تباين الألوان .. التصوير الملون .. المرشد خطوة بخطوة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي
Color contrast
Differing colors placed together in a com- position create contrast , particularly if they are strongly saturated , far apart on the color circle , or offset by black or white . Saturated warm and cold colors together give bold contrast , the strongest effect being produced when a saturated complementary color is adjacent to its primary in a composition .
The importance of color contrast can be seen if you consider how the pictures on this page would look if they were in black and white only . Subject colors would all become similar tones of gray , greatly reduc- ing the points of emphasis created by the color contrasts and combinations .
Too many bright colors detract from each other and can confuse the image , and should be used only when you want to create a discordant effect ( see p . 155 ) . The greatest impact with bright colors can often be cre- ated by keeping the composition simple .
Try to keep unwanted objects out of your pictures they can be more assertive in color than in black and white .
Contrast using black and white
The strong red color of the moun- tains in the picture above is emphasized and made more lumi - nous by its contrast with the black ,
underexposed foreground and the light toned sky . The simple , dark silhouettes of the cacti and bushes form powerful shapes against the background color .
Contrast using color
The pictures above and right use a limited range of tones , and create contrast through their use of color . The same scenes in black and white would appear flat and un- interesting by comparison .
In the picture above , soft , even lighting brings out the graduated , desaturated colors of the leaves against the muted color of the wall .
A more intense contrast is cre- ated in the picture of the lawn and flower - bed , right . Here the com- position has been kept very simple , almost two - dimensional , to make the most effective use of the saturated reds and greens .
Color contrast
Differing colors placed together in a com- position create contrast , particularly if they are strongly saturated , far apart on the color circle , or offset by black or white . Saturated warm and cold colors together give bold contrast , the strongest effect being produced when a saturated complementary color is adjacent to its primary in a composition .
The importance of color contrast can be seen if you consider how the pictures on this page would look if they were in black and white only . Subject colors would all become similar tones of gray , greatly reduc- ing the points of emphasis created by the color contrasts and combinations .
Too many bright colors detract from each other and can confuse the image , and should be used only when you want to create a discordant effect ( see p . 155 ) . The greatest impact with bright colors can often be cre- ated by keeping the composition simple .
Try to keep unwanted objects out of your pictures they can be more assertive in color than in black and white .
Contrast using black and white
The strong red color of the moun- tains in the picture above is emphasized and made more lumi - nous by its contrast with the black ,
underexposed foreground and the light toned sky . The simple , dark silhouettes of the cacti and bushes form powerful shapes against the background color .
Contrast using color
The pictures above and right use a limited range of tones , and create contrast through their use of color . The same scenes in black and white would appear flat and un- interesting by comparison .
In the picture above , soft , even lighting brings out the graduated , desaturated colors of the leaves against the muted color of the wall .
A more intense contrast is cre- ated in the picture of the lawn and flower - bed , right . Here the com- position has been kept very simple , almost two - dimensional , to make the most effective use of the saturated reds and greens .