المرشد خطوة بخطوة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي .. المصطلحات الحرف / C - D/
Terms in italics denote useful cross- references to other glossary entries .
/ C /
Cable release Also known as an antinous release , this is a flexible cable which can be screwed into the shutter release button . It helps to reduce camera shake when firing the shutter .
Callier effect A contrast effect which results from the scattering of directional light from an enlarger condenser system during printing . High density negative highlights scatter much more light than low density negative shadows , giving a higher contrast in an enlargement than would show on a contact print . On diffuser enlargers the effect is far less marked as light is pre - scattered .
Camera movements Mechanical systems which enable lens and film plane to be adjusted in relation to each other so as to alter depth of field and correct or distort image shape .
Cartridge Pre - packed and sealed film container designed for quick loading . Commonly used in 110 and 126 format cameras .
Cassette Metal or plastic film spool container with a light - trap which allows handling and camera loading in daylight . Commonly used in 35mm format cameras .
Cast Overall bias toward one color in a color photograph .
CC filters Color correction ( or conversion ) filters are used in various hues and degrees of saturation primarily for balancing color in sub- tractive color printing processes . CC filters can also be used on the camera in adjusting color temperature .
CdS cell A photoresistant cell , see photo - electric cell .
Celsius scale ( centigrade scale ) International temperature scale where 0 ° and 100 ° C represent the freezing point and boiling point of water respectively .
Changing bag Opaque , light - tight fabric bag . Light - excluding sleeves allow the safe handling of light- sensitive materials inside .
Characteristic curve Graphical representation of the performance of a light - sensitive material . Shows the relationship between exposure and density under known developing conditions and provides emulsion speed , fog level and contrast indexes.
Chemical fog Uniform , overall veil of metallic silver deposited over a negative as a result of the develop- ment of unexposed silver halide .
Chloro - bromide paper Photo- graphic printing paper coated with a mixture of silver bromide and silver chloride . Produces warm with normal development .
Close - up attachment Accessory which enables the camera to focus subjects nearer than the lens normally allows . The attachment may be an extension tube , bellows , or a supplementary lens .
Cibachrome Process for making color prints from color slides based on the dye destruction principle .
Circle of confusion Patches or disks of light formed by a lens when it reproduces points of light in the subject . The smaller these disks are , the sharper the image .
Coated lens Lens whose refracting surfaces have been coated with a transparent substance which decreases lens flare .
Cold cathode illumination Low temperature fluorescent light source . Inclined to reduce contrast and edge definition .
Color balance Adjustment in color photography so that a neutral scale of gray tones is reproduced .
Color circle Chart of spectrum colors , presented as a circle . It is often divided into sectors with the three primary colors , red , blue and green , opposite their complementaries .
Color contrast Difference in intensity of the sensations caused by two juxtaposed colors .
Color saturation The strength of a color , due to the absence of white , black or gray .
Color sensitivity The response of a sensitive material to colors of different wavelengths .
Color temperature Way of ex- pressing the color quality of a light source . The color temperature scale is based on the Absolute temperature ( in Kelvins ) needed to generate an equivalent mixture of wavelengths from a theoretical black body .
Combination or double printing Printing two negatives as one , or separately , on to a single sheet of printing paper .
Complementary color Two colors are complementary to one another if , when combined in the correct proportions , they form white light .
Compound lens A lens comprising a number of lens elements working as one . Reduces many aberrations inherent in a simple lens . All modern camera and enlarger lenses are of compound construction .
Condenser Optical system which concentrates light from a source into a narrow beam . Used in spotlights and enlargers .
Contact printing Making photo- graphic prints with the printing paper in direct contact with the negatives .
Continuous tone image Image created by deposits of silver , dye , or pigment , which reproduces the range of tones in the subject by varying the density of the distribution of the deposits .
Contrast Subjective judgment on the differences in brightness and density in the subject , negative or print . Contrast control affected by the inherent subject contrast , lighting , lens flare , type of film , development , enlarger type , contrast grade and surface quality of the printing paper used .
Contre jour Description of a photo- graph taken from a viewpoint facing toward the light source also called backlighting .
Converging lens Lens which causes light rays to converge to a point of focus .
Convertible lens Compound lens consisting of two detachable sections that can be re - arranged together or used separately to provide two or three focal lengths .
Converter lens Compound lens system attachment which converts an existing normal camera lens to a longer or shorter focal length .
Correction filter Filter used in front of the camera lens to correct differences between the color temperature of the subject lighting and the color balance of the film .
Coupled exposure meter Exposure meter built - in to the camera and linked with the aperture shutter speed controls , or both .
Coupled rangefinder Rangefinder system directly linked to the focusing control on the camera lens .
Covering power The maximum area of the image of good quality formed by a lens at the focal plane for a given focused distance .
Cross front Lens panel of a view camera which can be moved laterally to shift the lens to the right or the left of its normal position .
Cut film Alternative name for Sheet film .
Cyan Blue - green subtractive color complementary to red . Transmits the blue and green but not red compo- nents of white light .
/ D /
Darkcloth Opaque cloth placed over the operator's head and the camera back for viewing and focusing images on a ground glass screen on large format cameras .
Darkroom Light - tight room for handling , processing and printing light - sensitive materials in darkness or under safe lighting to which the material is not appreciably sensitive .
Darkslide Removable light - tight sliding front to a film magazine or large format sheet film holder .
Definition Subjective term for the clarity of a photographic image . Not just the result of sharpness or the resolving power of the lens , but also of graininess , contrast , and tone reproduction .
Density General descriptive term for the amount of photographic ( usually silver ) deposit produced by exposure and development . Strictly , measurement is based on light stopping ability ( opacity ) and is usually expressed as the logarithm of this opacity .
Depth of field The distance be- tween the nearest and furthest point from the camera within which subject details record with acceptable sharp- ness at any one focus setting .
Depth of field scale Scale on a lens showing the near and far limits of depth of field possible with a lens at any particular aperture .
Depth of focus Focusing latitude that results from the possible distance that the film can be moved away from the exact point of focus while still maintaining an acceptably sharp image .
Developer Chemical bath which converts the silver halides of the invisible latent image on exposed light - sensitive material , to the visible black metallic silver image by reducing agents Other chemicals known as accelerators , preservatives and restrainers are added to the bath to maintain or modify its action .
Development The chemical or physical treatment that converts a photographic , invisible latent image into a visible form .
Diaphragm The adjustable device that forms the aperture of a lens . Its opening controls the amount of light that can pass to the film . The diaphragm may be in front , within or behind the lens .
Diaphragm shutter Shutter mechanism that is also the diaphragm of the lens . Its design allows a set of interposing leaves to open for the required time to the pre - set aperture when the shutter release is fired .
Diapositive Alternative term for Color slide .
Dichroic fog Bloom seen in nega- tives which appears blue - green in reflected , and purple pink in trans- mitted light . Caused by solutions which contain a silver halide solvent . and a developing agent , which will produce silver salts in solution . Occurs in a fixing bath which has become contaminated by developer or which is becoming exhausted .
Differential focusing Setting the camera controls for minimum depth of field to limit picture sharpness to a particular subject , isolating it against an unsharp background and / or foreground .
DIN Denotes Deutsche Industrie Norm ( German standards organiza- tion ) and indicates the speed rating . and therefore sensitivity , of film . A change of + 3 ° in the DIN rating indi- cates a doubling of film speed , e.g. 21 ° DIN is twice as fast as 18 ° DIN .
Diopter Unit used in optics to express the light bending power of a simple lens , being the reciprocal of the focal length in meters . + indicates a converging lens , and - a diverging lens . A +2 diopter lens is converging and has a focal length of 0.5 meters .
Diverging lens Lens which causes parallel light rays to diverge away from the optical axis .
Dodging Alternative term for Shading .
Double extension The extension ( by bellows , extension rings or by special design ) of a lens to twice its focal length from the film plane .
Drying marks Marks on the nega- tives caused by uneven drying , making overall density uneven . These marks may show up on the final print . Unlike scum marks left on the film base , drying marks occur on the emulsion side and cannot satisfactorily be removed .
Dry mounting Method of mounting prints by heating shellac tissue between the print and the mount .
Dye destruction process Sysytem of color reproduction which depends on the selective removal of dyes , existing in sensitized material rather than the chemical formation of dyes during processing .
Dye sensitizing The process by which the silver halides used in black and white emulsions are sensitized to the full spectrum of colors . Without dye sensitizing silver halides are only sensitive to ultra- violet and blue light .
Dye transfer process Way of producing color prints by printing from three color separation negatives . Positive matrixes are prepared which are each dyed in subtractive colors and pressed in register on to suitable receiving paper .
Terms in italics denote useful cross- references to other glossary entries .
/ C /
Cable release Also known as an antinous release , this is a flexible cable which can be screwed into the shutter release button . It helps to reduce camera shake when firing the shutter .
Callier effect A contrast effect which results from the scattering of directional light from an enlarger condenser system during printing . High density negative highlights scatter much more light than low density negative shadows , giving a higher contrast in an enlargement than would show on a contact print . On diffuser enlargers the effect is far less marked as light is pre - scattered .
Camera movements Mechanical systems which enable lens and film plane to be adjusted in relation to each other so as to alter depth of field and correct or distort image shape .
Cartridge Pre - packed and sealed film container designed for quick loading . Commonly used in 110 and 126 format cameras .
Cassette Metal or plastic film spool container with a light - trap which allows handling and camera loading in daylight . Commonly used in 35mm format cameras .
Cast Overall bias toward one color in a color photograph .
CC filters Color correction ( or conversion ) filters are used in various hues and degrees of saturation primarily for balancing color in sub- tractive color printing processes . CC filters can also be used on the camera in adjusting color temperature .
CdS cell A photoresistant cell , see photo - electric cell .
Celsius scale ( centigrade scale ) International temperature scale where 0 ° and 100 ° C represent the freezing point and boiling point of water respectively .
Changing bag Opaque , light - tight fabric bag . Light - excluding sleeves allow the safe handling of light- sensitive materials inside .
Characteristic curve Graphical representation of the performance of a light - sensitive material . Shows the relationship between exposure and density under known developing conditions and provides emulsion speed , fog level and contrast indexes.
Chemical fog Uniform , overall veil of metallic silver deposited over a negative as a result of the develop- ment of unexposed silver halide .
Chloro - bromide paper Photo- graphic printing paper coated with a mixture of silver bromide and silver chloride . Produces warm with normal development .
Close - up attachment Accessory which enables the camera to focus subjects nearer than the lens normally allows . The attachment may be an extension tube , bellows , or a supplementary lens .
Cibachrome Process for making color prints from color slides based on the dye destruction principle .
Circle of confusion Patches or disks of light formed by a lens when it reproduces points of light in the subject . The smaller these disks are , the sharper the image .
Coated lens Lens whose refracting surfaces have been coated with a transparent substance which decreases lens flare .
Cold cathode illumination Low temperature fluorescent light source . Inclined to reduce contrast and edge definition .
Color balance Adjustment in color photography so that a neutral scale of gray tones is reproduced .
Color circle Chart of spectrum colors , presented as a circle . It is often divided into sectors with the three primary colors , red , blue and green , opposite their complementaries .
Color contrast Difference in intensity of the sensations caused by two juxtaposed colors .
Color saturation The strength of a color , due to the absence of white , black or gray .
Color sensitivity The response of a sensitive material to colors of different wavelengths .
Color temperature Way of ex- pressing the color quality of a light source . The color temperature scale is based on the Absolute temperature ( in Kelvins ) needed to generate an equivalent mixture of wavelengths from a theoretical black body .
Combination or double printing Printing two negatives as one , or separately , on to a single sheet of printing paper .
Complementary color Two colors are complementary to one another if , when combined in the correct proportions , they form white light .
Compound lens A lens comprising a number of lens elements working as one . Reduces many aberrations inherent in a simple lens . All modern camera and enlarger lenses are of compound construction .
Condenser Optical system which concentrates light from a source into a narrow beam . Used in spotlights and enlargers .
Contact printing Making photo- graphic prints with the printing paper in direct contact with the negatives .
Continuous tone image Image created by deposits of silver , dye , or pigment , which reproduces the range of tones in the subject by varying the density of the distribution of the deposits .
Contrast Subjective judgment on the differences in brightness and density in the subject , negative or print . Contrast control affected by the inherent subject contrast , lighting , lens flare , type of film , development , enlarger type , contrast grade and surface quality of the printing paper used .
Contre jour Description of a photo- graph taken from a viewpoint facing toward the light source also called backlighting .
Converging lens Lens which causes light rays to converge to a point of focus .
Convertible lens Compound lens consisting of two detachable sections that can be re - arranged together or used separately to provide two or three focal lengths .
Converter lens Compound lens system attachment which converts an existing normal camera lens to a longer or shorter focal length .
Correction filter Filter used in front of the camera lens to correct differences between the color temperature of the subject lighting and the color balance of the film .
Coupled exposure meter Exposure meter built - in to the camera and linked with the aperture shutter speed controls , or both .
Coupled rangefinder Rangefinder system directly linked to the focusing control on the camera lens .
Covering power The maximum area of the image of good quality formed by a lens at the focal plane for a given focused distance .
Cross front Lens panel of a view camera which can be moved laterally to shift the lens to the right or the left of its normal position .
Cut film Alternative name for Sheet film .
Cyan Blue - green subtractive color complementary to red . Transmits the blue and green but not red compo- nents of white light .
/ D /
Darkcloth Opaque cloth placed over the operator's head and the camera back for viewing and focusing images on a ground glass screen on large format cameras .
Darkroom Light - tight room for handling , processing and printing light - sensitive materials in darkness or under safe lighting to which the material is not appreciably sensitive .
Darkslide Removable light - tight sliding front to a film magazine or large format sheet film holder .
Definition Subjective term for the clarity of a photographic image . Not just the result of sharpness or the resolving power of the lens , but also of graininess , contrast , and tone reproduction .
Density General descriptive term for the amount of photographic ( usually silver ) deposit produced by exposure and development . Strictly , measurement is based on light stopping ability ( opacity ) and is usually expressed as the logarithm of this opacity .
Depth of field The distance be- tween the nearest and furthest point from the camera within which subject details record with acceptable sharp- ness at any one focus setting .
Depth of field scale Scale on a lens showing the near and far limits of depth of field possible with a lens at any particular aperture .
Depth of focus Focusing latitude that results from the possible distance that the film can be moved away from the exact point of focus while still maintaining an acceptably sharp image .
Developer Chemical bath which converts the silver halides of the invisible latent image on exposed light - sensitive material , to the visible black metallic silver image by reducing agents Other chemicals known as accelerators , preservatives and restrainers are added to the bath to maintain or modify its action .
Development The chemical or physical treatment that converts a photographic , invisible latent image into a visible form .
Diaphragm The adjustable device that forms the aperture of a lens . Its opening controls the amount of light that can pass to the film . The diaphragm may be in front , within or behind the lens .
Diaphragm shutter Shutter mechanism that is also the diaphragm of the lens . Its design allows a set of interposing leaves to open for the required time to the pre - set aperture when the shutter release is fired .
Diapositive Alternative term for Color slide .
Dichroic fog Bloom seen in nega- tives which appears blue - green in reflected , and purple pink in trans- mitted light . Caused by solutions which contain a silver halide solvent . and a developing agent , which will produce silver salts in solution . Occurs in a fixing bath which has become contaminated by developer or which is becoming exhausted .
Differential focusing Setting the camera controls for minimum depth of field to limit picture sharpness to a particular subject , isolating it against an unsharp background and / or foreground .
DIN Denotes Deutsche Industrie Norm ( German standards organiza- tion ) and indicates the speed rating . and therefore sensitivity , of film . A change of + 3 ° in the DIN rating indi- cates a doubling of film speed , e.g. 21 ° DIN is twice as fast as 18 ° DIN .
Diopter Unit used in optics to express the light bending power of a simple lens , being the reciprocal of the focal length in meters . + indicates a converging lens , and - a diverging lens . A +2 diopter lens is converging and has a focal length of 0.5 meters .
Diverging lens Lens which causes parallel light rays to diverge away from the optical axis .
Dodging Alternative term for Shading .
Double extension The extension ( by bellows , extension rings or by special design ) of a lens to twice its focal length from the film plane .
Drying marks Marks on the nega- tives caused by uneven drying , making overall density uneven . These marks may show up on the final print . Unlike scum marks left on the film base , drying marks occur on the emulsion side and cannot satisfactorily be removed .
Dry mounting Method of mounting prints by heating shellac tissue between the print and the mount .
Dye destruction process Sysytem of color reproduction which depends on the selective removal of dyes , existing in sensitized material rather than the chemical formation of dyes during processing .
Dye sensitizing The process by which the silver halides used in black and white emulsions are sensitized to the full spectrum of colors . Without dye sensitizing silver halides are only sensitive to ultra- violet and blue light .
Dye transfer process Way of producing color prints by printing from three color separation negatives . Positive matrixes are prepared which are each dyed in subtractive colors and pressed in register on to suitable receiving paper .