اهرامات المكسيك التي لا يعرف أحد من بناها تحتوي أهرامات تيوتيهواكان على الزئبق السائل بداخلها. ازداد غموض أهرامات تيوتيهواكان القديمة في عام 2015 عندما احتفظت في آخر اكتشافات تيوتيهواكان التي قام بها مجموعة من علماء الآثار، بمفاجآت كبيرة لا يمكن تفسيرها وحولت القضية إلى لغز لم يتم حله، أكثر مما كانت عليه بالفعل. وتم اكتشاف الزئبق السائل أسفل هرم الشمس في تيوتيهواكان، بالإضافة إلى غرفة بها طبقة من الحجر، تليها أخرى من الميكا ثم أخرى من الحجر. تم وضع الزئبق السائل هناك من قبل الحضارة القديمة لسبب غير معروف، ولكن كان من الغريب العثور على كهوف تمتلئ جدرانها بالبيريت (معدن ذهبي لامع يمكن أن يكون موصلاً للكهرباء). وفي نفس المساحة تم اكتشاف كرات ذهبية من مادة غريبة. ومن غير المعروف كيف عملوا أو من أجل ماذا. كان الزئبق السائل والميكا والكرات الذهبية أحدث الاكتشافات في تيوتيهواكان في عام 2015، ولكن من المثير للصدمة أنه تم استخراج 10٪ فقط من الرواسب. نحن نفتقد استكشاف 90% من تيوتيهواكان، وأنا متأكد من أنه عندما يتم التنقيب والتحقيق في كل شيء، ستكون المفاجآت أكبر. ويعتقد أن السر الكبير في الهرم هو أنه كان يعمل (مثل الهرم الأكبر على سبيل المثال) كمحطة للطاقة. لم نتمكن بعد من فك أسرار أهرامات تيوتيهواكان أو مصر (الجيزة). واستخدمت هذه المجتمعات المتقدمة التكنولوجيا والرياضيات، التي قامت بمطابقة الأهرامات وقياساتها مع خرائط النظام الشمسي. كان لدى أولئك الذين بنوا تيوتيهواكان معرفة بالنظام الشمسي، وهو أمر لم يكن من الممكن أن يعرفه السكان القدماء.
The pyramids of Teotihuacán have LIQUID MERCURY inside them.
The mystery of the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacán increased in 2015 when in the latest discoveries of Teotihuacán made by a group of archaeologists, they reserved great surprises that could not be explained and transformed the case into an unsolved mystery, more than it already was place.
Liquid mercury was discovered beneath the Teotihuacan pyramid of the sun, as well as a room with a layer of stone, followed by another of mica and then another of stone. Liquid mercury was placed there by ancient civilization for some unknown reason, but it was even stranger to find caves whose walls were filled with pyrite (a shiny golden mineral that could be a conductor of electricity). In the same space, golden balls of a strange material were discovered. It is not known how they worked or for what.
Liquid mercury, mica and golden spheres were the latest discoveries at Teotihuacán in 2015, but it is shocking that only 10% has been excavated from the deposit. We miss exploring 90% of Teotihuacán and I'm sure that when everything has been excavated and investigated, the surprises will be even bigger. It is believed that the great mystery of the pyramid is that it functioned (like others, for example, the Great Pyramid) as a Power Station.
We have not yet managed to decipher the mysteries of the pyramids of Teotihuacán or those of Egypt (Giza). These advanced societies used technology and mathematics, which matched the pyramids and their measurements with maps of the solar system. Those who built Teotihuacán had knowledge of the solar system, something the ancient inhabitants could not have had.
The pyramids of Teotihuacán have LIQUID MERCURY inside them.
The mystery of the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacán increased in 2015 when in the latest discoveries of Teotihuacán made by a group of archaeologists, they reserved great surprises that could not be explained and transformed the case into an unsolved mystery, more than it already was place.
Liquid mercury was discovered beneath the Teotihuacan pyramid of the sun, as well as a room with a layer of stone, followed by another of mica and then another of stone. Liquid mercury was placed there by ancient civilization for some unknown reason, but it was even stranger to find caves whose walls were filled with pyrite (a shiny golden mineral that could be a conductor of electricity). In the same space, golden balls of a strange material were discovered. It is not known how they worked or for what.
Liquid mercury, mica and golden spheres were the latest discoveries at Teotihuacán in 2015, but it is shocking that only 10% has been excavated from the deposit. We miss exploring 90% of Teotihuacán and I'm sure that when everything has been excavated and investigated, the surprises will be even bigger. It is believed that the great mystery of the pyramid is that it functioned (like others, for example, the Great Pyramid) as a Power Station.
We have not yet managed to decipher the mysteries of the pyramids of Teotihuacán or those of Egypt (Giza). These advanced societies used technology and mathematics, which matched the pyramids and their measurements with maps of the solar system. Those who built Teotihuacán had knowledge of the solar system, something the ancient inhabitants could not have had.