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راجع الأسئلة الشائعة b> . يجب عليك تسجيل عضوية جديدة >> التسجيل b>
قبل أن تتمكن من النشر وكتابة المواضيع : انقر فوق كلمة التسجيل للمتابعة. وتابع خطوات التسجيل ، ولمعرفة طريقة التسجيل إضغط
هنــــا وشاهد الطريقة .
أو حدد المنتدى الذي تريد زيارته كزائر من قائمة المنتديات أدناه.
قصيدة (بـبـاب بـنـيـة الـوضـاح ظبي) للشاعر أبو نواس شرح أنيس مهرات
1- In the chapter on the clear structure of a gazelle on the brows of his cheeks, water
2- Like water from a cup of water, the one who sees it becomes intoxicated and faints, and the hearts resent him.
3- He tortures whoever he wants with his eyelids if they ring, and he does whatever he wants
the explanation
(1) The intention of clarity: his house. And brocade: silk. That is, take it as soft as silk, and he wanted the freshness of the face with water.
(2) The cauldron: a large vessel in which wine is aged. Water: wine. Dims: calms down. Saba: This wine of the cauldron enchants hearts and captivates them.
(3) His eyeballs: his eyes. Renta: Look. Meaning: He tortures with His looks whomever He wills