What is a DSLR?
ما هي كاميرا DSLR؟
DSLR stands for digital single-lens reflex camera. This means that a DSLR is a camera that uses a mirror mechanism to reflect light to a viewfinder through a lens. Basically, a DSLR is like an older SLR film camera but with the film replaced with a digital sensor.
The Nikon D500 – The Best APS-C DSLR ever made
DSLRs are a lot different than mirrorless cameras that many people use today, which use the input through the sensor to display an image through a viewfinder or rear screen. If you’re interested in the inner workings of DSLRs, check out What is a DSLR?. You might think that since DSLRs are older, they are not as capable. But they still have some advantages due to their single-lens reflex design:
ما هي كاميرا DSLR؟
DSLR stands for digital single-lens reflex camera. This means that a DSLR is a camera that uses a mirror mechanism to reflect light to a viewfinder through a lens. Basically, a DSLR is like an older SLR film camera but with the film replaced with a digital sensor.
The Nikon D500 – The Best APS-C DSLR ever made
DSLRs are a lot different than mirrorless cameras that many people use today, which use the input through the sensor to display an image through a viewfinder or rear screen. If you’re interested in the inner workings of DSLRs, check out What is a DSLR?. You might think that since DSLRs are older, they are not as capable. But they still have some advantages due to their single-lens reflex design:
- The DSLR optical viewfinder shows the light directly from the scene and is often superior to many EVFs, and some people prefer the optical viewfinder
- DSLRs use less battery power, since they don’t need battery power to activate the viewfinder
- Used DSLRs are cheaper and don’t require adapaters to use older, DLSR lenses. For Nikon cameras, many Nikon DSLRs can still autofocus screw-drive lenses whereas Nikon mirrorless cameras cannot