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كتاب التصوير الفوتوغرافي المغلق
Using flash inside
- Electronic flash is a useful light source for taking many kinds of studio close - ups . It will arrest movement ( see p . 96 ) and boost low light levels so that the aperture can be stopped down to increase the depth of field ( see p . 30 ) . Most modern 35mm SLR cameras have focal plane shutters which have to be set at 1/125 or 1/60 seconds ( or slower ) to ensure flash synchroniza tion . Camera systems - such as the Hasselblad - with between - the - lens shutters , synchronize at any shutter speed . A single direct flash will give harsh shadows unless it is positioned with care , or the shadow areas are softened by using a reflector ( see p . 152 ) . Another solution is to use a second fill - in flash , triggered either by connecting each flash to a multiple adapter on the camera ( see p . 160 ) or by using a slave unit ( see p . 160 ) to fire the second and succes sive flash guns . Some flashes now have built - in slave units . You can still take multi - flash pictures with a single flash , by using the open flash technique , providing the room lights are dim and a slow speed film is used . Keeping the shutter open , fire the flash manually each time it is moved . Dramatic effects can also be achieved by creative use of flash ( see p . 136 ) .
Crystallized close - up
Brown sugar crystals were arranged on a piece of clean glass and laid on top of a small table with a central hole . The camera was mounted overhead . Four small flashes . at each corner of the table illuminated the sugar from below so that the crystals resembled tiny gold bars . The flashes gave enough light for the lens to be fully stopped down to give crisp images . Lens Hasselblad 80mm + 128mm bellows extension Mag . on film x1.5 Mag . on page × 1.8
Stopping the flow
I set up three flashes two to light the glass on the table and one to light the backcloth as shown in the set - up above . Before I exposed any film , I pre focused the camera on a pencil held upright in the center of the glass . As my assistant poured blackcurrant juice into the glass , I waited until the moving liquid came into focus before taking the picture . The short duration of the flashes ( 1 / 25,000th sec ) has frozen the moving liquid so that it appears to be a glassy column with encapsulated air bubbles . Lens Hasselblad 80mm + 32mm extension Mag . on film × 0.5 Mag . on page × 2.5
Pet portrait
Although this golden . retriever was lying quite . contentedly on the floor , I decided to use flash so that it would freeze any possible movement of its head . I arranged two Multiblitz Minilite 200 flash heads on either side of the dog's head so that they lit it indirectly by bouncing off umbrella reflectors . No matter what direction the dog turned its head , these twin flash heads would give naturalistic lighting without any harsh shadows . Lens Hasselblad 80mm + 16mm extension Mag . on film x0.25 Mag . on page x1
الإضاءة ..
كتاب التصوير الفوتوغرافي المغلق
Using flash inside
- Electronic flash is a useful light source for taking many kinds of studio close - ups . It will arrest movement ( see p . 96 ) and boost low light levels so that the aperture can be stopped down to increase the depth of field ( see p . 30 ) . Most modern 35mm SLR cameras have focal plane shutters which have to be set at 1/125 or 1/60 seconds ( or slower ) to ensure flash synchroniza tion . Camera systems - such as the Hasselblad - with between - the - lens shutters , synchronize at any shutter speed . A single direct flash will give harsh shadows unless it is positioned with care , or the shadow areas are softened by using a reflector ( see p . 152 ) . Another solution is to use a second fill - in flash , triggered either by connecting each flash to a multiple adapter on the camera ( see p . 160 ) or by using a slave unit ( see p . 160 ) to fire the second and succes sive flash guns . Some flashes now have built - in slave units . You can still take multi - flash pictures with a single flash , by using the open flash technique , providing the room lights are dim and a slow speed film is used . Keeping the shutter open , fire the flash manually each time it is moved . Dramatic effects can also be achieved by creative use of flash ( see p . 136 ) .
Crystallized close - up
Brown sugar crystals were arranged on a piece of clean glass and laid on top of a small table with a central hole . The camera was mounted overhead . Four small flashes . at each corner of the table illuminated the sugar from below so that the crystals resembled tiny gold bars . The flashes gave enough light for the lens to be fully stopped down to give crisp images . Lens Hasselblad 80mm + 128mm bellows extension Mag . on film x1.5 Mag . on page × 1.8
Stopping the flow
I set up three flashes two to light the glass on the table and one to light the backcloth as shown in the set - up above . Before I exposed any film , I pre focused the camera on a pencil held upright in the center of the glass . As my assistant poured blackcurrant juice into the glass , I waited until the moving liquid came into focus before taking the picture . The short duration of the flashes ( 1 / 25,000th sec ) has frozen the moving liquid so that it appears to be a glassy column with encapsulated air bubbles . Lens Hasselblad 80mm + 32mm extension Mag . on film × 0.5 Mag . on page × 2.5
Pet portrait
Although this golden . retriever was lying quite . contentedly on the floor , I decided to use flash so that it would freeze any possible movement of its head . I arranged two Multiblitz Minilite 200 flash heads on either side of the dog's head so that they lit it indirectly by bouncing off umbrella reflectors . No matter what direction the dog turned its head , these twin flash heads would give naturalistic lighting without any harsh shadows . Lens Hasselblad 80mm + 16mm extension Mag . on film x0.25 Mag . on page x1