72 Lighting and studio Physiograms Moving a light source during a time exposure in a darkened room produces patterns known as physiograms . For formal , rhythmic designs , use a point source light suspended from the ceiling on a long string , and swing this like a pendulum in different directions to create patterns . Set up the camera on the floor looking upward , or stretch mirror - foil over the floor and photo graph the light reflected in the foil . A steering string allows you to pull the lamp into different orbits during exposure , see below . Begin by focusing the camera on the static light source . Try using 125 ASA film - give an exposure of about 30 sec . and set aperture to f8 . Physiogram pattern F m You can draw irregular light trail patterns by M hand in a darkened room . Set up your camera on a tripod facing a dark background , and hold a flashlight ( hand torch ) about 8 ft ( 2.5 m ) away , f facing the lens . You can write or draw in the air , or move the light around the outline of objects to trace their shapes . If you set up black masks or other obstructions in front of the camera , the scribbling light movements will fill in the remaining clear areas on the film . And you can tint light trails in any physiogram different colors if you use filters on either the camera or light source and change them during the exposure .
نمط الرسم الفيزيائي ▷ لإنتاج نمط تجريدي ، قام Etienne Weil بضبط تعريض ضوئي طويل على كاميرته وصوّر ضوءًا متأرجحًا في غرفة مظلمة ، انظر الرسم البياني أدناه. كلما تأرجح الضوء بشكل أبطأ ، زاد تعرض مسار الضوء ، مما يجعل الخط أكثر سمكًا. AF.
Physiogram pattern ▷ To produce an abstract pattern , Etienne Weil set a long exposure on his camera and photographed a swinging light in a darkened room , see diagram below . The slower the light swings , the more exposure is given to the light trail , making a thicker line . AF .
مخطط جسدي مقنع ► لهذه النتيجة الدراماتيكية. استخدم Al Bridel قناع غطاء العدسة من الخطوط العريضة لشخصين. ملأ المساحات الواضحة بمسارات ضوئية متحركة ، تم إنتاجها يدويًا في استوديو مظلم. قام بتغيير المرشحات أثناء التعرض لإنتاج نطاق ج من الخطوط الملونة.
Masked physiogram ► For this dramatic result . Al Bridel used a lens hood mask of the outlines of two figures . He filled in clear areas with moving light trails , produced by hand in a darkened studio . He changed filters during the exposure to produce a range c of colored lines .