الكاميرات ..
المعدات الأساسية ..
الملحق ..
كتاب التصوير الفوتوغرافي
Basic equipment
For portraiture you will need a camera which gives a reasonable image quality and has a fast enough shutter speed to arrest movement . Although some excel lent portraits have been taken with simple automatic cameras , to ensure a con sistently high standard it is important to use equipment which you can control . Look for a clear , accurate viewing system ( so that you can see exactly how much of the area around the sitter is included in the frame ) and a controllable shutter / aperture combination . Avoid automatic SLRS which do not allow you to adjust settings to cope with backlighting . Make sure that your chosen camera has a good focusing aid : this is very important be cause whenever you or your sitter change position you must be able to adjust the focus precisely and instantly . A camera with interchangeable lenses allows you to select the lens that best suits your shot . The popular 35 mm single lens reflex .
cameras are very light and relatively inexpensive . They have interchangeable lenses and built - in meters , and their through - the - lens viewing and focusing give you accurate control of the image . However , the small size of the negative means that shooting has to be very precise , and for a high - quality result you will have to use slower , finer - quality films . Single lens reflex cameras with a 24 .
square ( 6 × 6 cm ) format produce a nega tive almost three times larger , giving excellent quality even on big enlarge ments . But the square format is often inconvenient for portraits , and the cam eras tend to be expensive . 24 square twin lens reflexes are usually a little bulky , and they create problems of parallax ( because you view through the top lens and shoot through the bottom one , you may chop off part of your sitter's head ) . Parallax is adjusted internally in some cameras , like the Rolleiflex , but this generally means that you cannot change the lens . An alternative format , and our favorite .
one , is the 6x7 type . This has all the advantages of the 35 mm format , but with a larger negative size for improved quality . However , a 6x7 camera is heavier than a 35 mm SLR .
For general , informal portrait photo graphy a 35 mm SLR is the cheapest . most portable and versatile system to choose . However , if you intend to carry out a good deal of studio work , try to obtain a 6x7 or 24 square camera as well .
portraits , 435 mm camera system A 35 mm camera is especially useful for photojournalistic where flexibility , speed of operation , and lightness of equipment are important . Models like the Nikon FE shown here are good all round amateur or professional cameras . The precision of modern . camera design and the improvements in all photographic materials . enable you to use a good 35 mm SLR such as a Canon , Minolta , Nikon , Pentax , or Olympus , for all types of portraiture , even in the studio . The 28 mm wide - angle , 50 mm standard , and 80-200 mm zoom lenses in this picture are a good choice for portraiture .
المعدات الأساسية ..
الملحق ..
كتاب التصوير الفوتوغرافي
Basic equipment
For portraiture you will need a camera which gives a reasonable image quality and has a fast enough shutter speed to arrest movement . Although some excel lent portraits have been taken with simple automatic cameras , to ensure a con sistently high standard it is important to use equipment which you can control . Look for a clear , accurate viewing system ( so that you can see exactly how much of the area around the sitter is included in the frame ) and a controllable shutter / aperture combination . Avoid automatic SLRS which do not allow you to adjust settings to cope with backlighting . Make sure that your chosen camera has a good focusing aid : this is very important be cause whenever you or your sitter change position you must be able to adjust the focus precisely and instantly . A camera with interchangeable lenses allows you to select the lens that best suits your shot . The popular 35 mm single lens reflex .
cameras are very light and relatively inexpensive . They have interchangeable lenses and built - in meters , and their through - the - lens viewing and focusing give you accurate control of the image . However , the small size of the negative means that shooting has to be very precise , and for a high - quality result you will have to use slower , finer - quality films . Single lens reflex cameras with a 24 .
square ( 6 × 6 cm ) format produce a nega tive almost three times larger , giving excellent quality even on big enlarge ments . But the square format is often inconvenient for portraits , and the cam eras tend to be expensive . 24 square twin lens reflexes are usually a little bulky , and they create problems of parallax ( because you view through the top lens and shoot through the bottom one , you may chop off part of your sitter's head ) . Parallax is adjusted internally in some cameras , like the Rolleiflex , but this generally means that you cannot change the lens . An alternative format , and our favorite .
one , is the 6x7 type . This has all the advantages of the 35 mm format , but with a larger negative size for improved quality . However , a 6x7 camera is heavier than a 35 mm SLR .
For general , informal portrait photo graphy a 35 mm SLR is the cheapest . most portable and versatile system to choose . However , if you intend to carry out a good deal of studio work , try to obtain a 6x7 or 24 square camera as well .
portraits , 435 mm camera system A 35 mm camera is especially useful for photojournalistic where flexibility , speed of operation , and lightness of equipment are important . Models like the Nikon FE shown here are good all round amateur or professional cameras . The precision of modern . camera design and the improvements in all photographic materials . enable you to use a good 35 mm SLR such as a Canon , Minolta , Nikon , Pentax , or Olympus , for all types of portraiture , even in the studio . The 28 mm wide - angle , 50 mm standard , and 80-200 mm zoom lenses in this picture are a good choice for portraiture .