البن البن هو شجرة دائمة الخضرة، لها ثمار حمراء اللون عند النضج، وتتبع للفصيلة الفوية، وهي البذور التي يتم تحميصها ليعد منها مشروب القهوة، وحبوب البن الأخضر تعتبر ثاني أكثر السلع مبيعاً واستخداماً على مستوى العالم، إذ يحتل النفط الخام المرتبة الأولى. طرق زراعة البن تزرع بذور البن في العديد من بلدان العالم، إذ إنَها تزرع في أكثر من سبعين دولة، وتتمّ زراعتها بطرٌقٍ، وفي هذا المقال سنذكر الطرق التي يتمّ اتباعها لزراعة البن، وأكثر الأماكن زراعةً له. الزراعة البرازيلية تتمّ الزراعة بهذه الطريقة عن طريق وضع بذور القهوة في أحواض كبيرة، وهذه الأحواض تكون مظلّلة، وبعد أن تنبت بذور القهوة تؤخذ شتلاتها وتزرع في الأراضي المستديمة، وشتلات البن يجب أن تروى بكميات غزيرة من المياه في البداية، مع مراعاة بقاء الشتلات في الظل وبعيدة عن أشعّة الشمس الساطعة، وتتمّ عمليّة زراعة البن عادةً بعد سقوط الأمطار، وذلك حتى تكون التربة رطبة ممّا يساعد على ترسخ البذور جيّداً في مكانها. خلال فترة الزراعة يجب تعريض أشجار البنّ لأشعة الشمس بشكلٍ منتظم مع الحرص على أن لا تكون أشعّة الشمس ساطعة بشكلٍ كبير، وبنفس الوقت لا تكون مظللة بشكلٍ تامّ، وتبدأ أشجار البن بإعطاء ثمارها بعد مرور ثلاث إلى أربع سنوات على زراعتها، وحبوبها تكون جاهزةً للحصاد عندما تصبح حمراء اللون. الزراعة التقليديّة بهذه الطريقة يتمّ وضع حوالي عشرين بذرة من بذور البن في حفرة واحدة، وتتمّ زراعتها عند بدء موسم المطر، وبهذه الطريقة يتمّ فقد 50% تقريباً من بذور القهوة، لذلك فإنّ هذه الطريقة تعتبر مكلفة جداً وفيها هدر كبير للمال.
Coffee is an evergreen tree, with red-colored fruits at maturity, and belongs to the immediate family, which are the seeds that are roasted to make a coffee drink, and green coffee beans are the second most sold and used commodities in the world, as crude oil ranks first. Coffee cultivation methods Coffee seeds are planted in many countries of the world, as they are grown in more than seventy countries, and they are cultivated in different ways. In this article, we will mention the methods that are followed to grow coffee, and the most cultivated places for it. Brazilian agriculture is done in this way by placing the coffee seeds in large basins, and these basins are shaded, and after the coffee seeds germinate, their seedlings are taken and planted in sustainable lands, and the coffee seedlings must be irrigated with copious amounts of water in the beginning, taking into account that the seedlings remain in the shade And far from the bright sun, and the process of planting coffee usually takes place after the rains fall, so that the soil is moist, which helps the seeds to take root well in place. During the cultivation period, coffee trees must be exposed to sunlight on a regular basis, taking care that the sun’s rays are not too bright, and at the same time they are not completely shaded. Coffee trees begin to bear fruit after three to four years of planting, and their beans are ready for harvest when become red in color. Traditional cultivation in this way is about twenty seeds of coffee seeds are placed in one hole, and they are planted at the start of the rainy season, and in this way almost 50% of the coffee seeds are lost, so this method is very expensive and has a great waste of money.
Coffee is an evergreen tree, with red-colored fruits at maturity, and belongs to the immediate family, which are the seeds that are roasted to make a coffee drink, and green coffee beans are the second most sold and used commodities in the world, as crude oil ranks first. Coffee cultivation methods Coffee seeds are planted in many countries of the world, as they are grown in more than seventy countries, and they are cultivated in different ways. In this article, we will mention the methods that are followed to grow coffee, and the most cultivated places for it. Brazilian agriculture is done in this way by placing the coffee seeds in large basins, and these basins are shaded, and after the coffee seeds germinate, their seedlings are taken and planted in sustainable lands, and the coffee seedlings must be irrigated with copious amounts of water in the beginning, taking into account that the seedlings remain in the shade And far from the bright sun, and the process of planting coffee usually takes place after the rains fall, so that the soil is moist, which helps the seeds to take root well in place. During the cultivation period, coffee trees must be exposed to sunlight on a regular basis, taking care that the sun’s rays are not too bright, and at the same time they are not completely shaded. Coffee trees begin to bear fruit after three to four years of planting, and their beans are ready for harvest when become red in color. Traditional cultivation in this way is about twenty seeds of coffee seeds are placed in one hole, and they are planted at the start of the rainy season, and in this way almost 50% of the coffee seeds are lost, so this method is very expensive and has a great waste of money.