المرشد خطوة بخطوة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي .. المصطلحات - الحرف / S - T - U - V - W - X - Z/
Terms in italics denote useful cross- references to other glossary entries .
/ S /
Sabattier effect See Solarization .
Safe lighting Darkroom lighting of an appropriate color and intensity that will not noticeably affect the light - sensitized photographic material being used .
Selective focusing See Differential focusing .
Selenium cell Photo - electric cell that generates electricity in direct proportion to the amount of light falling upon its surface . Used in many older types of exposure meter .
Sensitometry The scientific study of the response of photographic materials to light , including the effects of development .
Shading The local control of print density by holding back light from selected areas of the print dur- ing enlarging .
Sheet film Large format film sold in sheets of specific size rather than in roll form . Also called cut film .
Shellac Natural resin with a low melting point , harmless to photo- graphic prints and used extensively on dry mounting tissue .
Shutter Mechanical system for controlling the time that light is allowed to act on film in a camera . The two most common types are the between - the - lens diaphragm shutter , and the focal plane shutter .
Silver halides Compounds formed between silver and alkali salts of halogen chemicals such as bromine , chlorine and iodine . Silver bromide . silver chloride and silver iodide are the light - sensitive silver halides used in photographic emulsions .
Single lens reflex ( SLR ) Camera which allows the user to see the exact image formed by the picture- taking lens , by means of a hinged mirror between the lens and film .
Skylight filter Pale pink color correction filter . Used to eliminate a blue color cast when photographing
in dull weather or where light is solely from blue sky - light .
Slave unit Relay mechanism which fires other flash sources simul- taneously when a photo - electric cell is activated by the light from a flash source on the camera .
Slide General term for a positive image on film usually mounted in a card or plastic frame ready for projection .
Snoot Cone - shaped shield used on spotlights to direct a cone of light over a small area .
Soft focus Purposely diffused image definition . This is achieved during the camera exposure or at the enlarging stage with attachments or a soft focus lens .
Solarization ( 1 ) Term commonly applied to partial reversal effects caused by fogging photographic material to light during development ( Strictly the Sabattier or pseudo- solarization effect . ) ( 2 ) Reversal or partial reversal of the tones of a photographic image caused by extreme overexposure .
Spectrum Commonly , part of the electro - magnetic spectrum , between wavelengths 400 and 700 nm , to which the human eye is sensitive . It appears as the colored bands which are produced by refrac- ting white light with a prism , arranged according to wavelength .
Split image focusing Focusing system where an area of the subject appears bisected to the view- finder . The two halves of the bisected area come into alignment when the correct focus is set .
Spotlight Artificial light source that uses a simple focusing system to produce a strong beam of light of controllable width .
Spot meter Exposure meter which receives and measures light from a very small part of a subject .
Spotting The retouching of small white or black specks on prints , and sometimes negatives , using water- color , dye or pencil .
Stabilization Alternative method of fixing where unused silver halides are converted to near stable com- pounds . These are not sensitive to light and washing is not required .
Stand Alternative name for a Tripod .
Standard lens Camera lens whose focal length is roughly equal to the diagonal of the picture format it is used with . The standard , or normal lens , of a camera will give an angle of view and a scale that approximates to human vision .
Stop Aperture of a camera or an enlarging lens .
Stop bath Chemical bath which stops development by neutralizing the developer . This prevents active developer from contaminating further processing .
Stopping down Reducing the size of the lens aperture from a large stop to a smaller one .
Stress marks Black lines or spots on the developed image caused by friction or pressure on the emulsion before development .
Strobe light ( 1 ) General term for electronic flash . ( 2 ) Stroboscopic light produced by a special lamp or tube flashing repeatedly at a chosen time frequency .
Subtractive color synthesis Way of producing color images by subtracting appropriate amounts of unwanted primary colors from white light by means of yellow , magenta , and cyan filters .
Swing back / front The pivoting lens and back panels found on most large format cameras .
/ T /
Technical camera Large format sheet film camera , normally with a folding baseboard . Also applied to monorail cameras .
Telephoto lens Compact lens construction used to give a long focus lens a relatively short back focus .
Test strip Strip of printing paper or film which is given a range of exposures ( by shading ) to test for correct image density .
Texture The character of surfaces . This usually means their roughness or smoothness .
Time exposure An exposure where the shutter opened and closed manually for a time judged by the photographer .
Tone Any area of a print or a negative which has a uniform density and can be distinguished from darker or lighter parts .
Toners Chemicals used to change the color of a black and white photographic image . A system of bleaching and dying converts the black metallic silver image to a dye image .
Transparency Positive image in black and white or color produced on transparent film .
Tripack Light - sensitive material used for color photography consisting of three superimposed emulsion layers . In its modern form , the layers are integrated and coated on one base . Each layer is sensitive to one of the three primary colors .
Tripod Adjustable , three - legged camera support , which usually has a
screw fitting for attaching small format cameras .
TTL exposure meter Through - the- lens exposure meter . It measures the image light , within the camera , that has passed through the camera lens .
Tungsten filament lamp Lamp in which light is generated by passing electricity through a fine tungsten filament which is enclosed in a glass envelope . It is the basic artificial light source in photography .
Tungsten halogen lamp Compact tungsten filament lamp . It contains halogen traces to reduce lamp discoloration with age .
Twin lens reflex ( TLR ) Camera with two lenses of identical focal length . One forms the image on a focusing screen other focuses the image on the film plane .
Type - A color film Color film balanced for tungsten lighting of 3,400K color temperature .
Type - B color film Color film balanced for tungsten lighting of 3,200K color temperature .
/ U /
Ultra - violet Wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum between about 5 and 400nm . Ultra - violet light is invisible but is one of the causes of aerial perspective . An ultra - violet filter can be used in front of the camera lens .
Underdevelopment This is the result of too little development time or a decrease in the development temperature . Underdevelopment reduces density and contrast in the image .
Underexposure This is the result of too little exposure in the camera or at the enlarger stage . Underexposure reduces density and contrast the image .
Universal developer The general name for developer suitable ( at different dilutions ) for both negative and print processing .
Uprating Term used when a film is intentionally underexposed , usually followed by overdevelopment .
/ V /
Variable contrast papers Printing papers in which grade ( contrast ) can be varied during enlarging by changing the color of the printing light using filters .
Variable focus lens Another term for zoom lens .
View camera Large format camera with all camera movements , ( such as a monorail camera ) .
Viewfinder System for viewing the subject , showing the field of view of the camera lens .
Vignetting Printing technique where the edges of the picture are gradually faded out to black or white .
/ W /
Washing Usually the final part of processing . It removes residual chemicals and any soluble silver compounds from the emulsion .
Wavelength Method of identifying a particular electro - magnetic radiation , considered as rays progressing in wave - like form . Wavelength is the distance between one wave crest and the next . Different electro - magnetic radiations have different wavelengths . In the case of light wavelength is measured in nanometers ( nm ) .
Wetting agents Chemicals which reduce the surface tension of water . A wetting agent is usually added to the final wash to improve draining and promote even drying .
Wide - angle lens Lens with wide covering power and short focal length relative to the camera format on which it is used .
/ X /
X - ray Electro - magnetic radiations ( like light waves ) which form a shadow image of certain internal structures when allowed to pass through opaque objects and act upon a light - sensitive emulsion .
X - ray film Photographic sheet film coated with coarse grain emulsion front and back ( to counteract tendency of these rays to pass through the emulsion without affecting it . )
/ Z /
Zoom lens Lens which is constructed to allow continuously variable focal length without disturbing focus or f number .
Terms in italics denote useful cross- references to other glossary entries .
/ S /
Sabattier effect See Solarization .
Safe lighting Darkroom lighting of an appropriate color and intensity that will not noticeably affect the light - sensitized photographic material being used .
Selective focusing See Differential focusing .
Selenium cell Photo - electric cell that generates electricity in direct proportion to the amount of light falling upon its surface . Used in many older types of exposure meter .
Sensitometry The scientific study of the response of photographic materials to light , including the effects of development .
Shading The local control of print density by holding back light from selected areas of the print dur- ing enlarging .
Sheet film Large format film sold in sheets of specific size rather than in roll form . Also called cut film .
Shellac Natural resin with a low melting point , harmless to photo- graphic prints and used extensively on dry mounting tissue .
Shutter Mechanical system for controlling the time that light is allowed to act on film in a camera . The two most common types are the between - the - lens diaphragm shutter , and the focal plane shutter .
Silver halides Compounds formed between silver and alkali salts of halogen chemicals such as bromine , chlorine and iodine . Silver bromide . silver chloride and silver iodide are the light - sensitive silver halides used in photographic emulsions .
Single lens reflex ( SLR ) Camera which allows the user to see the exact image formed by the picture- taking lens , by means of a hinged mirror between the lens and film .
Skylight filter Pale pink color correction filter . Used to eliminate a blue color cast when photographing
in dull weather or where light is solely from blue sky - light .
Slave unit Relay mechanism which fires other flash sources simul- taneously when a photo - electric cell is activated by the light from a flash source on the camera .
Slide General term for a positive image on film usually mounted in a card or plastic frame ready for projection .
Snoot Cone - shaped shield used on spotlights to direct a cone of light over a small area .
Soft focus Purposely diffused image definition . This is achieved during the camera exposure or at the enlarging stage with attachments or a soft focus lens .
Solarization ( 1 ) Term commonly applied to partial reversal effects caused by fogging photographic material to light during development ( Strictly the Sabattier or pseudo- solarization effect . ) ( 2 ) Reversal or partial reversal of the tones of a photographic image caused by extreme overexposure .
Spectrum Commonly , part of the electro - magnetic spectrum , between wavelengths 400 and 700 nm , to which the human eye is sensitive . It appears as the colored bands which are produced by refrac- ting white light with a prism , arranged according to wavelength .
Split image focusing Focusing system where an area of the subject appears bisected to the view- finder . The two halves of the bisected area come into alignment when the correct focus is set .
Spotlight Artificial light source that uses a simple focusing system to produce a strong beam of light of controllable width .
Spot meter Exposure meter which receives and measures light from a very small part of a subject .
Spotting The retouching of small white or black specks on prints , and sometimes negatives , using water- color , dye or pencil .
Stabilization Alternative method of fixing where unused silver halides are converted to near stable com- pounds . These are not sensitive to light and washing is not required .
Stand Alternative name for a Tripod .
Standard lens Camera lens whose focal length is roughly equal to the diagonal of the picture format it is used with . The standard , or normal lens , of a camera will give an angle of view and a scale that approximates to human vision .
Stop Aperture of a camera or an enlarging lens .
Stop bath Chemical bath which stops development by neutralizing the developer . This prevents active developer from contaminating further processing .
Stopping down Reducing the size of the lens aperture from a large stop to a smaller one .
Stress marks Black lines or spots on the developed image caused by friction or pressure on the emulsion before development .
Strobe light ( 1 ) General term for electronic flash . ( 2 ) Stroboscopic light produced by a special lamp or tube flashing repeatedly at a chosen time frequency .
Subtractive color synthesis Way of producing color images by subtracting appropriate amounts of unwanted primary colors from white light by means of yellow , magenta , and cyan filters .
Swing back / front The pivoting lens and back panels found on most large format cameras .
/ T /
Technical camera Large format sheet film camera , normally with a folding baseboard . Also applied to monorail cameras .
Telephoto lens Compact lens construction used to give a long focus lens a relatively short back focus .
Test strip Strip of printing paper or film which is given a range of exposures ( by shading ) to test for correct image density .
Texture The character of surfaces . This usually means their roughness or smoothness .
Time exposure An exposure where the shutter opened and closed manually for a time judged by the photographer .
Tone Any area of a print or a negative which has a uniform density and can be distinguished from darker or lighter parts .
Toners Chemicals used to change the color of a black and white photographic image . A system of bleaching and dying converts the black metallic silver image to a dye image .
Transparency Positive image in black and white or color produced on transparent film .
Tripack Light - sensitive material used for color photography consisting of three superimposed emulsion layers . In its modern form , the layers are integrated and coated on one base . Each layer is sensitive to one of the three primary colors .
Tripod Adjustable , three - legged camera support , which usually has a
screw fitting for attaching small format cameras .
TTL exposure meter Through - the- lens exposure meter . It measures the image light , within the camera , that has passed through the camera lens .
Tungsten filament lamp Lamp in which light is generated by passing electricity through a fine tungsten filament which is enclosed in a glass envelope . It is the basic artificial light source in photography .
Tungsten halogen lamp Compact tungsten filament lamp . It contains halogen traces to reduce lamp discoloration with age .
Twin lens reflex ( TLR ) Camera with two lenses of identical focal length . One forms the image on a focusing screen other focuses the image on the film plane .
Type - A color film Color film balanced for tungsten lighting of 3,400K color temperature .
Type - B color film Color film balanced for tungsten lighting of 3,200K color temperature .
/ U /
Ultra - violet Wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum between about 5 and 400nm . Ultra - violet light is invisible but is one of the causes of aerial perspective . An ultra - violet filter can be used in front of the camera lens .
Underdevelopment This is the result of too little development time or a decrease in the development temperature . Underdevelopment reduces density and contrast in the image .
Underexposure This is the result of too little exposure in the camera or at the enlarger stage . Underexposure reduces density and contrast the image .
Universal developer The general name for developer suitable ( at different dilutions ) for both negative and print processing .
Uprating Term used when a film is intentionally underexposed , usually followed by overdevelopment .
/ V /
Variable contrast papers Printing papers in which grade ( contrast ) can be varied during enlarging by changing the color of the printing light using filters .
Variable focus lens Another term for zoom lens .
View camera Large format camera with all camera movements , ( such as a monorail camera ) .
Viewfinder System for viewing the subject , showing the field of view of the camera lens .
Vignetting Printing technique where the edges of the picture are gradually faded out to black or white .
/ W /
Washing Usually the final part of processing . It removes residual chemicals and any soluble silver compounds from the emulsion .
Wavelength Method of identifying a particular electro - magnetic radiation , considered as rays progressing in wave - like form . Wavelength is the distance between one wave crest and the next . Different electro - magnetic radiations have different wavelengths . In the case of light wavelength is measured in nanometers ( nm ) .
Wetting agents Chemicals which reduce the surface tension of water . A wetting agent is usually added to the final wash to improve draining and promote even drying .
Wide - angle lens Lens with wide covering power and short focal length relative to the camera format on which it is used .
/ X /
X - ray Electro - magnetic radiations ( like light waves ) which form a shadow image of certain internal structures when allowed to pass through opaque objects and act upon a light - sensitive emulsion .
X - ray film Photographic sheet film coated with coarse grain emulsion front and back ( to counteract tendency of these rays to pass through the emulsion without affecting it . )
/ Z /
Zoom lens Lens which is constructed to allow continuously variable focal length without disturbing focus or f number .