درجة أمان بذور اليقطين يُعدّ تناول اليقطين وبذوره بالكميات الموجودة الطعام أمراً آمناً في الغالب، كما أنّ من المحتمل أمان تناوله بكميّاتٍ دوائيّةٍ بالنسبة لمعظم الأشخاص، كما أنّه ليست هناك معلوماتٌ كافيةٌ تؤكد سلامة استخدام بذور اليقطين بكميّاتٍ دوائيةٍ خلال فترة الحمل والرضاعة، وللذلك فإنّ النساء يُنصحن باستخدام هذه البذور بالكميّات الموجودة في الطعام فقط.[١٦] التفاعلات الدوائية لبذور اليقطين قد يُقلّل اليقطين من قدرة الجسم على التخلّص من الليثيوم (بالإنجليزية: Lithium)، ممّا قد يؤدي إلى ارتفاع كميّته في الجسم، وقد يسبب ذلك آثاراً جانبيّةً خطيرة، ولهذا يُنصح الأشخاص الذين يتناولون هذا الدواء باستشارة الطبيب المختصّ قبل تناول اليقطين.[١٧] نظرة عامة حول بذور اليقطين اليقطين (بالإنجليزية: Pumpkin) هو نباتٌ عشبيٌّ كرميٌّ، زاحفٌ أو متسلّق، ويعود أصله لعائلة القرعيّات (الاسم العلميّ: Cucurbitaceae family)، ويُعدّ من النباتات ذات الجذر الحوليّ (بالإنجليزية: Annual)؛ أي أنّه يعيش لسنةٍ واحدةٍ أو موسمٍ زراعيٍّ واحد، أو قد يكون مُعمّراً لفترةٍ قصيرة، ويصل طول سيقان نبات اليقطين إلى 10 أمتار، ويُنتج هذا النبات ثماراً تتكوّن بشكلٍ أساسيٍّ من اللبّ والبذور.[١٨] وتجدر الإشارة إلى أنّ بذور اليقطين كانت تُصنّف عادةً على أنّها نفايات صناعيّة زراعيّة، ولذلك يتمّ التخلص منها معظم الأحيان، إلّا أنّها تُستهلك في بعض أنحاء العالم، سواءً بشكلها الطازج، أو المُحمّص، أو المطبوخ، وقد اكتُشف حديثاً أنّ هذه البذور غنيّةٌ بالعديد من العناصر الغذائيّة المفيدة للصحة، كالبروتينات، والألياف، والمعادن، والأحماض الدهنيّة المتعدّدة غير المشبعة، بالإضافة إلى الستيرولات النباتيّة، ولذلك فقد بدأ استخدامها في بعض الصناعات الغذائيّة.[١٩] فوائد ثمار اليقطين تُعدّ ثمار اليقطين مصدراً للعديد من العناصر الغذائيّة، ومن أهمّها مركبات الكاروتين؛ والتي تُعدّ مسؤولةً عن إعطاء اليقطين لوناً برتقالياً، كما أنّ هذه المركبات تتحوّل داخل الجسم إلى فيتامين أ المهمّ لصحّة النظر، والنموّ، وغيرها من الوظائف المهمّة، واللوتين؛ الذي يعطي اليقطين لوناً أصفر زاهياً، كما تحتوي هذه الثمار على كميّةٍ جيّدةٍ من الأحماض الأمينيّة الأساسيّة وغير الأساسيّة، ومن أهمّ الأحماض الأمينيّة الأساسية المتوفرة في ثمار اليقطين: اللايسين (بالإنجليزية: Lysine).[١٨
The degree of safety of pumpkin seeds Eating pumpkin and its seeds in quantities found in food is mostly safe, and it is likely to be safe to eat it in medicinal quantities for most people, and there is not enough information confirming the safety of using pumpkin seeds in medicinal quantities during pregnancy and lactation, and therefore women are advised By using these seeds in the quantities found in food only. [16] Drug interactions of pumpkin seeds Pumpkin may reduce the body's ability to get rid of lithium (in English: Lithium), which may lead to an increase in its quantity in the body, and this may cause serious side effects, and for this reason it is recommended People who take this drug consult a specialist doctor before eating pumpkin. with an annual root (in English: annual); That is, it lives for one year or one agricultural season, or it may be perennial for a short period, and the length of the stems of the pumpkin plant reaches 10 meters, and this plant produces fruits consisting mainly of pulp and seeds.[18] It should be noted that pumpkin seeds were usually classified on They are agricultural industrial waste, and therefore they are disposed of most of the time, but they are consumed in some parts of the world, whether in their fresh, roasted, or cooked form, and it has recently been discovered that these seeds are rich in many nutrients beneficial to health, such as proteins, fibers, and minerals. and polyunsaturated fatty acids, in addition to plant sterols, and therefore they have begun to be used in some food industries.[19] Benefits of pumpkin fruits Pumpkin fruits are a source of many nutrients, the most important of which are carotene compounds; Which is responsible for giving the pumpkin an orange color, and these compounds are converted inside the body into vitamin A, which is important for healthy vision, growth, and other important functions, and lutein; Which gives the pumpkin a bright yellow color, and these fruits also contain a good amount of essential and non-essential amino acids, and among the most important essential amino acids available in pumpkin fruits: lysine (in English: Lysine).[18]
The degree of safety of pumpkin seeds Eating pumpkin and its seeds in quantities found in food is mostly safe, and it is likely to be safe to eat it in medicinal quantities for most people, and there is not enough information confirming the safety of using pumpkin seeds in medicinal quantities during pregnancy and lactation, and therefore women are advised By using these seeds in the quantities found in food only. [16] Drug interactions of pumpkin seeds Pumpkin may reduce the body's ability to get rid of lithium (in English: Lithium), which may lead to an increase in its quantity in the body, and this may cause serious side effects, and for this reason it is recommended People who take this drug consult a specialist doctor before eating pumpkin. with an annual root (in English: annual); That is, it lives for one year or one agricultural season, or it may be perennial for a short period, and the length of the stems of the pumpkin plant reaches 10 meters, and this plant produces fruits consisting mainly of pulp and seeds.[18] It should be noted that pumpkin seeds were usually classified on They are agricultural industrial waste, and therefore they are disposed of most of the time, but they are consumed in some parts of the world, whether in their fresh, roasted, or cooked form, and it has recently been discovered that these seeds are rich in many nutrients beneficial to health, such as proteins, fibers, and minerals. and polyunsaturated fatty acids, in addition to plant sterols, and therefore they have begun to be used in some food industries.[19] Benefits of pumpkin fruits Pumpkin fruits are a source of many nutrients, the most important of which are carotene compounds; Which is responsible for giving the pumpkin an orange color, and these compounds are converted inside the body into vitamin A, which is important for healthy vision, growth, and other important functions, and lutein; Which gives the pumpkin a bright yellow color, and these fruits also contain a good amount of essential and non-essential amino acids, and among the most important essential amino acids available in pumpkin fruits: lysine (in English: Lysine).[18]