لا يؤثر ISO على الصورة بطريقة مثيرة مثل فتحة العدسة أو سرعة الغالق. ومع ذلك، فهو يتيح لك المزيد من المرونة عند اختيار فتحة العدسة وسرعة الغالق. ومن خلال زيادة حساسية ISO، تمكنت من تحقيق سرعة غالق سريعة بما يكفي لالتقاط صور واضحة أثناء حمل الكاميرا باليد.
ISO does not affect a photo in as dramatic a way as aperture or shutter speed. However, it allows you to have more flexibility when choosing your aperture and shutter speed. By increasing the ISO, I was able to achieve a fast enough shutter speed to capture sharp images handheld.
NIKON D500 + 17-55mm f/2.8 @ 48mm, ISO 6400, 1/60, f/2.8X100T @ 19mm, ISO 6400, 1/90, f/2.0NIKON D800 + 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 400mm, ISO 2000, 1/200, f/5.6
This image was shot at sunset from a moving canoe!NIKON D500 + 17-55mm f/2.8 @ 55mm, ISO 6400, 1/160, f/5.6
ISO does not affect a photo in as dramatic a way as aperture or shutter speed. However, it allows you to have more flexibility when choosing your aperture and shutter speed. By increasing the ISO, I was able to achieve a fast enough shutter speed to capture sharp images handheld.
NIKON D500 + 17-55mm f/2.8 @ 48mm, ISO 6400, 1/60, f/2.8X100T @ 19mm, ISO 6400, 1/90, f/2.0NIKON D800 + 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6 @ 400mm, ISO 2000, 1/200, f/5.6
This image was shot at sunset from a moving canoe!NIKON D500 + 17-55mm f/2.8 @ 55mm, ISO 6400, 1/160, f/5.6