منع تساقط الشعر تحتوي بذور القرع على نسبٍ عالية من الزّنك، وهو عنصر مهم لصحة الشّعر، ويُسبّب نقصه تساقط الشّعر، كما تحتوي على كميّة مرتفعة من الحديد واللايسين، الأمر الذي يمنع تساقط الشّعر، وذلك من خلال تناول حفنة من بذر القرع النّابت، أو المُحمّص، أو النّيء يوميًّا، كما يمكن استخدام زيت بذور القرع في تدليك فروة الرّأس والشّعر، وتركه ليلةً كاملة على الشّعر، قبل غسله صباحًا،[١][٢] إذ أنّه زيت غني بمضادات الأكسدة، والمعادن، والأحماض الدّهنية، وفيتامين E، والفسفور، والمنغنيز، والمغنيسيوم، ما يُحافظ على صحة فروة الرّأس، وإزالة الجلد الميت المتراكم عليها، كما يمكنه تقوية بصيلات الشّعر، ومحاربة الثّعلبة الذّكرية، وتحسين صحة الشّعر، ويمكن استخدامه بطريقة أخرى، وهي:[٣] المكونات: 5 قطرات من زيت بذور القرع. 3-2 ملاعق كبيرة من زيت الزّيتون، أو زيت جوز الهند. طريقة الاستخدام: خلط زيت بذور القرع مع زيت الزّيتون، أو زيت جوز الهند. وضع الخليط على فروة الرّأس، والشّعر. فرك فروة الرّأس بلطفٍ بالخليط. شطف الشّعر جيّدًا. علاج للقشرة تحتوي بذور القرع على الكثير من العناصر الغذائية رغم صغر حجمها، إذ أنّ تناول كميّة صغيرة منها يمكنه أن يُزوّد الجسم بكميّة كبيرة من الدّهون الصّحية، والمغنيسيوم، والزّنك، الذي يوجد في العديد من أنواع الشّامبو المضاد للقشرة، إذ من الممكن الاستغناء عن منظفات الشّعر الكيميائية القاسية من خلال تناول بذور القرع يوميًّا، فالزنك عنصر يحتوي على خصائص مضادة للفطريات، ما يمنع ويُعالج الحكة والتّهيج النّاتج عن التهاب الجلد الدّهني، وذلك من خلال تناول حفنة من بذور القرع النابت، أو المُحمّص، أو النّيء يوميًّا، ويمكن تدليك فروة الرّأس والشّعر بزيت بذور القرع، وتركه ليلةً كاملة على الشّعر قبل غسله.[٤][٢] تحسين صحة الشعر تحتوي بذور القرع على أحماض أوميغا 6 الدّهنية، والبروتين، والحديد، والزّنك، وهي عناصر غذائية ضرورية لصحة فروة الرّأس والشّعر، الأمر الذي يجعل تناول حفنة من بذور القرع النّابت، أو المُحمّص، أو النّيء يوميًّا خطوة جيّدة نحو تحسين صحة الشّعر، كما يمكن استخدام زيت بذور القرع لتحسين صحة الشّعر، من خلال تدليك فروة الرّأس والشّعر به، وتركه على الشّعر ليلة كاملة، قبل غسله.[٢]
Preventing hair loss Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of zinc, which is an important element for hair health, and its deficiency causes hair loss. It also contains a high amount of iron and lysine, which prevents hair loss, by eating a handful of germinated, or roasted pumpkin seeds. , or raw daily, and pumpkin seed oil can also be used to massage the scalp and hair, and leave it overnight on the hair, before washing it in the morning,[1][2] as it is an oil rich in antioxidants, minerals, fatty acids, vitamin E, and phosphorus, Manganese and magnesium, which maintain the health of the scalp, remove dead skin accumulated on it, and can also strengthen hair follicles, fight male alopecia, and improve hair health, and it can be used in another way, namely: [3] Ingredients: 5 drops of pumpkin seed oil. 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, or coconut oil. How to use: Mix pumpkin seed oil with olive oil, or coconut oil. Put the mixture on the scalp and hair. Rub the scalp gently with the mixture. Rinse the hair well. Treatment for dandruff Pumpkin seeds contain many nutrients despite their small size, as eating a small amount of them can provide the body with a large amount of healthy fats, magnesium, and zinc, which is found in many types of anti-dandruff shampoos, as it is possible to dispense with detergents. Harsh chemical hair by eating pumpkin seeds daily, as zinc is an element that contains anti-fungal properties, which prevents and treats itching and irritation resulting from seborrheic dermatitis, by eating a handful of sprouted, roasted, or raw pumpkin seeds daily, and the scalp can be massaged And hair with pumpkin seed oil, leaving it a full night on the hair before washing it.[4][2] Improving hair health Pumpkin seeds contain omega-6 fatty acids, protein, iron, and zinc, which are essential nutrients for scalp and hair health, which makes eating A handful of sprouted, roasted, or raw pumpkin seeds daily is a good step towards improving hair health. Pumpkin seed oil can also be used to improve hair health, by massaging the scalp and hair with it, and leaving it on the hair for a full night, before washing it. [2]
Preventing hair loss Pumpkin seeds contain high levels of zinc, which is an important element for hair health, and its deficiency causes hair loss. It also contains a high amount of iron and lysine, which prevents hair loss, by eating a handful of germinated, or roasted pumpkin seeds. , or raw daily, and pumpkin seed oil can also be used to massage the scalp and hair, and leave it overnight on the hair, before washing it in the morning,[1][2] as it is an oil rich in antioxidants, minerals, fatty acids, vitamin E, and phosphorus, Manganese and magnesium, which maintain the health of the scalp, remove dead skin accumulated on it, and can also strengthen hair follicles, fight male alopecia, and improve hair health, and it can be used in another way, namely: [3] Ingredients: 5 drops of pumpkin seed oil. 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil, or coconut oil. How to use: Mix pumpkin seed oil with olive oil, or coconut oil. Put the mixture on the scalp and hair. Rub the scalp gently with the mixture. Rinse the hair well. Treatment for dandruff Pumpkin seeds contain many nutrients despite their small size, as eating a small amount of them can provide the body with a large amount of healthy fats, magnesium, and zinc, which is found in many types of anti-dandruff shampoos, as it is possible to dispense with detergents. Harsh chemical hair by eating pumpkin seeds daily, as zinc is an element that contains anti-fungal properties, which prevents and treats itching and irritation resulting from seborrheic dermatitis, by eating a handful of sprouted, roasted, or raw pumpkin seeds daily, and the scalp can be massaged And hair with pumpkin seed oil, leaving it a full night on the hair before washing it.[4][2] Improving hair health Pumpkin seeds contain omega-6 fatty acids, protein, iron, and zinc, which are essential nutrients for scalp and hair health, which makes eating A handful of sprouted, roasted, or raw pumpkin seeds daily is a good step towards improving hair health. Pumpkin seed oil can also be used to improve hair health, by massaging the scalp and hair with it, and leaving it on the hair for a full night, before washing it. [2]