الخط .. بناء الصورة .. المرشد خطوة بخطوة للتصوير الفوتوغرافي
Line is important in picture building because it can be used to give structure to your photographs . It can unify your composition by leading on from one part of the picture to another ; it can draw your attention to a point of interest , or lead your eye away to infinity ; it can be used to divide up your picture ; or , by repetition , it can create patterns . Line can also give a sense of depth , through linear perspective ( p . 115 ) .
The general arrangement of lines can exert a rhythmic influence on a picture . For example , the photograph of the road , right , with its flowing line , has a sense of move- ment which contrasts with the more static vertical and horizontal lines in the com- position below . Generally , angular lines , curves , and spirals create a sense of move- ment and tension . Vertical and horizontal lines , echoing the edges of the picture , make for a more static composition . Also , upright pictures emphasize vertical lines , horizontal pictures emphasize horizontal lines .
Line is not only present in the shapes of objects , but can also be created by position- ing several objects so that they form lines by their relationship one to another . You can often alter the apparent direction of lines , joining some and breaking others , simply by shifting viewpoint . Vertical or horizontal lines can be changed into diag- onals by rotating or tilting the camera .
Curved line
A pleasant visual sense of move- ment is induced by the curves of the road in the picture , left . The shape of the line is strongly brought out by the light reflecting off the surface of the road against the dark underexposed surroundings .
Vertical and horizontal lines
The carefully composed lines at right angles to each other give the photograph below a static , ordered feeling .
Line is important in picture building because it can be used to give structure to your photographs . It can unify your composition by leading on from one part of the picture to another ; it can draw your attention to a point of interest , or lead your eye away to infinity ; it can be used to divide up your picture ; or , by repetition , it can create patterns . Line can also give a sense of depth , through linear perspective ( p . 115 ) .
The general arrangement of lines can exert a rhythmic influence on a picture . For example , the photograph of the road , right , with its flowing line , has a sense of move- ment which contrasts with the more static vertical and horizontal lines in the com- position below . Generally , angular lines , curves , and spirals create a sense of move- ment and tension . Vertical and horizontal lines , echoing the edges of the picture , make for a more static composition . Also , upright pictures emphasize vertical lines , horizontal pictures emphasize horizontal lines .
Line is not only present in the shapes of objects , but can also be created by position- ing several objects so that they form lines by their relationship one to another . You can often alter the apparent direction of lines , joining some and breaking others , simply by shifting viewpoint . Vertical or horizontal lines can be changed into diag- onals by rotating or tilting the camera .
Curved line
A pleasant visual sense of move- ment is induced by the curves of the road in the picture , left . The shape of the line is strongly brought out by the light reflecting off the surface of the road against the dark underexposed surroundings .
Vertical and horizontal lines
The carefully composed lines at right angles to each other give the photograph below a static , ordered feeling .