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راجع الأسئلة الشائعة b> . يجب عليك تسجيل عضوية جديدة >> التسجيل b>
قبل أن تتمكن من النشر وكتابة المواضيع : انقر فوق كلمة التسجيل للمتابعة. وتابع خطوات التسجيل ، ولمعرفة طريقة التسجيل إضغط
هنــــا وشاهد الطريقة .
أو حدد المنتدى الذي تريد زيارته كزائر من قائمة المنتديات أدناه.
عدسة: Wonder shots ترصد طائر مونال في هيمالايا Himalayan Monal.
Since an early age, Marco Bertazzoni had an eye for details. He wanted to capture them in color and in black and white. From people to landscapes, buildings to animals, his work projects extra interest and skill in capturing the moment with incredible detail.
For the past 30 years, photography has been a passionate hobby for Marco. He is now sharing his passion of photography and giving you an opportunity to purchase these remarkable photos for your enjoyment.
His cameras include: Nikon D3 S, Nikon D810, Nikon D7000, Nikon D7100 & Nikon D3200 IR. He also collects and uses a wide collection of modern and rare lenses to add appeal to his work.