كيش Kish وهي المعروفة الآن بـ تل الأحيمر في العراق وهي إحدى اهم المدن الرئيسية للسومريين بحسب الأساطير السومرية هي أول مدينة يتربع عليها ملك بعد الطوفان الكبير ويدعم زيوسودرا بكونه ملكا من شوروباك بواسطة لوح جلجامش الحادي عشر إشارة إلى أوتنابيشتيم (ترجمة أكدية من الأسم السومري زيوسودرا) مع لقب رجل شوروباك في السطر 23
The city of Kish, which is now known as Tell al-Ahimar in Iraq, is one of the most important major cities for the Sumerians, according to Sumerian mythology. It was the first city to have a king after the Great Flood. Ziusudra is supported by his being a king from Shuruppak through the Gilgamesh Tablet XI, a reference to Utnapishtim (an Akkadian translation of the Sumerian name Ziusudra). ) with the title of Shuruppak Man in line 23
The city of Kish, which is now known as Tell al-Ahimar in Iraq, is one of the most important major cities for the Sumerians, according to Sumerian mythology. It was the first city to have a king after the Great Flood. Ziusudra is supported by his being a king from Shuruppak through the Gilgamesh Tablet XI, a reference to Utnapishtim (an Akkadian translation of the Sumerian name Ziusudra). ) with the title of Shuruppak Man in line 23