تم إطلاق كتاب الدورة الثانية عشرة "التنوع" رسمياً تفضّل بزيارة www.hipa.ae لتحميل نسختك والبدء برحلة ممتعة في روائع الأعمال الفوتوغرافية للدورة الماضية. *
Our Twelfth season book, 'Diversity, has officially launched! Head over to www.hipa.ae to download your copy and immerse yourself in the stunning photography from the past season.
#HIPAae #HIPA_Diversity #HIPATwelfthSeason #هيبا #التنوع الدورة_الثانية_عشرة
Our Twelfth season book, 'Diversity, has officially launched! Head over to www.hipa.ae to download your copy and immerse yourself in the stunning photography from the past season.
#HIPAae #HIPA_Diversity #HIPATwelfthSeason #هيبا #التنوع الدورة_الثانية_عشرة