شجرة التالق Ficus vasta من الأشجار الضخمة والمعمرة التي تنتشر في جبال والوديان، يصل إرتفاعها إلى أكثر من ٢٥ مترا ، وقطر جذعها يصل إلى حوالي ٤ أمتار ، تنمو حتى في الصخور ولها جذور هوائية تتدلى إلى مسافات بعيدة، ثمارها في أطراف الأفرع شجرة التالق
One of the perennial trees in Yemen
Ficus vasta is a huge and perennial tree that spreads in the mountains and valleys. It reaches a height of more than 20 meters, and a trunk diameter of about 4 meters. It grows even in the rocks and has aerial roots that hang to great distances. Its fruits are at the tips of the branches.
One of the perennial trees in Yemen
Ficus vasta is a huge and perennial tree that spreads in the mountains and valleys. It reaches a height of more than 20 meters, and a trunk diameter of about 4 meters. It grows even in the rocks and has aerial roots that hang to great distances. Its fruits are at the tips of the branches.