التصوير الفوتوغرافي الحديث
تطوير السلبية ..
تطوير الفيلم ..
كيفية التعامل مع فيلم رول وتطويره ..
You are at last ready to develop your roll of film . First , of course , you get together all your equipment and put it where it will be ready when needed . The exact arrangement will depend upon your darkroom and your own personal preferences .
Before you actually start developing the film , read the following instructions carefully and make sure you understand them . We will pause to explain the processes as we go along , but you won't have time to read and study the discussion while your film is being developed .
If you are using a dry powder developer , dissolve it in water in accordance with the instructions supplied with it ( Figure 2 ) . If you are using a concentrated liquid developer , dilute it to the proper working strength .
Next , load the exposed film into the tank . Since this must be done in the dark , it is better first to practice loading the tank in ordinary light with a spoiled roll of film . Some tanks are sold with a spare film with which to practice . When you are thoroughly acquainted with the off the light and wait two or three way to load the film into the tank , switch minutes for your eyes to become accustomed to the dark . Then look around to be sure no light is entering the room . You may have to wait until night , and then drape blankets over the doors or windows to get a reasonably safe darkroom . However , don't proceed until you have such a room , or you will be wasting your time , effort and film .
Fig . 2 Dissolving developer . Solution should be stirred vigorously while developer is added .
If you are using ordinary roll film , which has a protective paper backing , unroll the film . Then tear it loose from the paper . The film will promptly curl up into a tight roll . Let it . This will help you identify the emulsion side of the film . The emulsion side is always the inside curl .
Thirty - five millimeter film presents more of a problem . It is not possible to open a Kodak 35mm cartridge without destroying it , since the end caps are welded to the body . To open such a cartridge , it is best to use a special cartridge opening tool ( Figure 3 ) which you can obtain from your Kodak dealer , but if you have no such cartridge opener , an ordinary bottle top opener may be used instead .
Some makes of film cartridges may be opened without a tool . Hold the cartridge with the end of the central spool down , squeeze the cartridge body tightly and rap the end sharply on some flat surface such as the top of the table . This will pop off the end cap . When the cartridge is open remove the film spool ( Figure 4 ) Leave the film on the spool , but cut the end square with a pair of scissors so you can feed it into the reel of your developing tank as illustrated in Figure 5 .
Fig . 3 Removing end cap from 35mm film container .
Remove the reel from the tank and load the film onto the reel ( Figure 6 ) . As you do , handle the film by the edges only , or you may ruin some good pictures by getting fingerprints on them . Exact directions for loading a tank will depend on the kind of tank you use . To be sure it is done correctly , follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully .
Fig . 4 Removing 35mm film from container
Fig . 5 Cutting off end of 35mm film strip .
Film - tank reels are of two types . With one type you push the film into . grooves from the outside ( we call this an outside loading reel ) . In the others you fasten the film to the hub and wind it up on the reel ( we call this an inside loading reel ) .
For outside loading reels , round off the sharp corners of the film slightly with a pair of scissors . You can do this quite easily in the dark by holding your thumb over a corner , covering all but a quarter - inch of it . Then cut this quarter - inch in a curve to match the curve of your thumbnail . Round off both corners in this way and insert the trimmed end of the film into the outside groove of the reel . Be sure to load it so it will feed with the emulsion side in ( toward the center of the reel ) . Gently , but irmly , push all of the film int the reel . If it catches , back up a trifle and push again . If it persists in catching and refuses to go all the way in , remove the film and bend the first quarter - inch of the roll sharply back on itself for a second or two , and then let it straighten out . This removes some of the sharp curl which may cause the end of the film to bind in the groove . It is best to push the film a few inches past the point where it is all on the reel , since it has a tendency to unroll somewhat during subsequent processing .
Fig . 6 Loading 35mm film into film reel . Film is bowed so it slips into grooves easily ..
For inside loading reels , hold the film in your right hand by the edges , exerting a slight pressure on the edges to bow the film so it will fit between the two flanges of the reel . Pick up the reel with the left hand and fasten the end of the film , emulsion side in , to the hub of the reel the hook or clip provided for that purpose . Keeping the film bowed , simply wind it onto the reel . You will find . that the film will usually slip into the groove as it unwinds from the roll . However , keep one finger of your left hand lightly touching the back of the film where has just entered the spiral grooves . If you feel a sharp kink , it means that the film has slipped out of the groove . Unwind it past the kink , and carefully wind it back again .
Be very careful not to crease the film at any time . A sharp crease will develop a dark streak in the negative . If you get mysterious crescent moons in your pictures , this indicates you probably let the film kink or crease while you were loading it into the reel ..
Place the reel in the tank and put on the cover . Make sure it is tightly in place . Now you can turn on the white light .
The temperature of a film developer is very important , and development time is usually given for a temperature of 68 ° Fahrenheit ( abbreviated 68 ° F . ) .
Some developers are designed to work at 70 ° F. So you should check the instructions supplied with the developer you are using . In this Assignment we will assume you are using a 68 ° F. developer . Before you use the developer , check its temperature ( Figure 7 ) . If it is above 68 ° , place the developer bottle in a larger vessel and run cold water around it ; if it is below 68 ° use warm water . instead ( Figure 8 ) . When the temperature is adjusted to 68 ° , you are ready to proceed .
Before pouring the developer into the tank , it is important that you know exactly how long you are going to develop your film . Development time depends upon the temperature , the type of film , and the developer formula . You have already adjusted the temperature to 68 ° . That leaves only the developer and the film to be considered . Printed instructions supplied with the developer and with the film you are using should tell you how . long to develop your particular film . Never start to develop a roll of film until you have this information for your specific developer and your film . Development time may vary from as little as 2 or 3 minutes to as much as a half - hour .
Fig . 7 Working temperature of developer solution is very important .
Fig . 8 If developer temperature is not correct , it may be adjusted by placing developer bottle in cold or warm water as required .
When you know the exact developing time , pour the developer quickly and smoothly . into the tank ( Figure 9 ) . For accuracy's sake , write down the exact time you add the developer . If you are using a timer , set it just as you start pouring in the developer . Since development time is figured from the moment the developer is poured into the tank until the moment it is poured out again , always pour the developer as quickly as possible . Never stop pouring until the tank is full . Be careful , however , not to splash or overflow the tank . Such splashes may result in permanent stains . The best way prevent overflowing is to mix just enough developer to fill the tank . It is also a very good idea to put the tank into a small dish or developer tray to catch any overflow .
Fig . 9 Pour developer into tank quickly but smoothly .
Fig . 10 Film must be agitated at regular intervals during process of developing .
Thoroughly agitate the developer in the tank once every 30 seconds ( Figure 10 ) . The correct agitation . procedure depends upon the tank . Some tanks have water . tight covers , and you simply turn the tank upside down and back again with a slight rotary motion . In others , a rod is provided that can be inserted into the top of the tank to engage the reel . The reel can then be twirled with the rod . In still others , an extension on top of the reel forms a handle which extends outside the tank . With tanks in which the reels can be turned , agitate by twirling the reel for five seconds out of every half minute .
When your timer rings , or when you reach the end of the development period , pour the developer back into the bottle ( Figure 11 ) and quickly fill the tank with plain water . Most roll film developers will keep for weeks , or even months , in a cool location . So do not throw your developer away , but pour it back into an amber bottle that can be capped . Follow the instructions which came with the developer as to its further use .
Be sure to fill the tank with plain water immediately after you've poured off the developer . Agitate the tank for twenty or thirty seconds and then pour off the water . This procedure rinses . out most of the developer and prolongs the life of the fixer , the solution you will use next .
Fixing time is also important . The length of the fixing period depends upon the fixing agent . The common hypo fixer takes ten minutes when fresh , while some of the rapid fixers take only two to four minutes . Note the time , and pour the fixing solution into the tank Agitation in this solution is necessary only for the first half minute or so . During fixing , the unexposed crystals of silver bromide are dissolved , the colored anti - halation layer is bleached , and the unexposed portions of the negative become clear . If you are uncertain about fixing time , film can be examined in white light one minute after it is immersed in the fixer . You can check the rate of fixing by removing the tank lid and lifting out the reel . Check it frequently to determine when the unexposed portions of the film become clear . It is necessary to leave the film in the fixer for twice as long as it takes for this to happen .
Fig . 11 When development is completed , developer should be poured quickly back into bottle .
When fixing is complete , pour the fixer back into the bottle and store for later use . Wash the film in running water for 20 minutes . The simplest washing system is to dip a water hose into the tank , and turn the water on with just enough force to insure thorough circulation . If your tank does not have a suitable type of opening at the top , simply remove the cover and let the water run into it for 30 minutes .
The best method for washing a reel of film quickly and efficiently is through the use of a suitable film washer such as one illustrated in Figure 12 .
Hang up the film in a clean , dry location . Weight it at the bottom with a metal clip to prevent curling or swinging about while drying . Thoroughly wet the fine synthetic sponge or a piece of photo chamois and squeeze it dry . Use it to swab both sides of the film gently to remove the surface water . Take care that you do not scratch the film . Unless you remove the water drops , they will leave a residue when they evaporate , and the drying marks will show in the print .
Drying marks may also be prevented by soaking the film for a minute or two in a dilute solution of wetting agent , and then letting it drip dry . If you use a
wetting agent , be sure to obtain it from a camera dealer . Some wetting agents designed for non - photographic purposes leave residues .
The correct rate of drying is important you I want to get the most out of your negatives . Best results are obtained if roll film dries in . from 30 minutes to an hour . Two hours should be maximum . Drying film in less . time , by using heat , may damage the film and increase grain . Excessively long drying . time in a damp atmosphere will leave the emulsion soft and easily damaged . Thirty - five millimeter film dries in half the time of regular roll film . Thin - emulsion , fine - grain film dries even faster .
Fig . 12 Film is washed most effectively by use of a film washer as shown here .
While the film is drying , clean up . Too many photographers slight this important operation and run into trouble . Many developing solutions leave a sludge . This sludge won't rinse off , but is easily wiped off under running water before it has dried . Once the sludge has dried , however , is there to stay and only hard scrubbing will clean it away . For that matter , any photographic solution will leave a residue on drying , and in many cases the residue will not wash off easily after it has set .
To do a thorough cleaning job , cap all bottles tightly and hold them under running water to rinse them off . Then wipe them dry and put them away . Rinse all graduates and measuring vessels and hang them on pegs or hooks so they dry bottoms up . Swab the film - developing tank under running water with a wad of absorbent cotton to clean away the developer sludge . Then wipe it before putting it away . Clean up the developer bench by mopping it with a wet sponge . Never permit splashes of chemicals to dry on any of your working surfaces . Not only may a permanent stain result , but some of the dried chemicals will powder and float about in the air , causing trouble when they land on film or paper .
When the film is dry , take it down and cut it up into short strips to fit the protective envelopes you are using to store your negatives . Negatives should always be stored in individual glassine envelopes to protect the delicate emulsion surfaces .
تطوير السلبية ..
تطوير الفيلم ..
كيفية التعامل مع فيلم رول وتطويره ..
You are at last ready to develop your roll of film . First , of course , you get together all your equipment and put it where it will be ready when needed . The exact arrangement will depend upon your darkroom and your own personal preferences .
Before you actually start developing the film , read the following instructions carefully and make sure you understand them . We will pause to explain the processes as we go along , but you won't have time to read and study the discussion while your film is being developed .
If you are using a dry powder developer , dissolve it in water in accordance with the instructions supplied with it ( Figure 2 ) . If you are using a concentrated liquid developer , dilute it to the proper working strength .
Next , load the exposed film into the tank . Since this must be done in the dark , it is better first to practice loading the tank in ordinary light with a spoiled roll of film . Some tanks are sold with a spare film with which to practice . When you are thoroughly acquainted with the off the light and wait two or three way to load the film into the tank , switch minutes for your eyes to become accustomed to the dark . Then look around to be sure no light is entering the room . You may have to wait until night , and then drape blankets over the doors or windows to get a reasonably safe darkroom . However , don't proceed until you have such a room , or you will be wasting your time , effort and film .
Fig . 2 Dissolving developer . Solution should be stirred vigorously while developer is added .
If you are using ordinary roll film , which has a protective paper backing , unroll the film . Then tear it loose from the paper . The film will promptly curl up into a tight roll . Let it . This will help you identify the emulsion side of the film . The emulsion side is always the inside curl .
Thirty - five millimeter film presents more of a problem . It is not possible to open a Kodak 35mm cartridge without destroying it , since the end caps are welded to the body . To open such a cartridge , it is best to use a special cartridge opening tool ( Figure 3 ) which you can obtain from your Kodak dealer , but if you have no such cartridge opener , an ordinary bottle top opener may be used instead .
Some makes of film cartridges may be opened without a tool . Hold the cartridge with the end of the central spool down , squeeze the cartridge body tightly and rap the end sharply on some flat surface such as the top of the table . This will pop off the end cap . When the cartridge is open remove the film spool ( Figure 4 ) Leave the film on the spool , but cut the end square with a pair of scissors so you can feed it into the reel of your developing tank as illustrated in Figure 5 .
Fig . 3 Removing end cap from 35mm film container .
Remove the reel from the tank and load the film onto the reel ( Figure 6 ) . As you do , handle the film by the edges only , or you may ruin some good pictures by getting fingerprints on them . Exact directions for loading a tank will depend on the kind of tank you use . To be sure it is done correctly , follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully .
Fig . 4 Removing 35mm film from container
Fig . 5 Cutting off end of 35mm film strip .
Film - tank reels are of two types . With one type you push the film into . grooves from the outside ( we call this an outside loading reel ) . In the others you fasten the film to the hub and wind it up on the reel ( we call this an inside loading reel ) .
For outside loading reels , round off the sharp corners of the film slightly with a pair of scissors . You can do this quite easily in the dark by holding your thumb over a corner , covering all but a quarter - inch of it . Then cut this quarter - inch in a curve to match the curve of your thumbnail . Round off both corners in this way and insert the trimmed end of the film into the outside groove of the reel . Be sure to load it so it will feed with the emulsion side in ( toward the center of the reel ) . Gently , but irmly , push all of the film int the reel . If it catches , back up a trifle and push again . If it persists in catching and refuses to go all the way in , remove the film and bend the first quarter - inch of the roll sharply back on itself for a second or two , and then let it straighten out . This removes some of the sharp curl which may cause the end of the film to bind in the groove . It is best to push the film a few inches past the point where it is all on the reel , since it has a tendency to unroll somewhat during subsequent processing .
Fig . 6 Loading 35mm film into film reel . Film is bowed so it slips into grooves easily ..
For inside loading reels , hold the film in your right hand by the edges , exerting a slight pressure on the edges to bow the film so it will fit between the two flanges of the reel . Pick up the reel with the left hand and fasten the end of the film , emulsion side in , to the hub of the reel the hook or clip provided for that purpose . Keeping the film bowed , simply wind it onto the reel . You will find . that the film will usually slip into the groove as it unwinds from the roll . However , keep one finger of your left hand lightly touching the back of the film where has just entered the spiral grooves . If you feel a sharp kink , it means that the film has slipped out of the groove . Unwind it past the kink , and carefully wind it back again .
Be very careful not to crease the film at any time . A sharp crease will develop a dark streak in the negative . If you get mysterious crescent moons in your pictures , this indicates you probably let the film kink or crease while you were loading it into the reel ..
Place the reel in the tank and put on the cover . Make sure it is tightly in place . Now you can turn on the white light .
The temperature of a film developer is very important , and development time is usually given for a temperature of 68 ° Fahrenheit ( abbreviated 68 ° F . ) .
Some developers are designed to work at 70 ° F. So you should check the instructions supplied with the developer you are using . In this Assignment we will assume you are using a 68 ° F. developer . Before you use the developer , check its temperature ( Figure 7 ) . If it is above 68 ° , place the developer bottle in a larger vessel and run cold water around it ; if it is below 68 ° use warm water . instead ( Figure 8 ) . When the temperature is adjusted to 68 ° , you are ready to proceed .
Before pouring the developer into the tank , it is important that you know exactly how long you are going to develop your film . Development time depends upon the temperature , the type of film , and the developer formula . You have already adjusted the temperature to 68 ° . That leaves only the developer and the film to be considered . Printed instructions supplied with the developer and with the film you are using should tell you how . long to develop your particular film . Never start to develop a roll of film until you have this information for your specific developer and your film . Development time may vary from as little as 2 or 3 minutes to as much as a half - hour .
Fig . 7 Working temperature of developer solution is very important .
Fig . 8 If developer temperature is not correct , it may be adjusted by placing developer bottle in cold or warm water as required .
When you know the exact developing time , pour the developer quickly and smoothly . into the tank ( Figure 9 ) . For accuracy's sake , write down the exact time you add the developer . If you are using a timer , set it just as you start pouring in the developer . Since development time is figured from the moment the developer is poured into the tank until the moment it is poured out again , always pour the developer as quickly as possible . Never stop pouring until the tank is full . Be careful , however , not to splash or overflow the tank . Such splashes may result in permanent stains . The best way prevent overflowing is to mix just enough developer to fill the tank . It is also a very good idea to put the tank into a small dish or developer tray to catch any overflow .
Fig . 9 Pour developer into tank quickly but smoothly .
Fig . 10 Film must be agitated at regular intervals during process of developing .
Thoroughly agitate the developer in the tank once every 30 seconds ( Figure 10 ) . The correct agitation . procedure depends upon the tank . Some tanks have water . tight covers , and you simply turn the tank upside down and back again with a slight rotary motion . In others , a rod is provided that can be inserted into the top of the tank to engage the reel . The reel can then be twirled with the rod . In still others , an extension on top of the reel forms a handle which extends outside the tank . With tanks in which the reels can be turned , agitate by twirling the reel for five seconds out of every half minute .
When your timer rings , or when you reach the end of the development period , pour the developer back into the bottle ( Figure 11 ) and quickly fill the tank with plain water . Most roll film developers will keep for weeks , or even months , in a cool location . So do not throw your developer away , but pour it back into an amber bottle that can be capped . Follow the instructions which came with the developer as to its further use .
Be sure to fill the tank with plain water immediately after you've poured off the developer . Agitate the tank for twenty or thirty seconds and then pour off the water . This procedure rinses . out most of the developer and prolongs the life of the fixer , the solution you will use next .
Fixing time is also important . The length of the fixing period depends upon the fixing agent . The common hypo fixer takes ten minutes when fresh , while some of the rapid fixers take only two to four minutes . Note the time , and pour the fixing solution into the tank Agitation in this solution is necessary only for the first half minute or so . During fixing , the unexposed crystals of silver bromide are dissolved , the colored anti - halation layer is bleached , and the unexposed portions of the negative become clear . If you are uncertain about fixing time , film can be examined in white light one minute after it is immersed in the fixer . You can check the rate of fixing by removing the tank lid and lifting out the reel . Check it frequently to determine when the unexposed portions of the film become clear . It is necessary to leave the film in the fixer for twice as long as it takes for this to happen .
Fig . 11 When development is completed , developer should be poured quickly back into bottle .
When fixing is complete , pour the fixer back into the bottle and store for later use . Wash the film in running water for 20 minutes . The simplest washing system is to dip a water hose into the tank , and turn the water on with just enough force to insure thorough circulation . If your tank does not have a suitable type of opening at the top , simply remove the cover and let the water run into it for 30 minutes .
The best method for washing a reel of film quickly and efficiently is through the use of a suitable film washer such as one illustrated in Figure 12 .
Hang up the film in a clean , dry location . Weight it at the bottom with a metal clip to prevent curling or swinging about while drying . Thoroughly wet the fine synthetic sponge or a piece of photo chamois and squeeze it dry . Use it to swab both sides of the film gently to remove the surface water . Take care that you do not scratch the film . Unless you remove the water drops , they will leave a residue when they evaporate , and the drying marks will show in the print .
Drying marks may also be prevented by soaking the film for a minute or two in a dilute solution of wetting agent , and then letting it drip dry . If you use a
wetting agent , be sure to obtain it from a camera dealer . Some wetting agents designed for non - photographic purposes leave residues .
The correct rate of drying is important you I want to get the most out of your negatives . Best results are obtained if roll film dries in . from 30 minutes to an hour . Two hours should be maximum . Drying film in less . time , by using heat , may damage the film and increase grain . Excessively long drying . time in a damp atmosphere will leave the emulsion soft and easily damaged . Thirty - five millimeter film dries in half the time of regular roll film . Thin - emulsion , fine - grain film dries even faster .
Fig . 12 Film is washed most effectively by use of a film washer as shown here .
While the film is drying , clean up . Too many photographers slight this important operation and run into trouble . Many developing solutions leave a sludge . This sludge won't rinse off , but is easily wiped off under running water before it has dried . Once the sludge has dried , however , is there to stay and only hard scrubbing will clean it away . For that matter , any photographic solution will leave a residue on drying , and in many cases the residue will not wash off easily after it has set .
To do a thorough cleaning job , cap all bottles tightly and hold them under running water to rinse them off . Then wipe them dry and put them away . Rinse all graduates and measuring vessels and hang them on pegs or hooks so they dry bottoms up . Swab the film - developing tank under running water with a wad of absorbent cotton to clean away the developer sludge . Then wipe it before putting it away . Clean up the developer bench by mopping it with a wet sponge . Never permit splashes of chemicals to dry on any of your working surfaces . Not only may a permanent stain result , but some of the dried chemicals will powder and float about in the air , causing trouble when they land on film or paper .
When the film is dry , take it down and cut it up into short strips to fit the protective envelopes you are using to store your negatives . Negatives should always be stored in individual glassine envelopes to protect the delicate emulsion surfaces .