Mastering technique Shooting with low sun The clear , low , warm light in the minutes before set of 82 blue correction filters is useful . The sunset emphasizes texture , creates patterns with long shadows and adds glamor to the model and the setting . If at first the light little too strong for the model you may need to a create shade with a hat , dark glasses or some other prop . Even if this throws her eyes into shadow , you may have added mystery by letting the viewer read his own message into the unseen eyes . need for color correction during this magic hour depends in part on the accuracy of color that you are using . rendering required and also on the type of film As the sun sinks toward the horizon , the color changes to the warmer end of the spectrum and for a correct rendering of color a Changing light at dawn These photographs were shot in 5 minutes . The top picture was lit by the bright sky before the sun rose over the horizon . The lower picture shows the change in effect when the sun's rays began to reach the model . 50 mm , 1/4 sec at 15.6 . Kodachrome 25 , 20 CC magenta ( top ) , 50mm , 1/30 sec at f5.6 . Kodachrome 25 ( bottom ) exploited indoors with a large window facing The benefits of low - angled sun can also be either east or west . But remember , the fast moving angle of the sun at this time of day shooting your scene before the light changes . means that you have to be very quick to finish The last dying Highlights from the sky sun gave textural contrast between fabric and skin . Weakness of the sun at this time means that the blue sky behind the figure takes on a Prominance was given to backlight role , picking up the figure by choosing a position in which the model use of a long lens , was was in the sun but the background , softened by the in shadow . 300 mm , 1 / 60sec at 15.6 . Kodachrome 25 .
ضوء الجمال جاء نسيج الجلد القوي في هذه الصورة البسيطة من قلة التعرض والتخلف الطفيف ، مما أدى إلى إنتاج سلبي ناعم ورقيق يطبع جيدًا على ورق متباين. أدى وضع النموذج بدقة لمواجهة غروب الشمس إلى خلق ضوء جمال بلا ظل تقريبًا للوجه ، لكنه أجبر العارضة على إسقاط عينيها قليلاً لتجنب الانبهار. عزز تزييت الجلد نسيج الجسم ، بينما عزز اختيار درجات لون متوسطة بسيطة للخلفية البعيدة مزاج اللقطة. 300 مم ، 1/250 ثانية. في f5.6. تم تخفيض Tri - X إلى 100 ASA.
Beauty light Strong skin texture in this simple picture came from slight underexposure and underdevelopment , producing a soft , thin negative that prints well on contrasty paper . Positioning the model accurately to face the setting sun created an almost shadowless beauty light for the face , but forced the model to drop her eyes slightly to avoid dazzle . Oiling the skin enhanced the body texture , while choosing simple mid - tones for the distant background consolidated the mood of the shot . 300 mm , 1/250 sec . at f5.6 . Tri - X downrated to 100 ASA .