جولیا دومینا .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني

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  • جولیا دومینا .. كتاب مائة أوائل من تراثنا ، الكاتب عبد الهادي حرصوني

    جولیا دومینا :

    [ ت : ٢١٧ م ]
    يقال إن وراء كل عظيم إمرأة هذا المثل فهو يكاد يعني جوليادومنا بالذات لأنها ليست وراء سبتيم سيفر زوجها الامبراطور العظيم فحسب بل وراء أربعة من الأباطرة الذين حكموا روما والامبراطورية الرومانية، إضافة إلى أنها الرأس المدير ، والمثال الحي لأربعة من أعظم

    نساء التاريخ حملن جميعهن اسم جوليا ، وهن أخواتها وأقربائها لقد قامت جوليادومنا وزوجها الامبراطور سبتيم سيفر بإنقلاب شامل في الإمبراطورية الرومانية صبغ روما والامبراطورية بالصبغة الشرقية العربية ، في فتره كان الصراع الحضاري بين الشرق والغرب قد . وصل أوجــــه .

    بين العروبة بأقدم معانيها وبين أعدائها الغربيين ، وشمل تأثير هذا الإنقلاب الكبير والواسع مختلف مظاهر الحياة ، حتى اعتبر بداية لتاريخ أهم مرحلة في التاريخ الغربي ، وهي مرحلة اضمحلال الامبراطورية الرومانية ، وبداية لسقوط الغرب الذي أخذ الحضارة عن العرب في في بلاد الرافدين وسورية ، ومصر ، عبر مملكة ليديا وكريت فأقام حضارته في اليونان وروما .
    نهر العاصي حتى قال المؤرخون المعاصرون لتلك الفترة و أخذ الحمدي يصب بالتيبر الروماني ، للتعبير عن مدى التأثير الحاصل

    في حياته ولدت جوليا دومنا في مدينة «امسا ، ( وهو اسم حمص القديم ) من عائلة اشتهرت بخدمة إله حمص الأكابالاس ( إله الشمس ) . كان أبوها يدعى باسيانس كبيراً للكهنة في معبد المدينة ، وقد ترعرعت جوليا في حمص وهناك أخذت تعليمها وثقافتها الرفيعة واشتهرت بنبوءة تقول بأنها ستكون ملكة بعد زواجها ، وقد سمع هذه النبوءة قائد القوات الرومانية في ولاية سورية سبتيم سيفر وكانت قد ماتت زوجته الأولى فأسرع يطلب يد جوليا من أبها وتم الزواج عام ١٨٧ م . أما سبتيم سيفر فهو من مواليد عام ١٤٦م في لبتيس ( لبدة اليوم ) وهي مستعمرة فينيقية قريبة من قرطاجه من أب يدعى سيفروس وأم تدعى أغناس وكانت نشأته كما يصفه ول ديوانت في أسرة فينيقية تتكلم بهذه اللغة ، ودرس الآداب والفلسفة في أثينا ، واشتغل بالمحاماة في رومة ، وكان رغم لهجته السامية من أحسن الرومان تربية وأكثرهم علماً في زمانه ، وكان مولعاً بأن يجمع حوله الشعراء والفلاسفة، ولكنه لم يترك الفلسفة تعوقه عن الحروب ، ولم يدع الشعر يرقق من طباعه ، وكان رجلاً الطلعة ، قوى البنية ، بسيطا في ملبسه قادراً على مغالبة الصعاب ، بارعاً في الفنون العسكرية ، مقداما لإيهاب الردى في القتال ، قاسي القلب لا يرحم إذا انتصر ، وكان لبقاً فكها في حديثه ، نافذ البصيرة في قضائه ، قديراً صارماً في أحكامه. وقد ابتسم الحظ للزوجين حينما انتقل سبتيم سيفر ليكون قائداً عاماً للقوات الرومانية في بانونيا. في نفس الوقت الذي قام الحرس وسیم
    الولايات بعد ثم حلا الحرس البريتوري وأحدثا حرساً جديداً أعضاءه من سائر أن كان هذا الحرس إيطاليا فقط

    قاما يجعل الخدمة العسكرية إجبارية على كل الولايات وحرماها على سكان إيطاليا

    أخذت الأفكار الشرقية ، والمظاهر الشرقية عامة تظهر في روما بدءاً من طريقة الحكم التي كانت باعتبارات سيفروس ترى أن الامبراطورية ملكاً شخصياً له . وبلغ التدخل لحد إدخال الآلهة السورية إلى روما، ثم إدخال طرق الحياة الاجتماعية حتى أن الخصيان قد انتشروا في روما ، ويقال إن والد زوجة كركلا قد خصى عدداً هائلاً مـــــن أشراف روما على الطريقة الشرقية لمجرد أن يخرجوا خلف العروسين في مراسيم الزواج. وامتد النفوذ العربي إلى السياسة فاحتل الكثير من العرب المناصب المهمة في روما بدءاً من مجلس الشيوخ ( السناتو ) إلى منصب رئيس الوزراء ، وإلى أعضاء مجلس الحكام ، وإلى الوزراء ومناصب الجيش ، وكذلك في المجلس الاستشاري الذي أحدثته جوليا دومنا ، ليساعد الامبراطور ، وقد قامت باستدعاء العلماء والفلاسفة والأدباء من سائر المناطق الشرقية والعربية خاصة لتعينهم بمناصب الدولة التي أصبحت وقفاً على العرب والسوريين في الامبراطورية

    وقد وصف جيبون المتحامل على العرب هذا في كتابه اضمحلال الامبراطورية الرومانية فقال : وامتلأ مجلس السناتو على عهد سيفيروس فصحاء مصقولين جاءوا من الولايات الشرقية ، وبرروا الملق الشخصي بعبيد
    بمبادى نظرية تنبعث من العبودية

    كان القصر ملقى العلماء والشعراء والفلاسفة ، وكانت جوليادومنا هي التي تنظم حلقات العلم والمناقشة ، وتشرف على المناظرات والمحاضرات، وقد ضم بلاطها كل المشاهير من كل فن وعلم . فكان فيه بابنيان وأولبيان وبولس وهم أعظم فقهاء الرومان والعالم ، وهم جميعاً عرب من سوريا ، كما وضم من الفلاسفة فيلوستراس الذي أقنعته بكتابة سيرة أبلوتيوس البتانائي ، وضم بلاطها أيضا الطبيب جالينوس وضم من المؤرخين ديو جينوس لائزتيوس ودبوكاسيتوس . أما أعمال سيفيروس العسكرية ، والتي استغرقت ثماني عشرة سنة في حروب مريمة وحشية فقد تضمن بعضها قتال منافسيه والبعض الآخر هدف لاسترداد مناطق قديمة وضم مناطق للإمبراطورية ، أو القضاء على الفتن . فقام بغزو بارئيا واستولى على طشقونه وضم بلاد النهرين إلى الامبراطورية ، ورغم إصابته بداء النقرس في شيخوخته ، زحف إلى كلدونيا وانتصر على الاسكتلنديين في عدة وقائع ، ثم عاد إلى انكلترة وعند وصوله إلى يورك وافته المنية عام ٢١١ م ، وكانت آخر وصاياه الحفاظ على الاسرة الامبراطورية ، ثم العمل على استرضاء الجيش وقد انجبت جوليا دومنا منه ولدين وهما كارا كلا وجيتا اللذان شاركا أباهما الحكم كأباطرة ، إلا أن الغيرة بينهما جعلت كارا كلا يقدم على قتل أخيه بعيد موت أبيه ، وكان الابن المغدور في حضرة والدته التي حاولت الدفاع عنه فأخفقت ، وقد تقطعت بعض أصابعها من سيوف الجند الذين أحضر هم كارا كلا لاغتيال أخيه .

    من نتيجة ذلك ومن الكره الشعبي الذي انصب على كارا كلا الذي اطلق عليه لقب ، قاتل أخيه وتمادياً في حقده وغيه ارتكب كاراكلا .

    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٦-٢٠٢٣ ٠٠.٠٦_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	16 
الحجم:	61.4 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	74045 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٦-٢٠٢٣ ٠٠.٠٧_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	12 
الحجم:	78.8 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	74046 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٦-٢٠٢٣ ١٧.٣٧_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	79.0 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	74047 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٦-٢٠٢٣ ٠٠.٠٧ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	12 
الحجم:	72.2 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	74048 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٦-٢٠٢٣ ٠٠.٠٨_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	11 
الحجم:	77.3 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	74049

  • #2
    اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٦-٢٠٢٣ ٠٠.٠٨ (1)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	7 
الحجم:	74.1 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	74051 اضغط على الصورة لعرض أكبر. 

الإسم:	CamScanner ٠٢-٢٦-٢٠٢٣ ٠٠.٠٨ (2)_1.jpg 
مشاهدات:	10 
الحجم:	55.9 كيلوبايت 
الهوية:	74052

    Julia Domina


    [T: 217 AD]

    If it is true, it is said that behind every great woman is this proverb, then it almost means Juliadomna in particular, because she is not only behind Septim Sever, her husband, the great emperor, but behind four of the emperors who ruled Rome and the Roman Empire, in addition to being the managing head, and the living example of four of the greatest

    The women of history all bore the name of Julia, and they are her sisters and relatives. Juliadomna and her husband, Emperor Septim Sever, carried out a comprehensive coup in the Roman Empire, dyeing Rome and the empire in the eastern Arab character, during a period when the civilizational conflict between East and West had come. The climax has arrived.

    Between Arabism in its oldest meanings and its Western enemies, and the impact of this great and wide coup included various aspects of life, until it was considered the beginning of the history of the most important stage in Western history, which is the stage of the decline of the Roman Empire, and the beginning of the fall of the West, which took civilization away from the Arabs in Mesopotamia, Syria, and Egypt. Through the Kingdom of Lydia and Crete, he established his civilization in Greece and Rome.
    The Orontes River, until the contemporary historians of that period said, and al-Hamdi began pouring into the Roman Tiber, to express the extent of the influence achieved

    During his lifetime, Julia Domna was born in the city of “Emsa,” (which is the old name of Homs), from a family that was famous for serving the god of Homs, Al-Aqabalas (the sun god). Her father, Bassianus, was a high priest in the temple of the city, and Julia grew up in Homs, and there she acquired her high education and culture, and she became famous for a prophecy saying that she would be a queen after her marriage. This prophecy was heard by the commander of the Roman forces in the state of Syria, Septim Sefer, and his first wife had died, so he hurried to ask for Julia’s hand. From Abha and the marriage took place in 187 AD. As for Septim Sever, he was born in the year 146 AD in Leptis (today’s Leptis), which is a Phoenician colony close to Carthage, from a father called Severus and a mother called Agnas. Despite his sublime dialect, he was one of the best-educated and most knowledgeable Romans of his time, and he was fond of gathering poets and philosophers around him, but he did not let philosophy hinder him from wars, and he did not let poetry soften his character. Difficulties, skilled in military arts, daring to strike back in combat, hard-hearted and ruthless if victorious, and he was tactful in his speech, penetrating insight in his judgment, capable and strict in his judgments. Fortune smiled at the couple when Septim Sever moved to be commander-in-chief of the Roman forces in Pannonia. At the same time that the handsome guard
    After that, the states dissolved the Praetorian Guard and created a new guard whose members were from all over the world, if this guard was only Italy.

    They made military service compulsory for all states and forbade it for residents of Italy

    Eastern ideas, and eastern aspects in general, began to appear in Rome, starting with the way of government that, according to Severus' considerations, saw the empire as his personal property. The intervention reached the point of introducing the Syrian gods to Rome, and then introducing the ways of social life so that eunuchs had spread in Rome, and it is said that the father-in-law of Caracalla had castrated a huge number of the supervision of Rome according to the eastern way, just to go out behind the newlyweds in the marriage ceremonies. And Arab influence extended to politics, so many Arabs occupied important positions in Rome, starting from the Senate (Senato) to the position of prime minister, to members of the Council of Governors, to ministers and army positions, as well as in the advisory council created by Julia Domna, to help the emperor, and she summoned Scientists, philosophers and writers from all the eastern and Arab regions in particular to appoint them to the positions of the state, which became a waqf for Arabs and Syrians in the empire

    Gibbon, who is prejudiced against the Arabs, described this in his book The Decline of the Roman Empire, and said: The Senate was filled during the reign of Severus with polished eloquents who came from the eastern states, and justified personal flattery with slaves.
    Principles of theory emanating from slavery

    The palace was a meeting place for scholars, poets, and philosophers, and Juliadomna was the one who organized circles of science and discussion, and supervised debates and lectures, and her court included all famous people from every art and science. It included Papenian, Ulpian, and Paul, who are the greatest Roman jurists and the world, and they are all Arabs from Syria. It also included Philostras, whom I persuaded to write a biography of Apollotius of Batanae, and its court also included the physician Galen, and included historians Dio Genos Lasetius and Depocacitus. As for Severus' military actions, which lasted eighteen years in brutal Mariam wars, some of them included fighting his rivals, while others aimed to recover ancient regions and annex regions to the empire, or to eliminate strife. So he invaded Baria and took control of Tashkouna and annexed Mesopotamia to the empire, and despite suffering from gout in his old age, he marched to Caledonia and defeated the Scots in several incidents, then returned to England and upon his arrival in York passed away in 211 AD, and his last commandments were to preserve the imperial family Then he worked to appease the army, and Julia Domna bore him two sons, Kara Kala and Gita, who shared their father’s rule as emperors, but the jealousy between them made Kara Kala kill his brother after his father’s death, and the betrayed son was in the presence of his mother, who tried to defend him but failed. Some of her fingers were cut off from the swords of the soldiers who brought Kara Kala to assassinate his brother.

    As a result of this, and from the popular hatred that was directed against Caracalla, who was dubbed the murderer of his brother, and in perseverance in his hatred and evil, he committed Caracalla


    • #3
      The imperial (praetorian) killed the emperor (Pertnax), the former member of the Senate (the former Senator), and announced that the crown would be for the one who gives them the largest bid, so the brokers became active and began to move from one team to another to increase the bid of the soldiers, but that Galians was the owner of the largest bid, as he promised to pay 6500 dirhams His brother is for every soldier who elects him as emperor, but the people of Rome were upset by this situation, so they called on the Roman forces present in England, Pannonia and Syria to march to Rome and depose Gallianus. He entered Rome with his military forces, although he wore his civilian clothes and the Senate was forced to name him emperor, and he was forced to fight the battles against his rivals (Peskinus Younger), the commander of the Roman forces in Syria, and (Albinus) the ruler of Britain, and he defeated them.

      After Sublim Sever ascended the throne, he exerted all his efforts to establish peace and security and restore the states that had departed from the rule of Rome, and to make great efforts for reform and improvement in the army and the judiciary, and to remove the disadvantages of civil strife.

      Septim Sefer appointed his wife as his assistant and head of his court, and gave her the title (Augusta), and she shared him and stood behind many of his correct views. The attention of the emperor and the empress in her rule was directed to a special approach, as they directed care to the states without Italy, and they established many facilities, public buildings, baths, and others.
      twenty . About a thousand incidents of killing his brother's supporters, and everyone who was related to him, and even Babinian, the greatest jurists in the entire world, did not survive this liquidation, so that the title of Kara Kallah became the killer of his brother and Babinian, and after these incidents, Kara left both Rome and did not return to it, and it was his mother Which increased her interference in governance to limit the actions of her son

      Reckless and his impromptu decisions, then the idea of ​​​​invading the East, imitating Alexander the Macedonian, seized Kara, so he moved to Antioch to attack Parthia. The state and foreigners, although he used to share their food and huts with his soldiers, dig trenches with them, build bridges, and walk with them in the long arduous way, but the spoils were more than their love for fighting, so they killed him in Kari after his defeat of Crass in 217 AD, and Makrisnis, the commander of the imperial guard, seized power. Julia Domna was exiled to Antioch, but she could not bear the death of her husband and son, the loss of her position, and the return to oblivion, so she stopped eating until she died, and was buried after her death in Antioch, and after her death, her remains were transferred to Rome, where she was buried next to Caius and Julius Caesar, and again her remains were transferred again by Her sister Julia Macia with the remains of Gina to the tombs of the Antonines, their love

      Her sister, Julia Messia, went to Homs, where she equipped an army, and attacked Macrinus the usurper, who failed to keep his position and was defeated by Julia Messia's forces. which was appointed to
      The throne is his grandson over the years (218 - 222 m), which was for Agaalos and moved to Rome and his imposition there, and his mother was also called Julia Swimas (and its Arab names of Kanmani Suhaimah) The emperor was killed in 222. Julia Massia made her second daughter, Julia Mamia and gave the title of Iskandar Safiros, who was ruled during the years (222-235) and was a great loved one, but killed 235 in sedition and killed His mother is also and his death ended a family Sever in Rome, which Juliadna was the actual institution and the bright star. Julia has achieved the dreams of Semiramis and Cleopatra together. All of them were together, and therefore the most famous woman in the world has become the history of history, although they are almost unknown in their motherland, in their country, which has sought to raise their desperation upon their enemies

