الحرب اللبنانية في صور ،
The Lebanese war in pictures
* قناصان من السطوح ينشران الرعب في قلوب سكان العاصمة حين كان الناس يقتلون برصاص القنص وهم في مقاعدهم او في الحمام .
* وضعت دمى المانوكين في الشوارع لتضلل القناصين فيعتقدونها بشرا يصلونهم بنيران بنادقهم بحيث يتاح لقوات الامن ان تعرف المكان الذي تنطلق منه النيران لاسكاتها .
* ضحية سقطت على عتبة دارها برصاص القنص .
* رجال الميلشيات يحرسون جسر فؤاد شهاب الذي اصبح في وقت لاحق أرضا خصبة للقتل .
* بعض المخطوفين الذين واكبهم الحظ واطلق سراحهم .. بينما كان كثيرون غيرهم من الابرياء أقل حظا .. فماتوا بالعشرات قتلا على الهوية في المنطقتين .. وبيد من ؟ .. الله اعلم .
* كثيرون من الابرياء قتلوا في الحرب القذرة التي بدات بالخطف على نطاق واسع في ۳۰ ايار . مئات من الضحايا ماتوا واستمر الكثيرون يعتقدون ان الخطف هؤلاء امر يحدث لسواهم من الناس .
* اجتماع لحكومة رشيد الصلح في ١٥ نیسان . حضرها محمود رياض الامين العام للجامعة العربية ( الى يمين الرئيس رشيد الصلح ) الذى اقبل في ١٤ نيسان يتوسط لحل النزاع .
* كان رئيس الحكومة رشيد الصلح يهم بمغادرة المجلس النيابي بعد اتهامه الجيش والموارنة حاول النائب الكتائبي امين الجميل أن يجبره على الاستماع الى رد حزب الكتائب على اتهاماته .
* Two snipers from the roof spread terror in the hearts of the residents of the capital when people were killed by sniper bullets while they were in their seats or in the bathroom.
* Manukin dolls were placed in the streets to mislead the snipers, so that they would think of them as human beings who would reach them with their rifle fire, so that the security forces would know the place from which the fire was launched in order to silence them.
* A victim who fell on the doorstep of her house with sniper bullets.
Militiamen guard the Fouad Chehab Bridge, which later became a breeding ground for killing.
* Some of the abductees who were fortunate enough to be released.. while many other innocent people were less fortunate.. so they died in dozens of identity-killings in the two regions.. and by whom? .. God knows .
* Many innocent people were killed in the dirty war that began with kidnappings on a large scale on May 30. Hundreds of victims died, and many continued to believe that these kidnappings were something that happened to other people.
* A meeting of Rashid Al-Solh's government on April 15th. It was attended by Mahmoud Riyad, Secretary General of the Arab League (to the right of President Rashid al-Solh), who came on April 14 to mediate to resolve the dispute.
* Prime Minister Rashid al-Solh was about to leave Parliament after accusing the army and the Maronites. The Phalangist MP, Amin Gemayel, tried to force him to listen to the Phalange Party's response to his accusations.
The Lebanese war in pictures
* قناصان من السطوح ينشران الرعب في قلوب سكان العاصمة حين كان الناس يقتلون برصاص القنص وهم في مقاعدهم او في الحمام .
* وضعت دمى المانوكين في الشوارع لتضلل القناصين فيعتقدونها بشرا يصلونهم بنيران بنادقهم بحيث يتاح لقوات الامن ان تعرف المكان الذي تنطلق منه النيران لاسكاتها .
* ضحية سقطت على عتبة دارها برصاص القنص .
* رجال الميلشيات يحرسون جسر فؤاد شهاب الذي اصبح في وقت لاحق أرضا خصبة للقتل .
* بعض المخطوفين الذين واكبهم الحظ واطلق سراحهم .. بينما كان كثيرون غيرهم من الابرياء أقل حظا .. فماتوا بالعشرات قتلا على الهوية في المنطقتين .. وبيد من ؟ .. الله اعلم .
* كثيرون من الابرياء قتلوا في الحرب القذرة التي بدات بالخطف على نطاق واسع في ۳۰ ايار . مئات من الضحايا ماتوا واستمر الكثيرون يعتقدون ان الخطف هؤلاء امر يحدث لسواهم من الناس .
* اجتماع لحكومة رشيد الصلح في ١٥ نیسان . حضرها محمود رياض الامين العام للجامعة العربية ( الى يمين الرئيس رشيد الصلح ) الذى اقبل في ١٤ نيسان يتوسط لحل النزاع .
* كان رئيس الحكومة رشيد الصلح يهم بمغادرة المجلس النيابي بعد اتهامه الجيش والموارنة حاول النائب الكتائبي امين الجميل أن يجبره على الاستماع الى رد حزب الكتائب على اتهاماته .
* Two snipers from the roof spread terror in the hearts of the residents of the capital when people were killed by sniper bullets while they were in their seats or in the bathroom.
* Manukin dolls were placed in the streets to mislead the snipers, so that they would think of them as human beings who would reach them with their rifle fire, so that the security forces would know the place from which the fire was launched in order to silence them.
* A victim who fell on the doorstep of her house with sniper bullets.
Militiamen guard the Fouad Chehab Bridge, which later became a breeding ground for killing.
* Some of the abductees who were fortunate enough to be released.. while many other innocent people were less fortunate.. so they died in dozens of identity-killings in the two regions.. and by whom? .. God knows .
* Many innocent people were killed in the dirty war that began with kidnappings on a large scale on May 30. Hundreds of victims died, and many continued to believe that these kidnappings were something that happened to other people.
* A meeting of Rashid Al-Solh's government on April 15th. It was attended by Mahmoud Riyad, Secretary General of the Arab League (to the right of President Rashid al-Solh), who came on April 14 to mediate to resolve the dispute.
* Prime Minister Rashid al-Solh was about to leave Parliament after accusing the army and the Maronites. The Phalangist MP, Amin Gemayel, tried to force him to listen to the Phalange Party's response to his accusations.