النقش البارز .. تقنيات الغرف المظلمة المتقدمة .. المرشد خطوة بخطوة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي
Bas - relief
Bas - relief is a darkroom technique which transforms normal negatives into images that look like low relief sculptures , lit from one side . The original range of tones is restricted to a narrow range of grays and best results are achieved with simple , strong shapes and low , flat lighting .
To make a bas - relief you must first con- tact print the chosen negative on to con- tinuous tone sheet film . The resulting film positive should be similar in contrast and density to your original negative although reversed in tones . You then sandwich these two images together , slightly out of register , and print them as one .
Normally printed negative
Choose an image which is full of detail and sharp throughout for bas- relief . Subjects with strong patterns or textures , like the trees and tiles in the image shown left , work well .
Making a bas - relief print
1. Contact print your chosen negative on to a sheet of 4 × 5 ins continuous tone film . Use a red , rather than amber safelight .
2. Process the film in half - strength print developer . Aim for a low contrast positive by overexposure and underdevelopment . Leave the film to dry .
3. Cut each sheet to a 35 mm strip . Select the positive which , when registered emulsion - to- emulsion with the original negative nearly cancels out the image .
4. Shift one of the images slight- ly sideways so narrow light and dark lines appear . Insert the two images between the glass in the negative carrier , then enlarge .
Bas - relief print
To make the bas - relief image , shown right , the positive image on film was made to match the original negative in density and contrast . The negative and positive , when printed rogether on to hard grade paper gave the " embossed " result . The image has been simplified into a pattern of lines and flat tones and appears to be on one plane .
Bas - relief
Bas - relief is a darkroom technique which transforms normal negatives into images that look like low relief sculptures , lit from one side . The original range of tones is restricted to a narrow range of grays and best results are achieved with simple , strong shapes and low , flat lighting .
To make a bas - relief you must first con- tact print the chosen negative on to con- tinuous tone sheet film . The resulting film positive should be similar in contrast and density to your original negative although reversed in tones . You then sandwich these two images together , slightly out of register , and print them as one .
Normally printed negative
Choose an image which is full of detail and sharp throughout for bas- relief . Subjects with strong patterns or textures , like the trees and tiles in the image shown left , work well .
Making a bas - relief print
1. Contact print your chosen negative on to a sheet of 4 × 5 ins continuous tone film . Use a red , rather than amber safelight .
2. Process the film in half - strength print developer . Aim for a low contrast positive by overexposure and underdevelopment . Leave the film to dry .
3. Cut each sheet to a 35 mm strip . Select the positive which , when registered emulsion - to- emulsion with the original negative nearly cancels out the image .
4. Shift one of the images slight- ly sideways so narrow light and dark lines appear . Insert the two images between the glass in the negative carrier , then enlarge .
Bas - relief print
To make the bas - relief image , shown right , the positive image on film was made to match the original negative in density and contrast . The negative and positive , when printed rogether on to hard grade paper gave the " embossed " result . The image has been simplified into a pattern of lines and flat tones and appears to be on one plane .