4² 66 Lighting and studio Low and high key Although low and high key techniques are not strictly special effects , they manipulate mood and atmosphere and combine well with effects like flare ( see p . 30 ) , diffusion or long exposure ( see p . 18 ) . Low key pictures are predominantly heavy in tone , usually with rich shadows and dark colors . The effect is often somber and mysterious . Use combination of a dark background , a mostly dark - toned subject , and rim - lighting ( to produce highlights and pick out shape without illuminating large areas ) . High key is predominantly light in tone and mood , and colors are pastel . The effect is delicate and romantic - its traditional use is in portraits of blonde women and children . Once again , your main controls are choice of subject , background and lighting . Try to keep heavy tones to a minimum , but include a few small dark - toned areas to avoid a flat look . In the studio , use large , closely - positioned , diffused light sources . Outdoors you can shoot into the light , and deliberately overexpose , see below . High key and overexposure A To take this picture of horses , the photographer aimed into the light . overexposing the subject . Instead of a silhouetted result ( normal exposure ) . the image appears as a simple , flat area of pale tone , with bleached colors . Bracket exposures for this technique , particularly when you are working with color slide film Low key silhouette A silhouette is often enhanced by a combination of a low key exposure and rim lighting , as in the picture on the right . Choose your angle carefully so that your subject is edged with light .
مفتاح منخفض ومصراع بطيء A بالنسبة لهذه الصورة ، استخدمت Elly Beintema سرعة غالق تبلغ 1/15 ثانية. مع إضاءة مائلة منخفضة. يتناسب المفتاح المنخفض الذي قدمته المياه المظلمة مع الألوان الغنية والكئيبة لهذا المشهد الهندي ، بينما يلتقط المصراع البطيء تدفق حركة الصياد وهو يهز شبكته.
Low key and slow shutter A For this picture , Elly Beintema used a shutter speed of 1/15 sec . with low oblique lighting . Low key given by the dark water suits the rich , somber colors of this Indian scene , while a slow shutter captures the flow of the fisherman's movement as he shakes out his net .