وبعد ذلك يحدث ما لا يمكن تصوره... يتم تقديم كاميرا Canikon 1FX800D. كان يعلم أن هذا اليوم سيأتي في النهاية، ولكن على الرغم من هذه المعرفة، فقد تم القبض عليه غير مستعد عقليًا وعاطفيًا. يتأرجح جو بين رغبته في خنق ممثل Canikon المحلي لتقديمه شيئًا يفوق كبريائه وبهجته، وبين محاولة الوصول بشكل محموم إلى B&H لتحديد متى يمكنه طلب واحد. في النهاية، تتجه نظرته نحو الكاميرا الحالية. الكاميرا التي أحبها كثيرًا في ذلك اليوم؟ يبدو الآن متهالكًا بعض الشيء في القبضة. يتجسس بعض الضربات في الجسم لم يلاحظها من قبل. ويتساءل: "متى أزيلت الطلاء عن حافة الفلاش المنبثق؟". يلتقط صورة لكلبه وهو يركض عبر القاعة. هممم... "لماذا هذه الصورة ليست في التركيز؟".
And then the unthinkable happens… the Canikon 1FX800D is introduced. He knew this day would eventually come, but despite such knowledge, he is caught unprepared mentally and emotionally. Joe vacillates between wanting to strangle the local Canikon representative for introducing something that eclipses his pride and joy, and frantically attempting to reach B&H to determine when he can order one. Eventually, his gaze turns toward his current camera. The camera he loved so much the other day? It now looks a bit worn in the grip. He spies a few dings in the body he hadn’t noticed before. “When did I wear the paint off the edge of the pop-up flash?”, he wonders. He takes a picture of his dog scampering through the hall. Hmmm… “Why is that picture not in focus?”.
And then the unthinkable happens… the Canikon 1FX800D is introduced. He knew this day would eventually come, but despite such knowledge, he is caught unprepared mentally and emotionally. Joe vacillates between wanting to strangle the local Canikon representative for introducing something that eclipses his pride and joy, and frantically attempting to reach B&H to determine when he can order one. Eventually, his gaze turns toward his current camera. The camera he loved so much the other day? It now looks a bit worn in the grip. He spies a few dings in the body he hadn’t noticed before. “When did I wear the paint off the edge of the pop-up flash?”, he wonders. He takes a picture of his dog scampering through the hall. Hmmm… “Why is that picture not in focus?”.