM : Ⓒ Motivating mood t A mixture of three light . sources contributed to the i illumination in this indoor shot weak winter daylight from the window : a photoflood in a reflector . creating the clip light . around the model's head and taking the coldness out of the grav daylight , and finally the oil lamp , which I included more for mood than illumination ( below ) . 106 mm 1/8 sec at 18 . Kodachrome 25