الزراعة بماء البحر تعدّ الزراعة بماء البحر أحد عناصر الزراعة المستدامة، والتي يتم اللجوء إليها في بعد تحليتها، وذلك عندما يزداد معدل الاستهلاك من المياه العذبة وتناقص مخزونها، مما يؤدي إلى حدوث أزمة في المياه؛ لأنّ وسائل الزراعة التقليديّة تحتاج إلى كميات كبيرة من المياه وخاصة بعض المحاصيل مثل الأرز، ومن خلال هذه الطريقة يمكن توفير استهلاك المياه إلى معدلات قياسيّة، كما يتم استخدام هذه الطريقة في المناطق القاحلة أو شبه القاحلة. مشاكل تعالجها الزراعة بماء البحر تعالج الزراعة بماء البحر عدة مشاكل ومنها توفير كميات كافية من المياه عند حدوث نقص حاد في المياة العذبة، أو حدوث ظروف للتربة غير مرغوب فيها للأنشطة الزراعيّة في المناطق السياحيّة، حيث إنّ المياه العذبة تتوفر بنسبة 2.75% من جميع مصادر المياه التي توجد على سطح الأرض، ويوجد 74.5% منها في الأنهار الجليديّة والتي يصعب توفيرها بسهولة. إنّ الكثير من المناطق تعاني من ندرة في المياه العذبة أو تلوثها ومن هذه المناطق: منطقة أفريقيا في جنوب الصحراء، وشبه القارة الهنديّة، فالمياه العذبة لها دور مهم في الكثير من الأنشطة البشريّة ومنها: الشرب، والاستجمام، والصناعة، وأهمها إنتاج الغذاء؛ لأنّ نسبة الأملاح والأيونات فيها أقل بكثير من مياه البحار، وعليه فإنّ استخدام مياه البحر في الرزاعة يساعد على توفير كميات كبيرة من المياه العذبة، وأثبتت بعض الأبحاث والتجارب أنّ مياه البحر قد تحول ظروف التربة غير المرغوب بها ومنها زيادة الرطوبة. تأثير مياه البحر في النباتات يعدّ التسمم من الأمور التي تؤثر في نمو البناتات بسبب الري بمياه البحر، وذلك بسبب الامتصاص الزائد للمواد المالحة ومنها: الصوديوم، والعناصر الغذائيّة الأساسيّة الأخرى كالبوتاسيوم، ومن تلك الأمور أيضاً الملوحة التي قد تنتج عنها بعض الأضرار ومنها: نمو النباتات بأوراق أصغر من المعتاد وأكثر قتامة، وأيضاً قد يصل تأثير الملوحة إلى ظهور تشققات على سطح التربة. قابليّة المحاصيل للري بمياه البحر إنّ مياه البحر لا تتناسب مع جميع أنواع المحاصيل الزراعيّة والنباتات، حيث إنّ بعضها قد يموت بعد الري، أما البعض الأخر قد ينمو بشكل طبيعي، ومن هذه المحاصيل التي من الممكن أن تصبح من المحاصيل التجاريّة هي نبات الخبيزة، وهي أحد أنواع النباتات التي تنمو على شاطئ البحر، وأيضاً الطماطم حيث إنّ ريها بماء البحر المخفف والمعالج يكون أكثر صحة من استخدام المياه العذبة، فأظهرت بعض الدراسات أنّ الطماطم المرويّة بمياه البحر المخففة يكون مستوى مضادات الأكسدة الصحيّة فيها أعلى بكثير، وعند ريها بنسبة تصل إلى 12% من محلول الملح، فإنّها تنتج أفضل الثمار والتي تحتوي على فيتامين C وA وبمذاق جيد. المشاريع الزراعيّة بمياه البحر تعتمد المشاريع الموجودة على عدة أمور منها: التكنولوجيا، والعوامل الاجتماعيّة، والاقتصاديّة المحليّة، والتي في كثير من الحالات قد لا يمكن أن تتكرر بسهولة في أمكان أخرى، وعليه يجب معرفة الظروف والعوامل المحليّة للمكان الذي ستقام فيه المشاريع، كما يجب متابعتها بحذر شديد حتى لا يحدث أي خلل قي البيئة القائمة؛ لأنّها غالباً ما تكون هشة بالرغم من أنّ هذه المشاريع معدّة بإمكانيّات كبيرة، لذا يجب عمل مشاريع تجريبيّة صغيرة في عدة مناطق مختلفة في جميع أنحاء العالم لإجراء البحوث وجمع البيانات، بحيث يكون الجدول الزمني لها من 2-5 سنوات، وبعد انتهاء هذه الفترة يتم تقييم المشروع لتنفيذه على نطاق أوسع.
Seawater agriculture is one of the elements of sustainable agriculture, which is resorted to after desalination, when the rate of consumption of fresh water increases and its stock decreases, which leads to a water crisis. Because traditional agricultural methods need large amounts of water, especially some crops such as rice, and through this method water consumption can be saved to standard rates, and this method is also used in arid or semi-arid regions. Problems addressed by seawater agriculture Seawater farming addresses several problems, including the provision of sufficient quantities of water when there is an acute shortage of fresh water, or the occurrence of undesirable soil conditions for agricultural activities in tourist areas, as fresh water is available at a rate of 2.75% of all water sources. Which are found on the surface of the earth, and there are 74.5% of them in glaciers, which are difficult to provide easily. Many regions suffer from scarcity of fresh water or its pollution, and among these regions: Africa in sub-Saharan Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. Fresh water has an important role in many human activities, including: drinking, recreation, industry, the most important of which is food production; Because the percentage of salts and ions in it is much lower than sea water, and therefore the use of sea water in agriculture helps to provide large quantities of fresh water, and some research and experiments have shown that sea water may transform unwanted soil conditions, including increasing humidity. The effect of sea water on plants. Poisoning is one of the things that affect the growth of girls due to irrigation with sea water, due to the excess absorption of salty substances, including: sodium, and other essential nutrients such as potassium, and among those matters also salinity that may result in some damage, including: plant growth With leaves smaller than normal and darker, and the effect of salinity may lead to the appearance of cracks on the surface of the soil. The ability of crops to be irrigated with sea water Sea water is not suitable for all types of agricultural crops and plants, as some may die after irrigation, while others may grow naturally, and among these crops that can become commercial crops is the mallow plant, which is one of Types of plants that grow on the seashore, as well as tomatoes, as irrigating them with diluted and treated seawater is healthier than using fresh water. Some studies have shown that tomatoes irrigated with diluted seawater have a much higher level of healthy antioxidants, and when irrigated by up to 12% From the salt solution, they produce the best fruits, which contain vitamin C and A and have a good taste. Seawater agricultural projects Existing projects depend on several things, including: technology, and local social and economic factors, which in many cases may not be easily replicated in other places, and therefore the local conditions and factors of the place where the projects will be established must be known, and they must be followed up. with great caution so as not to cause any disruption to the existing environment; Because they are often fragile despite the fact that these projects are prepared with great potential, so small pilot projects must be done in several different regions around the world to conduct research and collect data, so that the timetable for them is from 2-5 years, and after the end of this period an evaluation is made. project to be implemented on a larger scale.
Seawater agriculture is one of the elements of sustainable agriculture, which is resorted to after desalination, when the rate of consumption of fresh water increases and its stock decreases, which leads to a water crisis. Because traditional agricultural methods need large amounts of water, especially some crops such as rice, and through this method water consumption can be saved to standard rates, and this method is also used in arid or semi-arid regions. Problems addressed by seawater agriculture Seawater farming addresses several problems, including the provision of sufficient quantities of water when there is an acute shortage of fresh water, or the occurrence of undesirable soil conditions for agricultural activities in tourist areas, as fresh water is available at a rate of 2.75% of all water sources. Which are found on the surface of the earth, and there are 74.5% of them in glaciers, which are difficult to provide easily. Many regions suffer from scarcity of fresh water or its pollution, and among these regions: Africa in sub-Saharan Africa, and the Indian subcontinent. Fresh water has an important role in many human activities, including: drinking, recreation, industry, the most important of which is food production; Because the percentage of salts and ions in it is much lower than sea water, and therefore the use of sea water in agriculture helps to provide large quantities of fresh water, and some research and experiments have shown that sea water may transform unwanted soil conditions, including increasing humidity. The effect of sea water on plants. Poisoning is one of the things that affect the growth of girls due to irrigation with sea water, due to the excess absorption of salty substances, including: sodium, and other essential nutrients such as potassium, and among those matters also salinity that may result in some damage, including: plant growth With leaves smaller than normal and darker, and the effect of salinity may lead to the appearance of cracks on the surface of the soil. The ability of crops to be irrigated with sea water Sea water is not suitable for all types of agricultural crops and plants, as some may die after irrigation, while others may grow naturally, and among these crops that can become commercial crops is the mallow plant, which is one of Types of plants that grow on the seashore, as well as tomatoes, as irrigating them with diluted and treated seawater is healthier than using fresh water. Some studies have shown that tomatoes irrigated with diluted seawater have a much higher level of healthy antioxidants, and when irrigated by up to 12% From the salt solution, they produce the best fruits, which contain vitamin C and A and have a good taste. Seawater agricultural projects Existing projects depend on several things, including: technology, and local social and economic factors, which in many cases may not be easily replicated in other places, and therefore the local conditions and factors of the place where the projects will be established must be known, and they must be followed up. with great caution so as not to cause any disruption to the existing environment; Because they are often fragile despite the fact that these projects are prepared with great potential, so small pilot projects must be done in several different regions around the world to conduct research and collect data, so that the timetable for them is from 2-5 years, and after the end of this period an evaluation is made. project to be implemented on a larger scale.