التصوير الفوتوغرافي الحديث
صنع صور متحركة للتلفزيون
إضافة الصوت إلى صور الحركة
You have already been introduced to the subject of adding sound to motion pictures in Assignment 19. That discussion , however , was on the beginner's level . If you want to go beyond that point and consider very seriously the possibility of making professional movies , you need to know a lot more about this subject . It is our purpose here to give you such additional information . Bear in mind , however , that in professional motion picture work , the sound technician or sound crew takes care of everything connected with sound , and the photographer has very little if anything to do with it . Getting good sound in the first place and transferring it onto film requires highly specialized skills and educational background , so that a good sound technician is indispensable to making a movie with sound . However , as a student you should know at least the fundamentals . Even if you never go into professional movie making , you will have the basic knowledge you will require to add sound to your own movies .
In the following discussion we will start by repeating some of the information we have given you in Assignment 19 , but we will go into it in somewhat greater detail so that you will better understand the material which follows .
A production crew preparing the camera and sound for a scene . The sound is recorded at a tape speed of 15 inches per second on 4 - inch tape . Courtesy of Pilot Productions , Inc.
A professional movie without sound is practically unheard of . Even the very earliest silent movies were generally accompanied by sound of a sort - a loud , tinny upright piano was placed to the side of the movie screen and the pianist installed there to provide a background of music . If the pianist was good , he could tailor the mood and tempo of his selections to fit the action on the screen . Movies were new in those days and the audience didn't expect too much of them . Such free style sound accompaniment was accepted as a matter of course and surprisingly often achieved a good deal of success in aiding the audience to get into the proper mood . Sound movies , of course , changed that situation quite radically and changed it for the better . Sound accompaniment is now a legitimate and highly sophisticated adjunct to the professional motion picture for theater use . Some of the world's top ranking composers now compose music especially for the sound track of motion picture films and they receive proper acknowledgment for their work .
Sound is by no means restricted to theater type movies . Any film made for professional use , whether it be of a sales promotional nature or a travel lecture , is invariably accompanied by sound . In the more finished product , the sound is on the film itself , but very effective sound accompaniment can be produced by recording excerpts from standard recordings on tape which is then played on a separate tape recorder . The keying of the tape recorder to the projector is not particularly difficult , so that many serious amateurs use this method to enhance the effectiveness of their films .
The sound accompanying the motion picture film can be classified in a number of different ways . For the purpose of this discussion , we will use the following four classifications :
1. Background Music
2. Narration
3. Sound Effects
4. Dialogue ( usually termed lip synchronization or simply lip sync )
A musical background is used primarily to enhance the mood or psychological effect of the film . Sweet , gentle music puts the audience into the proper mood to get maximum enjoyment from a beautiful landscape , while at quick dynamic selection excites the audience so that it is more receptive to the impact of a strident city scene filmed and edited to a quick tempo .
Sound is always added after a film is edited so that each selection in the total sound accompaniment can be carefully chosen to match its appropriate scene in length , mood and tempo . A stirring bit of marching music might be just right for one scene , while a soft romantic string selection might be just the thing for another . You can introduce a short passage from a distinctive musical selection each time the main character of your movie enters the scene so that it becomes identified with him . This idea is often used in TV to introduce the star of a regular program series . Once such music becomes identified with a specific entertainer , it becomes his theme song . A variant of this idea is to identify a specific product with a theme song and use it with every commercial connected with the product .
Narration is spoken explanation or commentary that accompanies the picture . The narrator or speaker is usually an unidentified voice and is not an integral part of the action . He serves only to supply information or make comments on matters which are an integral part of the story being shown on the screen . In news reporting the commentator is often shown on the screen because the news man has a status of his own and the credibility or value of the news story is influenced to a considerable degree by the reputation of the commentator . Ordinarily , however , the commentator or narrator is simply an unknown off stage voice of appropriate type and timber for the subject of the film .
Generally speaking , the customer or client takes care of the narration and hires the narrator who is usually a professional broadcast announcer . However , you should know the general principles involved . In any film , whether it is silent or whether it has sound , it is the picture which carries the story . The narrator helps it along , but he must not dominate it . If the movie is so weak that the audience listens to the narrator and misses the picture , there is something wrong with the picture and it must be rectified .
The narrator must never talk about things which are not shown on the screen , since in that way he distracts the audience and confuses them . If his information is important enough to be included in the narration , it is important . enough to be included in the film . Narration is used most effectively when it enhances or enriches the story being unfolded on the screen , not when it substitutes its own story .
We are never completely without sound . There is no spot on earth which does not have some sound of its own - the soft rustle of vegetation in a breeze , the buzz and hum of insects , the lapping of water on a quiet beach , the whirring of a bird on the wing . Each setting has its own accompaniment of sound , whether it be the sound of nature or the sound of human activity .
Specific sounds may be added to the sound track accompaniment of a motion picture film to give added realism and identification to the scene being played . This is particularly true when picturing human activity . However , sound effects can be overdone . Only enough should be used to create the realism that is wanted . It isn't necessary nor is it advisable to clutter up the sound track with every bit of sound that would occur naturally in the scene being shown . In real life , we tend to ignore or to be completely unaware of the many extraneous sounds which are always present but which have no particular interest . Sound effects introduced into a motion picture film should be of that kind .
Lip synchronization is sound on film at its best . The name derives itself from the fact that , the sound on the sound track is synchronized so perfectly with the lip movement of the individuals that the sound seems to be coming from them rather than from the loudspeakers even though they may be quite a distance away . Normally it is possible to determine the direction from which a sound comes with a rather high degree of accuracy , but we are so conditioned to watching people's lips when they are speaking to us that when we see an actor talking on the screen and hear a voice in exact synchronization with his lips , we completely disregard the directional data supplied by our ears and rely instead on the evidence of our eyes , even though such evidence is false .
Preparing to shoot a lip sync sound scene . Note the microphone on a boom . The camera is enclosed in a soundproof " blimp " to keep the noise of the camera from being recorded on the sound tape . A studio production as shown here usually has a sound crew of at least four men . Courtesy of Wilding , Inc.
Lip synchronization requires special equipment and a high degree of skill in the techniques involved in filming and sound recording , not to mention painstaking care in editing of both picture and sound .
صنع صور متحركة للتلفزيون
إضافة الصوت إلى صور الحركة
You have already been introduced to the subject of adding sound to motion pictures in Assignment 19. That discussion , however , was on the beginner's level . If you want to go beyond that point and consider very seriously the possibility of making professional movies , you need to know a lot more about this subject . It is our purpose here to give you such additional information . Bear in mind , however , that in professional motion picture work , the sound technician or sound crew takes care of everything connected with sound , and the photographer has very little if anything to do with it . Getting good sound in the first place and transferring it onto film requires highly specialized skills and educational background , so that a good sound technician is indispensable to making a movie with sound . However , as a student you should know at least the fundamentals . Even if you never go into professional movie making , you will have the basic knowledge you will require to add sound to your own movies .
In the following discussion we will start by repeating some of the information we have given you in Assignment 19 , but we will go into it in somewhat greater detail so that you will better understand the material which follows .
A production crew preparing the camera and sound for a scene . The sound is recorded at a tape speed of 15 inches per second on 4 - inch tape . Courtesy of Pilot Productions , Inc.
A professional movie without sound is practically unheard of . Even the very earliest silent movies were generally accompanied by sound of a sort - a loud , tinny upright piano was placed to the side of the movie screen and the pianist installed there to provide a background of music . If the pianist was good , he could tailor the mood and tempo of his selections to fit the action on the screen . Movies were new in those days and the audience didn't expect too much of them . Such free style sound accompaniment was accepted as a matter of course and surprisingly often achieved a good deal of success in aiding the audience to get into the proper mood . Sound movies , of course , changed that situation quite radically and changed it for the better . Sound accompaniment is now a legitimate and highly sophisticated adjunct to the professional motion picture for theater use . Some of the world's top ranking composers now compose music especially for the sound track of motion picture films and they receive proper acknowledgment for their work .
Sound is by no means restricted to theater type movies . Any film made for professional use , whether it be of a sales promotional nature or a travel lecture , is invariably accompanied by sound . In the more finished product , the sound is on the film itself , but very effective sound accompaniment can be produced by recording excerpts from standard recordings on tape which is then played on a separate tape recorder . The keying of the tape recorder to the projector is not particularly difficult , so that many serious amateurs use this method to enhance the effectiveness of their films .
The sound accompanying the motion picture film can be classified in a number of different ways . For the purpose of this discussion , we will use the following four classifications :
1. Background Music
2. Narration
3. Sound Effects
4. Dialogue ( usually termed lip synchronization or simply lip sync )
A musical background is used primarily to enhance the mood or psychological effect of the film . Sweet , gentle music puts the audience into the proper mood to get maximum enjoyment from a beautiful landscape , while at quick dynamic selection excites the audience so that it is more receptive to the impact of a strident city scene filmed and edited to a quick tempo .
Sound is always added after a film is edited so that each selection in the total sound accompaniment can be carefully chosen to match its appropriate scene in length , mood and tempo . A stirring bit of marching music might be just right for one scene , while a soft romantic string selection might be just the thing for another . You can introduce a short passage from a distinctive musical selection each time the main character of your movie enters the scene so that it becomes identified with him . This idea is often used in TV to introduce the star of a regular program series . Once such music becomes identified with a specific entertainer , it becomes his theme song . A variant of this idea is to identify a specific product with a theme song and use it with every commercial connected with the product .
Narration is spoken explanation or commentary that accompanies the picture . The narrator or speaker is usually an unidentified voice and is not an integral part of the action . He serves only to supply information or make comments on matters which are an integral part of the story being shown on the screen . In news reporting the commentator is often shown on the screen because the news man has a status of his own and the credibility or value of the news story is influenced to a considerable degree by the reputation of the commentator . Ordinarily , however , the commentator or narrator is simply an unknown off stage voice of appropriate type and timber for the subject of the film .
Generally speaking , the customer or client takes care of the narration and hires the narrator who is usually a professional broadcast announcer . However , you should know the general principles involved . In any film , whether it is silent or whether it has sound , it is the picture which carries the story . The narrator helps it along , but he must not dominate it . If the movie is so weak that the audience listens to the narrator and misses the picture , there is something wrong with the picture and it must be rectified .
The narrator must never talk about things which are not shown on the screen , since in that way he distracts the audience and confuses them . If his information is important enough to be included in the narration , it is important . enough to be included in the film . Narration is used most effectively when it enhances or enriches the story being unfolded on the screen , not when it substitutes its own story .
We are never completely without sound . There is no spot on earth which does not have some sound of its own - the soft rustle of vegetation in a breeze , the buzz and hum of insects , the lapping of water on a quiet beach , the whirring of a bird on the wing . Each setting has its own accompaniment of sound , whether it be the sound of nature or the sound of human activity .
Specific sounds may be added to the sound track accompaniment of a motion picture film to give added realism and identification to the scene being played . This is particularly true when picturing human activity . However , sound effects can be overdone . Only enough should be used to create the realism that is wanted . It isn't necessary nor is it advisable to clutter up the sound track with every bit of sound that would occur naturally in the scene being shown . In real life , we tend to ignore or to be completely unaware of the many extraneous sounds which are always present but which have no particular interest . Sound effects introduced into a motion picture film should be of that kind .
Lip synchronization is sound on film at its best . The name derives itself from the fact that , the sound on the sound track is synchronized so perfectly with the lip movement of the individuals that the sound seems to be coming from them rather than from the loudspeakers even though they may be quite a distance away . Normally it is possible to determine the direction from which a sound comes with a rather high degree of accuracy , but we are so conditioned to watching people's lips when they are speaking to us that when we see an actor talking on the screen and hear a voice in exact synchronization with his lips , we completely disregard the directional data supplied by our ears and rely instead on the evidence of our eyes , even though such evidence is false .
Preparing to shoot a lip sync sound scene . Note the microphone on a boom . The camera is enclosed in a soundproof " blimp " to keep the noise of the camera from being recorded on the sound tape . A studio production as shown here usually has a sound crew of at least four men . Courtesy of Wilding , Inc.
Lip synchronization requires special equipment and a high degree of skill in the techniques involved in filming and sound recording , not to mention painstaking care in editing of both picture and sound .