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تصوير السفر
تخطيط صور السفر الخاصة بك
One of the basic differences between the collection of hit or miss snapshots . taken by the average novice on a vacation trip and the worthwhile picture story with sales possibilities made by a competent professional is in the degree of planning which went into the project . The planning should begin long before you start on the trip . Get together as much literature and other information as you can of the area you will visit .
Pre - planning is essential to this type of picture or picture story . All the normal considerations must be made , but in addition , equipment portability and effect of temperature on equipment and film enter into the planning of this picture . Nor mally , each type of picture or picture story being considered will have its own individual requirements .
Courtesy of Swiss Travel News Bureau
You can get literature from the various travel bureaus ( not travel agencies ) of the areas you intend to visit . For example , if you expect to take a trip to Mexico , the Mexican government operates travel bureaus not only in Mexico City itself , but in a number of leading cities of the United States , and they will all be very happy to provide you with a wide assortment of literature covering the specific areas you want to see . Vacation areas in the United States are usually centered around some city , and the Chamber of Commerce in any of these cities will send you , at your request , quite a bit of literature covering the area in which they function .
In addition to such literature , make it a point to get as much background information as you can by reading books and magazine articles . The books will give you a broad idea of the country and its people , and this is very important if you want to work up a true picture story which not only shows the external aspects , but interprets them for your audience . Some of the leading photographic magazines have regular columns of advice to the traveling photographer . These columns cover practically every country or area the tourist is likely to visit and you will find them an invaluable source of information .
This pre - planning will enable you to lay out your itinerary to take in the most interesting and photogenic spots on which you can concentrate your attention . Make full notes of all the pictures you should take and lay out a shooting script accordingly . This shooting script will , of course , be subject to considerable change when you get there , but it will serve as a nucleus around . which you can work . When you actually get to your destination , start with the shooting script , but take every opportunity to pick up additional information from local agencies and other people around you who might be in a position to know . When you go out with your camera , cultivate the habit of being aware of all picture possibilities around you . Look for the unusual subject , the different point of view , the interesting bit of local color . Watch particularly the people all around you . Can you see something which suggests a basic character or a universal relationship ? Try to get this into your pictures . Photograph people every chance you get people are more interesting than anything else if you portray them properly .
Make careful note of the lighting and the time you arrive at any particular location . It may be wrong for some shots you will want , and you may find it possible to come back later when the lighting is correct . Look for pattern not only in the general layout of the area , but in specific buildings , the streets themselves , and in the lighting . You can often improve a series of pictures considerably by using some basic pattern as a common denominator . Carry a notebook with you and jot down the technical data and make sufficiently detailed notes of every picture so that you can identify it later . This is very important if you expect to sell your pictures . Sometimes a picture may not be sold until years after you have taken it , and by that time your memory may be quite hazy ..
In each of these pictures , the low sun angle played an important role in the compositio The long shadows , the ski tracks , the shadowed mountain sides all aided in turning these ordinary pictures into outstanding photo graphs . Courtesy of Swiss National Tourist Bureau .
تصوير السفر
تخطيط صور السفر الخاصة بك
One of the basic differences between the collection of hit or miss snapshots . taken by the average novice on a vacation trip and the worthwhile picture story with sales possibilities made by a competent professional is in the degree of planning which went into the project . The planning should begin long before you start on the trip . Get together as much literature and other information as you can of the area you will visit .
Pre - planning is essential to this type of picture or picture story . All the normal considerations must be made , but in addition , equipment portability and effect of temperature on equipment and film enter into the planning of this picture . Nor mally , each type of picture or picture story being considered will have its own individual requirements .
Courtesy of Swiss Travel News Bureau
You can get literature from the various travel bureaus ( not travel agencies ) of the areas you intend to visit . For example , if you expect to take a trip to Mexico , the Mexican government operates travel bureaus not only in Mexico City itself , but in a number of leading cities of the United States , and they will all be very happy to provide you with a wide assortment of literature covering the specific areas you want to see . Vacation areas in the United States are usually centered around some city , and the Chamber of Commerce in any of these cities will send you , at your request , quite a bit of literature covering the area in which they function .
In addition to such literature , make it a point to get as much background information as you can by reading books and magazine articles . The books will give you a broad idea of the country and its people , and this is very important if you want to work up a true picture story which not only shows the external aspects , but interprets them for your audience . Some of the leading photographic magazines have regular columns of advice to the traveling photographer . These columns cover practically every country or area the tourist is likely to visit and you will find them an invaluable source of information .
This pre - planning will enable you to lay out your itinerary to take in the most interesting and photogenic spots on which you can concentrate your attention . Make full notes of all the pictures you should take and lay out a shooting script accordingly . This shooting script will , of course , be subject to considerable change when you get there , but it will serve as a nucleus around . which you can work . When you actually get to your destination , start with the shooting script , but take every opportunity to pick up additional information from local agencies and other people around you who might be in a position to know . When you go out with your camera , cultivate the habit of being aware of all picture possibilities around you . Look for the unusual subject , the different point of view , the interesting bit of local color . Watch particularly the people all around you . Can you see something which suggests a basic character or a universal relationship ? Try to get this into your pictures . Photograph people every chance you get people are more interesting than anything else if you portray them properly .
Make careful note of the lighting and the time you arrive at any particular location . It may be wrong for some shots you will want , and you may find it possible to come back later when the lighting is correct . Look for pattern not only in the general layout of the area , but in specific buildings , the streets themselves , and in the lighting . You can often improve a series of pictures considerably by using some basic pattern as a common denominator . Carry a notebook with you and jot down the technical data and make sufficiently detailed notes of every picture so that you can identify it later . This is very important if you expect to sell your pictures . Sometimes a picture may not be sold until years after you have taken it , and by that time your memory may be quite hazy ..
In each of these pictures , the low sun angle played an important role in the compositio The long shadows , the ski tracks , the shadowed mountain sides all aided in turning these ordinary pictures into outstanding photo graphs . Courtesy of Swiss National Tourist Bureau .